Chapter 65 – The art of offense and defense is unmatched

Fang Ling had always sensed a strange energy emanating from her, which is why he hid in the shadows and watched as the Green-Eyed Three-Legged Toad swallowed her whole, wanting to uncover the truth.

Now that he finally understood, he didn’t feel any regret.

Although Dou Qin saw him as a demon, he knew her nature well.

If there ever came a day when he needed her help, she would definitely lend a hand.

“I’ve told you everything you wanted to know.”

“Can you leave now?” Dou Qin muttered.

Hearing this, Fang Ling lingered, looking hesitant as if he had something to say.

“If you have something to say, just say it. This isn’t like you,” Dou Qin said.

Fang Ling: “I have a cultivation technique that requires your cooperation.”

Without hesitation, Dou Qin nodded, “Sure! What do you need me to do?”

Earlier in Misty Valley, although she had spoken harshly, she still owed Fang Ling a debt of gratitude.

Even though the Green-Eyed Three-Legged Toad couldn’t kill her, without Fang Ling slaying it, she didn’t know how long she would have been stuck inside that foul-smelling toad’s belly.

If she had to wait until the day she broke out, she would probably be thoroughly stinky.

Having received Fang Ling’s help repeatedly, she was eager to repay him.

Her desire to reform Fang Ling was also driven by her gratitude.

Now that he had finally asked for her help, she was even a bit happy, thinking she could finally do something meaningful.

Fang Ling took out a jade slip from his robe and handed it to her.

Dou Qin held the jade slip with one hand while protecting her chest with the other, reading the technique inscribed on it.

After a quick glance, Dou Qin was stunned, her mind buzzing.

Her pretty face turned redder than a ripe apple.

“This… this…” she stammered.

What Fang Ling had given her was a condensed version of the Nine Extremes Yin-Yang Technique.

She never expected that this guy would seriously invite her to dual cultivate.

Since his affair with Purple Bamboo, Fang Ling had fully matured.

However, he was very picky and wouldn’t cultivate with just anyone, but he found this woman before him quite pleasing.

Of course, she was also one of the few women he knew.

The reason for his abruptness was because her perfect figure in Misty Valley had aroused his desires.

His sudden visit was a pretense to ask about opportunities, but his true intention was to invite her to dual cultivate.

“Can… can I change my mind?” Dou Qin was almost in tears.

She cursed herself for being so foolish, agreeing so readily without even asking.

She was also a bit scared, worried that if she refused, Fang Ling might force her.

With her strength, she had no way to resist…

“Yes,” Fang Ling nodded calmly.

“Farewell!” He wasn’t surprised by the rejection.

After all, in Dou Qin’s eyes, he was nothing more than a heinous demon.

He was about to leave, but Dou Qin quickly called out, “Wait!”

“How about… I help you relax a bit?”

“I know you have your reasons.”

“But instead of cultivating this technique with you, I have my own methods.”

She didn’t know what came over her. One moment she was scared, but the next, when Fang Ling was about to leave, she impulsively spoke out to stop him.

She had lived for over five hundred years, and although she had never tried it…

She knew quite a lot.

The big club in Misty Valley had lingered in her mind for a long time.

She had wondered if it would break from being pent up.

Hearing her words, Fang Ling turned to look at her and nodded.

Dou Qin looked down at her feet, lost in thought…

After a long time, Fang Ling disappeared and returned to his bamboo house.

He hadn’t expected such an event, but it left him feeling oddly pleased.

After releasing his tension, his mind calmed down.

He sat cross-legged, focusing inward on his two regenerated Creation Bones.

The immortal arts derived from the Creation Bones had fully formed, and he began to comprehend them.

All the Divine Powers he had mastered so far were external techniques.

External techniques were those acquired from the outside world.

But the immortal arts evolved from these two Creation Bones were his internal techniques.

They matched perfectly with everything about him.

He didn’t even need to cultivate them; he could directly use the first layer of these immortal arts as if they were an extension of his will.

These two immortal arts, one offensive and one defensive, were extraordinary.

The defensive one could rebound an opponent’s attack tenfold.

This way, not only would he remain unscathed, but he could also potentially cause the opponent to kill themselves.

The offensive one was equally terrifying, a palm strike descending from the heavens.

When executed, it would rapidly absorb the surrounding spiritual energy, boosting his own spiritual power tenfold.

Using this tenfold power to unleash the strike, its might was unimaginable.

It could also harness the power of heaven and earth, making it impossible for the targeted opponent to dodge.

Even if they hid in a different or folded space, it would be useless; there was no escape.

Moreover, it could bypass any defensive Divine Power or treasure, directly attacking the target.

This strike would always hit and couldn’t be weakened, carrying the force of heaven and earth, seemingly capable of destroying everything!

And this was just the first layer of these two immortal arts; further cultivation would enhance them even more.

Fang Ling was ecstatic; these two immortal arts were beyond imagination, truly defying the heavens.

He named the defensive immortal art “Karmic Rebound.”

The offensive one he called “Hand of the Heavens.”

Taking a deep breath, he calmed his excited heart.

He then focused on studying the Creation Bones and these two supreme arts.

Unknowingly, the night passed.

When Tu Er came looking for him the next day, he finally ended his cultivation.

“Benefactor, when do you plan to set off?” Tu Er asked from outside.

Fang Ling didn’t answer his question but instead asked, “Where did Doctor Dou go?”

He had been cultivating and hadn’t noticed when Dou Qin left.

“At dawn,” Tu Er replied.

“Doctor Dou also left a message for you.”

“She said she would come back to see you and help cure your ailment.”

“She must have been referring to the Death Wish Curse, right?”

“She left in a hurry, and I didn’t have time to tell her that we planned to go to the Lan Clan tribe today, where someone can lift the curse. She just vanished in a flash…”

Fang Ling responded with a soft “hmm” and walked out of the room.

“Let’s set off now and try to reach the Lan Clan tribe as soon as possible,” he said.

“Got it!” Tu Er replied.

Dou Qin’s sudden departure didn’t faze Fang Ling; he never intended for her to stay by his side.

But at that moment, he couldn’t help but recall her delicate, fragrant hands…


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