Chapter 55 – Stationed in River West County


Now that he had advanced to the Prenatal Realm, Oliver Sheng alone could annihilate those thousand Barbarian soldiers. This was a great opportunity.

The Barbarian army had fled, leaving behind a thousand stragglers. Naturally, Oliver intended to harvest a wave of Kill Points to quickly enhance his cultivation.

Wesley Hu, Zane Wang, and the others heard Oliver’s command not to steal his kills and to just surround the enemy. Though they didn’t understand why Oliver didn’t want them to take any kills, they followed orders. The cavalry charged forward, blocking the path of the thousand Barbarian soldiers.

Oliver plunged into the abandoned Barbarian soldiers, unleashing a massacre. His spear continuously reaped lives, and his Kill Points surged.

Seeing Oliver slaughtering like a god of death, many Barbarian soldiers dropped their weapons and fled.


How could Martial Disciples and Martial Artists resist an Innate expert?

The fleeing Barbarian soldiers were driven back by Wesley Hu, Zane Wang, and the others.

Oliver swept his spear, golden True Qi slicing through the air like a blade, instantly killing dozens of Barbarian soldiers with each strike.

A layer of blood fiend aura began to condense around him, like a blood-red mist enveloping his golden True Qi, making him appear both godlike and demonic.

Many Barbarian soldiers, terrified, knelt and begged for mercy, surrendering.

But Oliver didn’t understand their pleas. He slaughtered all thousand Barbarian soldiers without leaving a single prisoner.

Seeing Oliver’s immense bloodlust, Zane Wang and the others were terrified by the killing aura emanating from him.

“Colonel, could he be walking the path of slaughter?” Zane Wang swallowed nervously.

“Who would believe it? The Colonel used to be a scholar, a man of letters!” Wesley Hu couldn’t help but twitch his eyelids.

A scholar killing people so ruthlessly, without even blinking.

Those were a thousand Barbarian soldiers, slaughtered without a second thought.

The ground was littered with corpses, blood flowing like rivers. Oliver wiped the blood off his face, his iron spear dripping with blood.

The thousand Barbarian soldiers provided him with 3,467 Kill Points.

Oliver felt no burden in his heart for killing these Foreign Tribe Barbarian soldiers.

He glanced at the golden Light Screen:

Name: Oliver Sheng

Race: Human

Realm: Prenatal Early Stage (+)

Cultivation Methods: [Great Sun Heart Sutra (Small Accomplishment)] [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] (+) [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Great Accomplishment)] (Evolving) [Overlord Spear Technique (Small Accomplishment)]

Strength: 45,000 pounds

Talent: Sharpshooter

Kill Points:

System Upgradable (+)

Seeing his Kill Points exceed ten thousand, Oliver’s smile widened, harder to control than an AK.

Today alone, he had killed over two thousand Barbarian soldiers, amassing an unprecedented amount of Kill Points.

At the same time, he finally saw a change in his Golden Finger.

The system could be upgraded. Was it going to upgrade to a T1 version?

Could it be that the current version was T0?!

Oliver grinned. So it could upgrade like a game.

But why did it show upgradable only after his Kill Points exceeded ten thousand? Did it require consuming ten thousand Kill Points to upgrade?


Oliver decided not to upgrade. He found the current T0 version quite useful and didn’t see the need for an upgrade.

Putting the research aside for now, Oliver led his troops into the city.

Magistrate Chen and Cameron Guo had already opened the city gates to welcome them.

As for the bodies, horses, and supplies left behind by the fleeing Barbarian army, someone else would handle those. Oliver didn’t need to worry about it.

“Welcome, General Sheng. On behalf of all the people of River West County, I thank you for rescuing us and driving away the Barbarian army,” Magistrate Chen said sincerely, bowing.

This was a life-saving grace, and he represented the people of River West County in bowing to Oliver.

Oliver didn’t stop him, only saying, “This is the duty of us soldiers. No need for such courtesy.”

He deserved this grand gesture. If he hadn’t come with his Innate cultivation, River West County couldn’t have been saved.

Oliver led his troops into the city, receiving a warm welcome from the people of River West County. Without Oliver and his troops, they would have fallen under the Barbarian’s iron hooves.

Seeing the enthusiastic people lining the streets, Oliver felt deeply moved. Wearing bright armor, wielding weapons, and defending peace—this was what it meant to be a general, a soldier.

Amidst the people’s cheers, Oliver’s troops were led to the barracks by Magistrate Chen.

The city’s garrison was almost entirely wiped out, leaving only about two hundred wounded soldiers. Oliver’s troops temporarily took over the defense.

