Chapter 52 – Battle the Barbarian army, Innate

Cameron Guo led the troops up the city wall and took over the city defense.

“All of you, stand down and rest. My unit will defend the city now,” Cameron shouted to Magistrate Chen and the others.

“We can still fight!” Many soldiers refused, still able to lift their blades and fight.

Seeing the two to three hundred injured soldiers, Cameron sighed. Defending the city and killing the enemy was their belief.

Seeing this, he did not force them to retreat.

With Cameron leading five hundred men, they temporarily held off the Barbarian assault.

Oliver Sheng led the cavalry, intending to charge the Barbarian army from the rear and scatter them.

But the Barbarian scouts had already discovered them, and Kaden Yu dispatched two thousand Barbarian cavalry to exterminate them.

The cavalry from both sides met on the open plain, formed their lines, and began to charge and kill each other.

Without any extra words, the Barbarian cavalry wanted to annihilate Oliver’s unit, and Oliver’s unit wanted to kill the two thousand Barbarian cavalry.


The cavalry from both sides, with their iron steeds and fluttering battle flags, clashed directly.

Oliver, holding an iron spear, targeted the Barbarian cavalry leader and charged at him.

“Overlord Spear Technique, Wild Dragon!”

The iron spear in his hand was like a fierce wild dragon, striking towards the Barbarian cavalry leader.

Seeing Oliver’s powerful and fierce attack, the Barbarian leader was terrified. He had thought that the leader of the fifteen hundred Great Wei cavalry wouldn’t be that strong, but he didn’t know it was Oliver Sheng.

Xianyou unleashed all his strength, wielding his long spear to resist.


With one move, Xianyou was sent flying, his internal organs shattered and he died.

A mere late-stage Postnatal Martial Artist, how could he withstand a single move from Oliver?

With one spear, Oliver killed the Barbarian leader and began a killing spree. The Overlord Spear Technique, like a deadly phantom, pierced through the Barbarian cavalry formation.


Wesley Hu, Zane Wang, Hunter Tang, Owen Hai, and others followed behind him, charging into the enemy cavalry formation like fierce tigers.

With Oliver leading the charge, the fifteen hundred cavalrymen were unstoppable, directly shattering the Barbarian cavalry.

In just one charge, they annihilated the Barbarian cavalry, leaving no survivors.

Oliver alone killed three to four hundred Barbarian cavalry. Wesley, Zane, Hunter, and the others were also strong, and with the advantage not being too great, they crushed the enemy.

Mainly, Oliver was too powerful. His strength was comparable to an Innate expert, and killing the Barbarian cavalry leader with one move directly decided the battle’s outcome.

The air was filled with the smell of blood, and the ground was littered with corpses. Inevitably, some of Oliver’s soldiers also died, with dozens of cavalrymen falling.

After all, many were new recruits, and their riding skills and strength were not strong enough, so casualties were unavoidable.

Oliver continued to lead his men in the charge, not stopping.

“Bad news, young prince, our cavalry was wiped out by the Wei cavalry in one charge,” a panicked scout reported.


Kaden Yu jumped up from his tiger-skin seat.

“What did you say?”

He couldn’t believe what he heard. Kaden found it absurd.

Two thousand Barbarian cavalry were wiped out by fifteen hundred Wei cavalry. Could it be that the real elite cavalry of Great Wei had arrived?

“The enemy leader is too strong. Xianyou was killed by the enemy leader in one move, and then our cavalry was slaughtered,” the scout reported.

“Shall I lead a team to destroy this cavalry?” Xianyou suggested.

He was an Innate Martial Artist who protected Kaden closely. No matter how strong the Wei leader was, he couldn’t be Innate.

When they attacked River West County, the spies had already gathered information. The Great Wei court was unstable, and the garrison at Peace Pass had fought a great battle with the Huns, leaving them with little strength to reinforce River West County.

This was why they dared to attack River West County with thirty thousand troops.

