Chapter 48 – Colonel Sheng

At night, Peace City was bustling with activity as the residents celebrated their victory.


The House of Joy had also reopened, and many people gathered there to drink and make merry.


"With lofty ambitions, we feast on the flesh of the Huns when hungry, and drink their blood when thirsty! That Colonel Sheng is truly a man of great spirit, brave in battle and eloquent in words."


"Indeed, that line of poetry is so bold and full of vigor. To laugh and drink the blood of the Huns—what a spirited declaration."


"Let me tell you, that Colonel Sheng is my neighbor. He used to be a scholar."


"Brother, do tell us more!"


"To have a flying general in Dragon City, no Huns would dare cross An Mountain. This line of poetry perfectly encapsulates the determination and resolve of the Peace Army. It is a true reflection of their spirit."


Inside the House of Joy, most people were discussing the day's great battle and the two lines of poetry composed by Oliver Sheng.


Oliver Sheng's fame spread widely throughout Peace City.



Wang Xuan looked at Calvin Yang, who was clad in golden armor, and sighed, "Brother Yang, if you had focused solely on martial arts and not been burdened by military duties, you might have already broken through to the Great Grandmaster level. Do you regret your choice?"


"I have never regretted it. You know, I grew up on the border. I learned these martial skills to defend the border and protect the peace of the common people," Calvin said with a determined gaze.


"Just like you, Brother Wang, who grew up in the martial world, yearning for the freedom and vengeance it offers."


"Unfortunately, I don't have your talent. Otherwise, I would have broken through to Great Grandmaster long ago and established my own sect," Wang Xuan said.


"You, a Grandmaster, wanting to establish a sect—many would break their heads trying to learn from you," Calvin said with a smile.


"Alright, our deal is done. Shouldn't you settle the payment now?" Wang Xuan said with a smile.


"I really don't understand you. What do you want with a spear technique when you practice fist techniques?" Calvin handed the Overlord Spear Technique to Wang Xuan.


Calvin had invited Wang Xuan to help guard Peace Pass, with the payment being the Overlord Spear Technique.


"You don't understand. Spear techniques and fist techniques aren't that different. I want to study your spear technique to see if I can make a breakthrough," Wang Xuan explained.


The two had met by chance in their youth and traveled the martial world together. By a stroke of luck, they both obtained legacies.


Calvin received the Overlord Spear Technique, while Wang Xuan obtained the Thunder Fist Technique.


"Well, I hope you gain something from it," Calvin said with a smile.


"Alright, I've got my payment. Farewell. I hope you're still alive the next time we meet," Wang Xuan said, leaving with a carefree stride.



At night, Oliver Sheng sat cross-legged on his bed.


He had killed countless enemies during the day, earning a large amount of Kill Points.


Name: Oliver Sheng


Race: Human


Realm: Acquired Limit (+)


Cultivation Method: [Great Sun Heart Sutra (Small Accomplishment)] [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] (+) [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Great Accomplishment)] (Deduction) [Overlord Spear Technique (Small Accomplishment)]


Strength: 35,000 pounds


Talent: Sharpshooter


Kill Points: 8200


Including the Kill Points he had before, he now had over 8000 Kill Points.


Killing countless enemies during the day had earned him 4000 Kill Points, a bountiful harvest.


Looking at the large number of Kill Points, Oliver decided not to allocate points to improve his cultivation for now.


He would save them and wait for the right moment to improve his cultivation, letting it happen naturally.


Breaking through to the Prenatal Realm now would be too conspicuous.


A seventeen-year-old Innate Martial Artist was rare in the entire Great Wei.


Not to mention that it had been less than a month since he started practicing martial arts. If someone with ill intentions noticed, it could lead to big trouble.


As the war ended, Peace Pass gradually returned to normal.


The Huns' army had retreated, and the heavy pressure of war had lifted.


However, the Peace Army did not relax. Although the war had temporarily ended, they still needed to apply for pensions for the fallen soldiers from the court.


They also needed to recruit new soldiers, train the army, and restore the defensive forces.


The Huns' army could attack again at any time.


On this day, Oliver Sheng was promoted to Colonel.


Although he was promoted, he only had the three hundred cavalrymen who had followed him to the grasslands and returned alive.


"Colonel, congratulations!" Cameron Guo said, congratulating him.


"Indeed, you're a Colonel now. It seems you're not far from becoming a general," Zane Wang said with a smile, genuinely happy for Oliver.


"Colonel, congratulations!"


Hunter Tang, Owen Hai, and others also congratulated Oliver.


