Chapter 50 – River West County


The wind from the Northern Frontier carried a bone-chilling cold.

The battle at Peace Pass had ended, but the General Who Guards the North at Deny North Pass continued to resist the 300,000-strong Hun army, refusing to retreat even a single step, still locked in a bloody struggle.

The Qi Mountain Fortress had been breached by the Right Wise King of the Huns, and 100,000 Hun cavalry had swept south, trampling the lands of Yan, Qi, and Deng provinces.

The fall of the three provinces led to women being taken by the Hun army, countless elderly, weak, sick, and disabled being slaughtered, and able-bodied men being captured as slaves.

A massive wave of refugees fled south, and countless treasures, food, and supplies were looted by the Hun army, leaving the land in utter devastation.

The fall of the three provinces caused an uproar throughout the Great Wei Dynasty.

Countless scholars and officials cursed the court for its inaction and accused the frontier generals of cowardice and corruption.

Jin Daorong, the commander of the garrison at Qi Mountain Fortress, was dismissed from his post due to the overwhelming public outcry.

The Second Prince, who was overseeing the kingdom, had not anticipated the severity of the situation. The fall of the three provinces brought immense pressure and criticism upon him.

In desperation, the Second Prince ordered General Li to lead a 200,000-strong army north to drive out the Huns.

With General Li, the Second Prince’s greatest supporter, leading the northern campaign, the political situation in Luo Capital became even more turbulent, and the Second Prince found it increasingly difficult to manage.

The changes in the capital had significant repercussions on the frontier.

Calvin Yang’s request for compensation had yet to receive a response.

The General Who Guards the North’s request for reinforcements was also put on hold.

The Peace Army, having been tempered by the fires of war, continued to recruit and train soldiers, slowly regaining its strength.

One day, a letter requesting aid arrived in Calvin Yang’s hands.

Two hundred miles west of Peace Pass lay a county named River West.

The northwesternmost county of the Great Wei Dynasty, River West County bordered the River West Grasslands to the northwest. Once part of the Great Wei’s River West Prefecture, it had been seized by the Barbarian tribes, leaving only the county town, which was renamed River West County.

The letter in Calvin Yang’s hand was a plea for help from River West County.

A 30,000-strong Barbarian army was at the gates, and half of the 2,000-strong garrison in River West County had already perished. The county was in dire straits, and the County Magistrate was urgently requesting reinforcements from the Peace Army.

Calvin Yang showed the letter to his five Assistant Generals.

After reading it, their expressions turned grave.

“This truly is a time of turmoil!” Elliott Sun sighed.

The entire Northern Frontier was ablaze with war, and there was no place of peace.

“Scouts report that the Left Wise King’s army has retreated twenty kilometers but has not returned to the depths of the grasslands. It seems they still covet Peace Pass,” Declan Li said.

Currently, Peace Pass was manned by mostly new recruits. If the Left Wise King returned, the pressure would only increase.

Being a frontier army, neglected and unsupported, was the hardest position. They had the duty to defend the land but were often ignored and abandoned by the court. They couldn’t retreat and could only defend with their lives.

Now, the Peace Army was very dissatisfied with the court and harbored many grievances.

“What do you think we should do? Who should we send to reinforce them?” Calvin Yang asked his Assistant Generals.

Edward Zhao and Elliott Sun exchanged glances.

They all needed to stay and defend Peace Pass, so they could only send their subordinates.

But among their subordinates, few were capable of taking charge independently.

“How about sending Oliver Sheng? His strength is comparable to an Innate expert. He should be able to hold off the Barbarian tribes, especially since it’s not one of their major tribes,” Elliott Sun suggested.

Among the Colonels, Oliver Sheng was currently the strongest and had some skill in leading troops.

“Indeed, I also recommend Oliver Sheng. He’s a natural at warfare and a battle enthusiast. He’ll definitely be willing to go,” Edward Zhao agreed.

“In that case, we’ll have to send him. Gather the soldiers and fill his ranks. Have him depart immediately to reinforce River West County,” Calvin Yang ordered.

Soon, Oliver Sheng received the military order.

“What? Our battalion is to reinforce River West County?” Oliver Sheng looked at the messenger, thinking he had misheard.

Their battalion only had 300 men and wasn’t even fully formed. How could 300 men reinforce River West County?

“General’s orders: prioritize filling your battalion’s ranks. Colonel Sheng, you are to lead the troops and depart immediately to reinforce River West County,” the messenger said.

