Chapter 62 – Poisonous Mist Green-eyed Three-legged Toad

Under Dou Qin’s treatment, the little boy named Huzi quickly improved.

Not only did his body stop convulsing, but his complexion also looked much better.

Seeing this, the old woman was overjoyed and tearfully kowtowed to Dou Qin in gratitude.

However, Dou Qin’s face remained serious as she said, “Don’t thank me just yet, ma’am.”

“I’ve only temporarily suppressed the toxins in his body; I haven’t completely neutralized them.”

“Toxins? Are you saying Huzi isn’t sick but poisoned?” Tu Er and his wife were shocked.

They had always thought the people in the tribe were suffering from some strange illness, but now Dou Qin was saying it was poisoning.

Dou Qin nodded slightly and said, “I’m certain it’s poisoning, but I’ve never seen this kind of toxin before, so I’m not confident in detoxifying it.”

“However…” She glanced at the bamboo house where Fang Ling was staying, “Never mind, I’ll give it a try first!”

She initially thought Fang Ling might have a solution, but decided not to trouble him.

Although she had never seen the toxin in Huzi’s body before, its virulence and strangeness were far less severe than the symptoms Miss Bai had.

She believed that with her current abilities, she should be able to succeed.

Hearing this, Tu Er knelt down with red eyes, “Doctor Dou, on behalf of my tribe, thank you.”

“This strange illness has been plaguing our tribe for a while now, and many have died.”

“We’ve invited some witch doctors before, but they were of no help.”

“If Fairy Dou can help cure us, you will be the great benefactor of our Tu Clan tribe!”

“Chief, please rise. Saving lives is a doctor’s duty; I will do my best,” Dou Qin said.

“Also, gather all the people in your tribe with similar symptoms together so I can treat them more conveniently.”

“Alright! I’ll get on it right away!” Tu Er responded.

Dou Qin walked to the bamboo house where Fang Ling was staying and stopped.

“Um… I’ll leave in a few days,” she mumbled softly.

“Let me cure the people here first.”

“Is that okay?”

But the person inside seemed to be asleep, as there was no response.

“If you don’t say anything, I’ll take it as your consent,” she said, then turned and left.

On the other side, Tu Er quickly gathered all the patients near the tribe’s altar.

There were quite a few patients, numbering in the hundreds, which explained his earlier distress.

The tribe’s population wasn’t large to begin with, and they couldn’t afford such a toll.

After carefully diagnosing them, Dou Qin confirmed that they were all poisoned by the same toxin.

After extracting the toxin, she went to a shed next to the altar and began to ponder.

Tu Er and the old chief waited anxiously nearby but didn’t dare disturb her.

Two hours later, Dou Qin came out.

Tu Er hurriedly stepped forward and asked nervously, “How is it?”

Dou Qin replied, “They are poisoned by the toxin carried by the Green-Eyed Three-Legged Toad.”

“Green-Eyed Three-Legged Toad? Old grandpa, have you heard of it?” Tu Er asked the old man beside him.

The old man shook his head, “Never heard of it. Why would our tribe’s people be poisoned by it out of nowhere?”

“Even if the Green-Eyed Three-Legged Toad wanted to harm people, why are only some poisoned?”

“Regardless, we finally have a clue,” Tu Er said solemnly.

“Doctor Dou, do you have a way to detoxify our tribe members?”

Dou Qin gently shook her head and said, “My spiritual power is good at healing internal and external injuries and boosting vitality, but not at detoxification…”

“However, I read in a medical book that detoxifying the Green-Eyed Three-Legged Toad is not difficult.”

“You just need to find its body and drink a small amount of its blood!”

“I suspect this Green-Eyed Three-Legged Toad is near your tribe. Do you have any clues?”

Tu Er and the others looked at each other in confusion.

Suddenly, Tu Er’s chubby son, Tu Shan, rolled his eyes and muttered, “Could it be Misty Mountain?”

“Right! How could I forget that place!” Tu Er slapped his forehead in frustration.

“Doctor Dou, to the east of our tribe, there’s a Misty Mountain.”

“When our Tu Clan tribe settled in this area, Misty Mountain was already there.”

“It’s a very eerie place, with thick miasma around it. The miasma is highly toxic, and anyone who goes in dies.”

“Maybe the toxin came from there.”

“Then take me there!” Dou Qin said.

The old grandpa frowned and advised, “No! That place is too toxic.”

Tu Er also looked worried and said, “Even if you can go in, Doctor Dou, we can’t. We can’t help you deal with the Green-Eyed Three-Legged Toad…”

“If something happens to you, it would be our fault.”

“Let’s forget about it. Tomorrow, I’ll go with Fang En Gong to the Lan Clan tribe.”

“Now that we know the source of the toxin, maybe the witch doctors of the Lan Clan tribe can help.”

“I may not be good at detoxification, but after practicing medicine for five hundred years, my body has a high resistance to toxins,” Dou Qin said calmly, “The miasma there shouldn’t be able to harm me.”

“Of course, if it proves too dangerous, I won’t take unnecessary risks and will come out immediately.”

“Several of the poisoned people in your tribe already have toxins invading their vital organs. If we don’t detoxify them soon, they might not last until tomorrow.”

“Chief Tu Er, please lead the way.”

“This…” Tu Er didn’t want his tribe members to die, but he felt bad about letting Dou Qin take the risk.

“How about asking Fang En Gong to come along?”

“Fang En Gong is quite powerful; he might be able to help you.”

Dou Qin said, “No need to call him; he doesn’t like to meddle in such matters.”

“Alright!” Tu Er nodded and led the way.

Before long, the group arrived outside Misty Valley to the east of the tribe.

The thick miasma outside the valley was like dense fog in autumn and winter.

Dou Qin waved her delicate hand, drawing a few strands of miasma to observe closely.

“Indeed, the Green-Eyed Three-Legged Toad is here!”

“The toxins in the miasma are the same as those in the poisoned people of your tribe.”

“However, the miasma contains a more concentrated toad toxin. The people were poisoned because the toad toxin in the miasma dispersed.”

“Recently, most of the poisoned people lived near here, right?”

“That’s right!” Tu Er nodded, “Our tribe has been settled here for over ten thousand years, and nothing like this has ever happened before, so we didn’t suspect Misty Valley. Who would have thought…”

“The toxicity of the miasma is indeed extraordinary. With your realm and physical bodies, you can’t withstand it,” she said.

“You should wait here. I’ll go in and explore.”

“Please be careful!” Tu Er and the others felt deeply ashamed.

Their strength was too weak, and they could only wait here helplessly.

Dou Qin strode forward and soon disappeared into the mist…


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