Chapter 53 – Barbarian innate expert

Oliver Sheng couldn’t help but let out a long howl as he elevated his cultivation to the Prenatal Realm.

Breaking through to the Prenatal Realm felt like shattering a shackle within his body. He could now sense the spiritual energy between heaven and earth more acutely, and his speed of absorbing this energy had significantly increased.

Only by breaking through to the Prenatal Realm could one be considered a true martial arts expert. Now, he finally had some means of self-preservation.

With a smile on his lips, Oliver Sheng noted that the Barbarian Prenatal expert chasing them was still in pursuit. It seemed that person was courting death.

Once they had gained enough distance, Oliver Sheng reined in his horse.

His soldiers also stopped, following behind him.

Wesley Hu, Zane Wang, Hunter Tang, and the others were all visibly excited.

They knew it was time to counterattack. Being chased had been extremely frustrating for them.

Now that Oliver Sheng had broken through to the Prenatal Realm, it was their turn to strike back.

They were curious to see just how powerful Oliver had become after his breakthrough.

After all, their Colonel had been able to contend with Prenatal experts even while in the Postnatal Realm, where he was invincible. Now that he had broken through, they couldn’t imagine how strong he would be.

The soldiers stood on their horses, quietly watching the Barbarian army approach.

Seeing the Great Wei cavalry no longer fleeing, Xianyou smiled slightly.

Had they resigned themselves to their fate?

“Men, follow me to kill the enemy!” Xianyou shouted, leading a charge of three thousand cavalry.

Oliver Sheng simply raised his iron spear.

“Wait here. Once I kill that Prenatal expert, you can charge and surround those three thousand cavalry.”

With that, he spurred his horse forward.

With his spear in hand, Prenatal True Qi condensed around it, turning the iron spear into a dazzling golden weapon, radiating a brilliant light.

At that moment, the spear seemed to transform into a golden dragon. Oliver himself began to radiate True Qi, glowing like a blazing sun.

Xianyou immediately realized that Oliver Sheng was a Prenatal expert, which explained how he had easily defeated two thousand Barbarian cavalry.

Those two thousand had not died in vain.

Xianyou smiled, thinking that luring Oliver out might not have been the best idea. He had just broken through to the Prenatal Realm, while Xianyou was a seasoned Prenatal expert at the mid-peak stage, on the verge of breaking through to the late Prenatal stage.

Killing him? What a joke!

Unwilling to show weakness, Xianyou erupted with Prenatal True Qi and charged with his red halberd.

Both men leaped from their horses, briefly stepping through the air as they clashed.

Oliver Sheng struck with a vertical slash, using the Overlord Spear Technique—Thousand Jin!

With the force of a thousand jin, he cleaved through mountains and seas, unstoppable.

Xianyou’s red halberd, blazing with True Qi, also slashed towards Oliver.


The spear and halberd collided in mid-air, flashing like lightning and producing a deafening roar.

The terrifying True Qi surged like a tide, evaporating the moisture in the air.

The charging Barbarian army was so intimidated by the Prenatal True Qi that they dared not advance.

The True Qi fluctuations from a battle between Prenatal experts could kill ordinary martial artists.

After just one clash, Xianyou realized something was wrong. The overwhelming power was far beyond his own, sending him flying backward.

The impact nearly scattered his blood and True Essence, displacing his internal organs.

That strike didn’t feel like it came from a newly advanced Prenatal expert but rather from someone at the late Prenatal or Great Perfection stage.

“Overlord Spear Technique, Wild Dragon!”

Oliver Sheng’s spear danced like a golden dragon. Xianyou was the perfect sparring partner to help him quickly adapt to his newfound power.

Seeing Oliver Sheng’s aggressive approach, Xianyou had to give his all. He had thought Oliver would be an easy target, but he turned out to be a hidden expert.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Their battle stirred up sand and dust, like a storm.

From a distance, it looked like a golden and red light clashing.

The terrifying aura made Wesley Hu and the others watch from afar. No wonder Oliver had told them to wait before charging.

Charging now would be suicide, as the residual energy from the Prenatal experts’ battle could kill many lower-level cultivators.

Battles between Prenatal experts often disregarded the safety of those around them.