“General Sheng, please let your troops rest here for now. Tonight, I will host a banquet to celebrate your victory. I will report your merits to the court and request rewards for you,” Magistrate Chen said to Oliver.

Looking at Oliver’s youthful yet dignified face, he admired the young general.

“Alright, Magistrate Chen, you go ahead. My troops will take over the city defense for now,” Oliver nodded.

With the county’s soldiers gone, he had to take over the defense. The battle had just ended, and many matters needed Magistrate Chen to handle.

“Then I will accompany the General for a few drinks tonight,” Magistrate Chen said, clasping his hands in farewell.

Soothing the people, compensating the fallen soldiers, and arranging for the handling of the bodies—all these tasks required Magistrate Chen’s attention.

Oliver’s troops had two hundred casualties. The fallen soldiers could only be buried in River West County, while the wounded were sent for treatment.

Taking over the city defense, Oliver didn’t idle. He ordered Zane Wang to lead scouts to check if the Barbarian army had truly retreated. He also instructed Cameron Guo to lead five hundred men to take over the north wall, and Hunter Tang to lead a hundred men to guard the south gate.

He had Owen Hai lead a hundred soldiers to patrol the city, deterring troublemakers and maintaining peace in River West County.

Seeing Oliver’s strength, Magistrate Chen played a little trick, writing to the court and the garrison at Peace Pass, suggesting Oliver should defend River West County.

Oliver was inspecting the wounded camp, unaware of Magistrate Chen’s plans.

In the wounded camp, there were his injured soldiers and the county’s soldiers.



The wounded soldiers greeted Oliver.

“Soldiers, rest and receive treatment. I will ask Magistrate Chen to find more doctors for you. I hope you recover quickly so we can fight together again,” Oliver encouraged.

After comforting the wounded, Oliver saw a man lying on the ground, dressed in a Colonel’s uniform.

“Who is this?”

“General, this is our Colonel Felix Wu. He fought fiercely against two Barbarian Acquired experts and is now gravely injured,” a wounded soldier explained.

So he was the county’s Colonel. No wonder Oliver hadn’t seen him; he was on the brink of death.

Oliver took out a healing pill he had saved and fed it to Felix Wu.

Whether he could survive depended on his fate.

After inspecting the wounded camp, Oliver checked the captured warhorses. There were over three thousand intact warhorses, plus their two thousand, making five thousand—enough to form a cavalry unit.

But this was just Oliver’s thought. He was only a Colonel and could command only two thousand troops.

That night, a bonfire burned in the barracks. Magistrate Chen brought plenty of meat and wine to entertain Oliver’s troops.

“Magistrate Chen, no alcohol. Everyone, drink tea instead. Just eat and drink well,” Oliver wouldn’t let his troops drink. The battle had just ended, and they couldn’t afford to be careless.

“My mistake. We’ll drink next time. Everyone, eat meat,” Magistrate Chen immediately apologized.

It seemed Oliver was different from others. After a victory, he didn’t hold grand celebrations.

“General Sheng, our county’s soldiers have been decimated. Before the court sends reinforcements, we rely on you,” Magistrate Chen toasted Oliver with tea.

“This is my duty,” Oliver nodded.

Little did he know, Magistrate Chen had his own plans, wanting to keep Oliver here.

“I heard General Sheng was a scholar. Why did you switch from literature to martial arts?” Magistrate Chen asked.

Oliver glanced at the young Magistrate, around twenty-five or twenty-six years old. To become a county magistrate at such a young age, he must have either talent or connections.

“I always yearned for a life of battle, fighting foreign tribes. Studying was my father’s wish. After he passed, I joined the army,” Oliver lied without blinking.

Zane Wang, knowing Oliver was forcibly conscripted, couldn’t help but twitch his mouth.

“General Sheng, being an Innate expert at such a young age, your future is limitless,” Magistrate Chen praised.

Such a young Innate expert—he had only heard of them, never seen one.

“Not at all.”

The two chatted, getting to know each other better.

The celebration was simple—eating meat and drinking soup. Oliver didn’t allow alcohol.

In the following days, Oliver trained his troops. With fifteen hundred new recruits, training was essential to improve combat effectiveness.

Magistrate Chen was busy with post-war affairs.

One day, Oliver received orders from General Calvin Yang to temporarily guard River West County and not rush back.

Oliver didn’t think much of it. Zane Wang led scouts to patrol, confirming the Barbarian army had indeed retreated, indicating River West County could enjoy a period of peace.





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