“Then I’ll trouble Uncle Xianyou to lead three thousand cavalry to destroy River West County’s last hope,” Kaden nodded.

For this expedition, he brought three Innate Martial Artists, which was enough to crush River West County.

“Yes, young prince!” Xianyou led three thousand cavalry towards Oliver’s unit.

Sensing the presence of an Innate expert, Oliver led his troops and fled, not engaging directly.

One chased, one fled, and they ran far away.

It wasn’t that Oliver didn’t dare to face the Innate expert, but his fifteen hundred cavalry were at a disadvantage against three thousand Barbarian cavalry.

A direct clash would result in heavy casualties.

Xianyou led three thousand cavalry, chasing after Oliver’s unit.

In his view, this Wei cavalry could be easily destroyed.

But Oliver wanted to lure this hungry wolf out. There were three Innate experts in the Barbarian army, and even if he broke through to the Innate realm, it wouldn’t be easy to deal with them.

Luring one out and killing them separately was Oliver’s plan.

At this moment, to kill this Innate expert, Oliver no longer hid his strength and directly allocated points to enhance his cultivation.

Name: Oliver Sheng

Race: Human

Realm: Postnatal Limit (+)

Cultivation Method: [Great Sun Heart Sutra (Small Accomplishment)] [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] (+) [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Great Accomplishment)] (Deduction) [Overlord Spear Technique (Small Accomplishment)]

Strength: 35,000 pounds

Talent: Sharpshooter

Kill Points: 9450

Previously, he had 8200 Kill Points, and now he had 9300 Kill Points.

Just now, by annihilating a two-thousand-strong Barbarian cavalry, he killed three to four hundred men, gaining 1250 Kill Points.

Without hesitation, he allocated points to enhance his cultivation, consuming 1000 Kill Points. A powerful force surged within him, strengthening his flesh and bones.

This force was stronger and fiercer than usual.

Oliver didn’t expect that breaking through from the Postnatal Limit to the Innate realm would consume 1000 Kill Points instead of 500.

A powerful force erupted within him, quickly elevating his realm to the Innate stage.

His flesh, bones, muscles, and True Essence all underwent continuous transformation.

Innate, Innate, from postnatal to prenatal, from mortal to saint, transcending the ordinary, reversing the innate.

This was a fundamental transformation. Stepping into the Innate realm, shedding the mortal body, was the true beginning of martial arts.

His True Essence also transformed into Innate True Essence, his physique grew several times stronger, and his vitality was as abundant as a dragon.

This transformation was extraordinary, as if shedding the mortal body.

Wesley and the others watched the changes in Oliver’s aura, their expressions shocked.

Was he getting stronger?!

Sensing the traces of Innate energy, they were unsettled. Could he really break through to the Innate realm while running?

They felt like they were witnessing something unbelievable. Oliver easily broke through to the Innate realm, as simple as eating or drinking.

This scene had a huge impact on them.

Oliver silently felt the changes brought by breaking through to the Innate realm.

Name: Oliver Sheng

Race: Human

Realm: Early Innate (+)

Cultivation Method: [Great Sun Heart Sutra (Small Accomplishment)] [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] (+) [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Great Accomplishment)] (Deduction) [Overlord Spear Technique (Small Accomplishment)]

Strength: 45,000 pounds

Talent: Sharpshooter

Kill Points: 8450

His cultivation broke through to the early Innate stage, and his strength increased to 45,000 pounds, comparable to a Great Perfection Innate expert.

At the same time, the transformation of Innate True Essence, blood, and physique was far stronger than the Postnatal realm.

In the Postnatal realm, his vitality was like a dragon; now, it was like smoke rising to the sky.

His physique was incredibly strong, his blood and vitality abundant, and every inch of his flesh was filled with power.

At the same time, Innate True Essence could be released, greatly enhancing his destructive power and strength.

These were the changes brought by breaking through to the Innate realm.




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