“The Colonel is so strong!” Hunter Tang exclaimed.

Just after his breakthrough, he was already overwhelming the Barbarian Prenatal expert.

“Could Colonel Sheng be the reincarnation of some ancient monster? His cultivation speed is too fast,” Owen Hai muttered.

They had never seen anyone cultivate so quickly.

“Even the direct disciples of the holy sects might only be on par with the Colonel,” Wesley Hu said.

A seventeen-year-old Prenatal martial artist was only heard of in the holy sects.

What were they doing at seventeen?

Still refining their bodies and just stepping into the Martial Disciple stage!

Watching Oliver Sheng’s imposing figure, Wesley Hu felt envious. He wondered if he would ever have the chance to break through to the Prenatal Realm.

After all, he had relied on a fourth-grade breakthrough pill to reach the Postnatal Realm. Breaking through to the Prenatal Realm seemed like a distant dream.


A spear strike left a long crack in the ground.

The more Xianyou fought, the more alarmed he became. This young man was too powerful. His body, having undergone the Prenatal transformation, was now bleeding from the force.

Clearly in the early Prenatal stage, Oliver felt like a Great Perfection expert.

“Overlord Spear Technique, Stabilize the Rivers and Mountains!”

Oliver unleashed another spear strike, its brilliance dominating the world.


Xianyou gave his all to block but was still pierced through the left shoulder.

His supposedly invulnerable Prenatal body was now bleeding profusely.

Had he known Oliver Sheng’s strength, he would never have volunteered to lead the troops against him.

Now he wanted to flee, but Oliver had him pinned down, unable to escape.

“Overlord Spear Technique, Stab Kidney!”

A spear thrust created a hole in Xianyou’s side, blood gushing out.

If Calvin Yang were here, he’d probably scold Oliver. Was there such a move in the Overlord Spear Technique?

“Too much! If you want to kill me, just do it. Why humiliate me?” Xianyou said in the Great Wei language, looking at the wound on his side.

He couldn’t win, couldn’t escape, and now he was being used as a sparring partner. Getting stabbed in the kidney was the last straw.

“Oops, my hand slipped!”

Oliver Sheng didn’t mean to; his hand just slipped and aimed at the kidney.

“Slipped, my ass!” Xianyou roared, swinging his halberd in anger.

But Oliver easily blocked it. The gap in their power was evident.

Oliver Sheng’s physical body far surpassed Xianyou’s. After breaking through to the Prenatal Realm, he felt he could even fight a Great Perfection expert.

Dealing with Xianyou, he was just using him to get familiar with his new power.

“Enough. I’ve gotten used to my strength. Time to send you off.”

Oliver Sheng decided to end it with one strike.

“Overlord Spear Technique, Heavenly Fire Burns the Plains!”

A spear thrust, like heavenly fire, incinerated everything.

Xianyou watched as his heart was shattered by the spear, blood trickling from his mouth as he slowly fell.

He couldn’t block that strike. If he had known, he would never have chased Oliver Sheng, only to lose his life in vain.

“Brothers, charge!” Wesley Hu ordered, seeing Oliver Sheng kill the Barbarian Prenatal expert. He led the cavalry in a charge.

Seeing their Prenatal expert fall, the Barbarian cavalry turned and fled, their formation in chaos.

After killing Xianyou, Oliver Sheng gained seventy Kill Points.

Ignoring Xianyou’s corpse, he leaped onto his horse and charged after the fleeing Barbarian cavalry.

The ordinary Barbarian soldiers were the main source of Kill Points. The more he killed, the more points he would earn.

Killing Xianyou only earned him seventy points, equivalent to killing seventy early-stage Martial Disciples.

The Barbarian cavalry’s formation was in disarray. Terrified by Oliver Sheng, they fled without resistance.

Oliver Sheng led his men in pursuit, slaughtering them like sheep, with little resistance.

The Barbarian cavalry left behind over two thousand corpses, with only about five hundred escaping.

In such situations, the slowest ones died.

After another victory, the newly recruited soldiers began to look at Oliver Sheng with admiration.

The entire cavalry unit had undergone a transformation, no longer resembling a new force.

“Leave some men to gather the horses. The rest, follow me,” Oliver Sheng commanded loudly.




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