Chapter 64 – Immortal Arts Sacred Bodhi

Dou Qin didn’t idle around either. She immediately took out a large jade bottle and began collecting the blood of the Green-Eyed Three-Legged Toad.

It had just been killed, and its demon blood still had detoxifying properties. Such a large Green-Eyed Three-Legged Toad would be more than enough.

Fang Ling also found something on the toad’s body—a bead emitting a faint white light.

However, he didn’t sense any strong vitality or surging spiritual energy from the bead, but it gave him a very ancient feeling.

He was about to ask Dou Qin if she recognized it.

But at that moment, the bead suddenly merged into his body.

Once inside, the bead transformed into an unknown white Qi, swirling around the two Treasure Bones in his chest.

These two bones had regrown after being dug out by someone. Over the years, they had been developing, and the patterns on them had become increasingly complex.

Although the Blood Eye had also been developing, it was more like a magical Divine Power. Even though it wasn’t fully developed, it could still be used.

But these two regenerated Creation Bones were nurturing supreme arts.

Only when they were fully developed could they be cultivated.

The white Qi from the bead quickly flowed into the Creation Bones, seemingly accelerating their growth.

The patterns on the Creation Bones became more complete and clearer, and the supreme Dao rhythm made Fang Ling’s heart and mind tremble.

Under the catalysis of this mystical energy, Fang Ling’s two Creation Bones fully formed!

Although he wasn’t sure how powerful these two Creation Arts were, just sensing their Dao rhythm made him feel they far surpassed everything he had learned so far.

Meanwhile, in the Taiyi Immortal Realm.

This Taiyi Immortal Realm was located beyond the Eight Regions and was the residence of the Longevity Lin family.

At this moment, Lin Langtian was bathing in the supreme mystical pool of the Lin clan.

He emitted a dazzling golden light, and his blood roared like thunder, containing an immense power.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes in pain.

“What’s going on?” He looked down at his chest.

In that instant, he felt a disturbance in his Creation Bone.

“Strange, this has never happened since the transplant.”

“But it should be fine…” he thought.

On the other side, in the Falling Flower World.

This Falling Flower World was a small world like the Taiyi Immortal Realm and was the residence of the Immortal Sacred Sect’s Flower Goddess Palace.

A woman sat cross-legged in a magnificent, large pink flower.

She was coldly beautiful, with a demeanor that seemed aloof and unyielding.

She also suddenly opened her eyes and looked down at her ample chest.

“Why does it hurt?” she murmured with a frown, “This has never happened before.”

“After all, it’s a transplanted bone; there will always be some anomalies…”

“I’ve already cultivated this Creation Immortal Art to the third level. Who would have thought I would be so compatible with this Creation Bone.”

“Neither that person from the Sword Pavilion nor the demoness from the Ye family is my match.”

“That brute from the Lin family is even less worth mentioning. I heard he hasn’t even mastered the second level of his Creation Immortal Art.”

“In the Longevity Dao Debate, I will be the champion.”

“In the Hundred Clans Battle, I will also lead the human race to the pinnacle!”

Meanwhile, Fang Ling and Dou Qin left the Misty Valley.

Tu Er and the others, who were guarding outside the valley, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“We’ve obtained the blood of the Green-Eyed Three-Legged Toad. Your Tu Clan tribe is saved,” Dou Qin said.

“And the demon beast has been slain, so there will be no more poison spreading.”

Upon hearing this, Tu Er and the others were overjoyed and repeatedly bowed in gratitude.

This Green-Eyed Three-Legged Toad was actually a great demon from the desolate place. It had offended the Lion God twenty thousand years ago and, after being severely injured, fled to the Miao Territory, eventually hiding in this Misty Valley.

It had been sleeping and healing here, sealing itself completely to avoid being discovered by its enemies.

Therefore, its poison hadn’t leaked out before, and the Tu Clan tribe had remained unaffected.

Recently, as its injuries healed, its body began to wake up automatically.

Its poison started to seep out bit by bit, leading to the subsequent events.

If Fang Ling and Dou Qin had arrived a bit later, the entire Tu Clan tribe would have been wiped out by the increasingly potent poison.

Back at the tribe’s altar, Dou Qin immediately distributed the Green-Eyed Three-Legged Toad’s blood to all the poisoned people.

After drinking a cup of demon blood, the poison in their bodies quickly dissolved.

Dou Qin then waved her hand, using healing spiritual energy to restore them.

In no time, the hundreds of sickly people were full of vitality again!

Seeing these people regain their health, Dou Qin was genuinely happy.

She greatly enjoyed the sense of accomplishment that came from healing and saving lives.

Back in her room, she took out a medicinal bath barrel from her storage ring.

Then she took out a large green porcelain bottle and poured it into the bath barrel.

In no time, the room was filled with a floral fragrance.

She was a person who loved cleanliness, so she always carried bathing supplies with her.

She then conjured a green flame in her palm and dipped her hand into the bathwater.

Soon, the room was filled with white steam.

The water was now warm, and everything was ready.

After some rustling, she slipped into the bath barrel, leaning back with a look of contentment.

Suddenly, just as she was relaxing, her body tensed up again.

She opened her eyes wide and looked ahead.

At some point, Fang Ling had appeared in the room.

“You scoundrel, how rude!” Her face turned red as she hurriedly covered her ample chest.

Fang Ling: “I’m curious about what kind of fortuitous encounters you’ve had over the years.”

“With your Realm, you were swallowed by a Green-Eyed Three-Legged Toad in the Alkaid Realm and still came out unscathed.”

Dou Qin: “I’ll be honest with you, I can’t give you this thing.”

“It has already merged with my heart.”

“Have you ever heard of the Holy Bodhi?”

Fang Ling shook his head.

Dou Qin continued: “People only know that when high-level Buddhist cultivators die, they leave behind precious relics.”

“But few know that some medical cultivators also leave behind something when they die.”

“This thing is called the Holy Bodhi, and it looks like a pill, but ordinary people can’t recognize it.”

“The reason the Holy Bodhi is not well-known is because it’s very difficult to form.”

“Beyond the Seven Realms of martial arts is the immortal realm.”

“But even within the immortal realm, there are differences in strength.”

“Entering the immortal realm is called the Jade Purity Realm, also known as the Jade Immortal.”

“Next is the Upper Purity Realm, where one is revered as an Upper Immortal.”

“Then there’s the Great Purity Realm, reaching this realm makes one a Great Immortal.”

“Buddhist cultivators in the immortal realm are known as Arhats, Bodhisattvas, and True Buddhas.”

“Buddhist relics can be formed at the first realm, Arhat.”

“But the Holy Bodhi of medical cultivators can only be formed at the third realm, Great Immortal.”

“The Holy Bodhi is the culmination of a Great Immortal medical cultivator’s lifetime of cultivation, including various medical techniques and pure healing power.”

“Since awakening the Holy Bodhi, my cultivation has been growing rapidly…”

Fang Ling: “You said awakening? This thing didn’t come from outside, but appeared in your body out of nowhere?”

“Exactly!” Dou Qin nodded.

“The Holy Bodhi cannot be sought, only awaited. It chooses its master on its own.”

“It only chooses medical cultivators; others can’t obtain it.”

“Perhaps I accumulated good deeds in my past life, so in this life, I was favored by the Holy Bodhi. It’s truly an honor.”

“So even if you kill me, you won’t get the Holy Bodhi. Even if I wanted to give it to you, I couldn’t.”


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