Oliver Sheng breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that his battalion would be filled.

If he had to take just 300 men to reinforce, it would be a death sentence.

He immediately ordered the assembly of his troops. His 300 soldiers quickly gathered.

“Colonel, is there a battle?” Cameron Guo asked.

“Yes, we have orders. River West County is under attack by a Barbarian army. General Yang has ordered our unit to reinforce them,” Oliver Sheng announced loudly.

“Colonel, are you sure about the orders?” Wesley Hu questioned, full of doubt.

Their battalion only had 300 men. How could they reinforce?

“No mistake. An additional 1,700 soldiers will be added to our ranks,” Oliver Sheng explained.

Hearing his explanation, everyone was relieved of their doubts.

“Move out!”

Oliver Sheng led his troops to the parade ground, where Calvin Yang had already assembled the reinforcements: 2,000 warhorses and 1,700 soldiers.

“Reporting to the General, my unit has assembled as ordered,” Oliver Sheng reported to Calvin Yang.

Elliott Sun and Edward Zhao stood behind Calvin Yang.

Calvin Yang looked at Oliver Sheng. “River West County is in urgent need. I am giving you 2,000 soldiers. You must lead them swiftly to reinforce the county. Do not let the Barbarians breach River West County and advance south. Can you do it?”

“I swear to defend our land and drive out the invaders,” Oliver Sheng declared loudly.

“Good, I await your good news!”

Calvin Yang nodded with a smile.

“Mount up!” Oliver Sheng ordered immediately.

The 2,000 soldiers mounted their horses, and Oliver Sheng waved the battle flag.

“Move out!”

He led the 2,000 cavalry, without delay, out of Peace Pass, heading swiftly towards River West County.

Watching Oliver Sheng lead his troops away, Calvin Yang saw them off.

Now, he and his Assistant Generals couldn’t leave Peace Pass, so they had to place their hopes for reinforcing River West County on Oliver Sheng.

They also wanted to see if Oliver Sheng could create a miracle.

It was a desperate measure, as they couldn’t spare elite troops to reinforce River West County.

The 30,000-strong Barbarian army would surely have Innate experts.

For Oliver Sheng, this was a challenge.

Moreover, the 1,700 reinforcements were new recruits who had never trained together. Oliver Sheng himself was full of apprehension.

But River West County couldn’t be abandoned. If the Barbarians breached River West County, Yong Prefecture would face the Barbarian cavalry.

If the Barbarians attacked behind Peace Pass and coordinated with the Hun army, it would be even more deadly.

At River West County, all four gates were tightly shut, and the Barbarian army was at the walls.

Last night, the Barbarian army launched a probing attack with just 2,000 men, causing over 500 casualties among the defenders.

To request aid, the County Magistrate and the garrison Colonel had doubled the reported casualties.

Today, the Barbarian army continued their assault, with 3,000 men attacking the walls.

The defenders fought valiantly, pouring stones and hot oil to repel the attackers.

The County Magistrate and the garrison Colonel wielded swords and fought on the walls.

With the County Magistrate and Colonel leading, the 2,000 county soldiers did not retreat and fought bravely.

Responding to the Magistrate’s call, warriors and able-bodied men from within the town also joined the defense on the walls.

“Soldiers, hold the line! Reinforcements from the Peace Army will arrive soon. Victory will be ours!” Magistrate Chen shouted to boost morale.

With 30,000 Barbarian troops invading, they couldn’t hold out without reinforcements.

Watching the Wei soldiers’ tenacious defense, Kaden Yu’s lips curled into a mocking smile, as if toying with prey.

“Young master, why not press the attack and take River West County, looting all its wealth?” an elder beside him asked.

“Uncle Xianyou, killing prey with a single strike lacks pleasure. We must enjoy the hunt.

We must savor the Wei people’s resistance, then watch them slowly fall into despair. We must relish their expressions of hopelessness. Only then will we feel the thrill of conquest,” Kaden Yu said with a smile.

They were from the Xianyu Tribe of the Barbarian clans, a major tribe occupying the River West Grasslands.

This invasion was Kaden Yu’s opportunity to lead 30,000 troops south to attack River West County.

Hearing Kaden Yu’s words, Xianyou fell silent.

Otherwise, with the current garrison, he, an Innate expert, could easily take River West County.

“Send another 3,000 men. I want these Wei people to know true despair,” Kaden Yu ordered.




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