Cameron Guo and Wesley Hu had enough cultivation and military merit, but there were limited Colonel positions in the Peace Army, so they didn't get promoted.


Even Oliver's Colonel position seemed to be unofficial.


The Peace Army was supposed to have a strength of fifty thousand, with twenty-five Colonel positions.


But they could only form an army of thirty thousand, so there were only fifteen Colonel positions.


Oliver was not among these fifteen Colonels. His unit, with only three hundred soldiers, had not yet been formally organized.


It was just a nominal title for now.


"Colonel, today is your promotion, and our unit is on leave. How about we go to the House of Joy? My treat," Cameron Guo said loudly.


"Yes, Colonel Sheng, you should treat us to some fun now that you've been promoted," Zane Wang said with a smile.


"Hey, didn't you promise to treat me to a drink after the war? Why are you asking me to treat you now?" Oliver looked at Zane Wang, speechless.


"That won't do. You're the Colonel now, so you should treat us. Brothers, don't you agree?" Zane Wang shouted.




The soldiers under his command cheered, very happy.


"Alright, tonight at the House of Joy, my treat," Oliver agreed, not wanting to spoil the mood.


"Brother Guo, I'll treat tonight. You can treat the brothers next time," Oliver said to Cameron Guo.


"Sure, no problem!" Cameron Guo agreed readily.


In the evening, their unit changed into casual clothes and went to the House of Joy.


Seeing a large group of over three hundred people, the brothel keeper of the House of Joy thought someone was coming to attack them and was scared out of her wits.


"Old lady, arrange everything for our brothers, or you'll answer to me," Cameron Guo said.


The brothel keeper, seeing it was Cameron Guo, Wesley Hu, and others, breathed a sigh of relief, realizing they were military men.


"Officers, please come in. Girls, come and entertain the guests," the brothel keeper said with a smile.


She couldn't afford to offend so many officers, nor could the people behind her.


After all, this was Peace Pass, the territory of the Peace Army.


"Bring your top courtesan, Miss Hua Yue, to accompany our Colonel," Cameron Guo added.


"Yes, I'll go get Miss Hua right away," the brothel keeper said, not daring to refuse.


As Oliver and his group entered the House of Joy, many people turned to look.


"Who are they?"


"They look like Peace Army soldiers."


"I know, I know. That young leader is the one who composed the lines about feasting on Hun flesh and drinking their blood—Colonel Sheng."


"I was there when he killed enemies outside the city and composed the poem on the spot."


"No, didn't you hear? Colonel Sheng has been promoted to Colonel Sheng."


"So young!"


"A Colonel at such a young age, and a poet too. Truly a man of both literary and martial talents."


"And he's quite handsome. At first glance, I thought he was a young master from a wealthy family."


People whispered as they watched Oliver and his group.


Entering the House of Joy, Oliver and his group went straight to the second floor. With over three hundred people, they filled the entire second floor.


The third floor was the girls' quarters, where guests could stay overnight. (You know what that means.)


The first floor had a stage surrounded by many tables.


The House of Joy had three floors, which was not small for Peace Pass.


Of course, it couldn't compare to the state capital or Luo Capital.


On the stage, scantily clad dancers performed to the accompaniment of musical instruments.


After Oliver and his group sat down, the waiters quickly brought wine and food.


The brothel keeper also arranged for the girls to accompany them, three girls per table.


Having one girl per person was unrealistic, as the House of Joy didn't have over three hundred girls.


The top courtesan, Hua Yue, dressed in a light, sheer gown, walked gracefully over. She was indeed quite beautiful.


With fair skin and an oval face, she had a certain charm that made it clear why Cameron Guo and the others were so fond of her.


"Greetings, generals," Hua Yue said, bowing before sitting next to Oliver and pouring wine for him and the others.


Oliver raised his cup, "Brothers, the first toast is to our fallen comrades."


The soldiers raised their cups.


"To our fallen comrades!"


They drank deeply, the aura of killing intent they inadvertently released making the girls tremble.


"What are you doing, scaring the girls like that?" Oliver said, exasperated.


The soldiers quickly restrained their aura, no longer looking so serious.


"Drink up! Tonight, we won't leave until we're drunk," Oliver shouted.


"Until we're drunk!"


The soldiers began drinking.


After a few cups, everyone relaxed and started playing drinking games with the girls.


"Miss Hua, you must take good care of Colonel Sheng. This is his first time here," Zane Wang said with a smile.


"It's my honor to meet Colonel Sheng. Colonel Sheng, I toast to you," Hua Yue said, leaning closer to Oliver.




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