Chapter 47 – Grandmaster dies, defeated and retreats

Wang Xuan’s iron fists forcefully suppressed two Hun Grandmasters.

His punches were fierce and unstoppable, a testament to his mastery of martial arts.

Facing Wang Xuan’s ferocious fist intent, the two Hun Grandmasters could only join forces to resist.

With Wang Xuan holding off the two Hun Grandmasters, Calvin Yang relentlessly pushed back the other Hun Grandmaster.


The Overlord Spear Technique was domineering and fierce, sending the Hun Grandmaster flying with a single strike.


The Hun Grandmaster coughed up blood from the blow.

It took two of them to barely handle Calvin Yang, but now facing him alone, they were completely outmatched.

Watching the newly arrived Grandmaster, fighting two opponents with his iron fists, and seeing another Grandmaster being beaten to the point of spitting blood by Calvin Yang, the Left Wise King’s face turned ashen.

He had thought victory was certain, that Peace Pass would be theirs, but now an unexpected turn of events had occurred.

“Damn it.”

The Left Wise King cursed. Had he known this, he would have requested two more Grandmasters.

Calvin Yang, seizing the advantage, mercilessly attacked, determined to kill a Hun Grandmaster today.

In his hands, the Overlord Spear Technique was sharp and domineering, the Hun Grandmaster unable to withstand its fierce power.

“Help me!”

The Grandmaster cried out for help.

However, the other two Grandmasters were tightly held by Wang Xuan and couldn’t break free to assist.

“No one can save you today,” Calvin Yang’s eyes flashed with killing intent.

After dozens of exchanges, Calvin Yang’s spear pierced the Hun Grandmaster in mid-air.

The fierce energy surged through the heavens and earth as a Martial Arts Grandmaster was slain in the sky.

Countless people looked up, stunned by the scene. At this moment, Calvin Yang seemed like an invincible sun, unparalleled.

A Grandmaster, capable of founding a sect, was killed on the battlefield, shocking countless people.

The other two Hun Grandmasters, seeing this, abandoned their fight with Wang Xuan and fled back to the Hun army, fearing Calvin Yang would intercept them.

Wang Xuan did not forcefully stop the two fleeing Grandmasters.


Calvin Yang shouted, shaking the heavens and earth. The body of the slain Grandmaster was thrown into the Hun army, causing chaos.

The death of a Grandmaster shattered the morale of countless Hun soldiers.

The flight of the two Grandmasters further lowered the fighting spirit of the Hun soldiers to the freezing point.

Calvin Yang stepped into the charging Hun army, wielding the Overlord Spear Technique, killing dozens of Hun soldiers with a single strike.

A Grandmaster’s supreme cultivation was an unparalleled killing machine in the enemy ranks.

With Wang Xuan’s assistance in intimidating the enemy, Calvin Yang began a massacre.

Seeing Calvin Yang enter the charging army, the Left Wise King quickly ordered a retreat.

He feared Calvin Yang would charge into his command camp and kill him.

He was not a Grandmaster, merely at the peak of Innate. If Calvin Yang attacked his camp, he would be in grave danger.

The Hun army retreated, and the Innate experts fled, fearing Calvin Yang would block their escape.

Xiu Tuyao also abandoned his attempt to kill Oliver Sheng and began to flee.

“Kill, brothers, don’t let them escape,” General Edward Zhao shouted loudly.

“Follow me to kill the enemy!”

Elliott Sun also leaped off the city wall, chasing the fleeing Hun army.

After enduring for so long, the Peace Pass garrison finally launched a counterattack.

The Hun soldiers who had climbed the walls were quickly slaughtered.

Oliver Sheng also leaped off the wall, pursuing the fleeing Hun army.

The garrison on the walls, the garrison inside the city, and the residents who had come to defend the city all followed, chasing the Hun army beyond the pass.

With the death of the Hun Grandmaster, the morale of the Peace Pass garrison soared to its peak.

Everyone charged out, pursuing the fleeing Hun army without hesitation.


Calvin Yang struck, killing a Hun Innate expert with a single blow.

The other Hun Innate experts, seeing this, ran even faster.

At this moment, they cursed their parents for not giving them more legs, feeling they were running too slowly.

Calvin Yang, now unrestrained, quickly killed four Hun Innate experts.

Of the seven Innate experts who had climbed the walls, only three escaped.

Edward Zhao, Elliott Sun, Declan Li, Oliver Sheng, and other experts chased the fleeing Hun army.

Their killing power was terrifying. Without Innate or Grandmaster experts to counter them, the twenty to thirty thousand Hun soldiers attacking the city were slaughtered.

After the battle, the battlefield beyond the pass was littered with corpses.

The Hun army retreated twenty kilometers.

Calvin Yang did not lead his army to continue the pursuit into the grasslands.

Had he not invited strong reinforcements in advance, Peace Pass might not have held.

The Huns left behind twenty to thirty thousand corpses as they fled, and the garrison on the walls cheered.

“We won!”


“Great victory!”

“Victory, we held the pass.”

“Hahaha, we finally repelled the Huns…”

Laughing, many of the Peace Pass garrison began to cry.

The Hun army, excluding the logistics troops, had invested nearly two hundred thousand soldiers.

To hold Peace Pass, the Peace Army had paid a heavy price.

Now, the true Peace Pass garrison was likely less than one-tenth of its original number.

Looking at the field of Hun corpses, Oliver Sheng wiped the blood from his face.

Indeed, the stronger one’s power, the more enemies one could kill. General Calvin Yang and the five Assistant Generals had killed more Hun soldiers than he had.

Especially General Calvin Yang, a Grandmaster, who was a one-sided slaughter against ordinary soldiers.

The Overlord Spear Technique swept through the battlefield, the might of a Grandmaster killing dozens with a single strike.

The Hun army retreated, not daring to test Calvin Yang’s prowess again.

With Wang Xuan holding the line, Calvin Yang unleashed his fury, venting all the anger pent up in his heart.

“With great ambition, feast on the flesh of the Huns, and drink their blood with laughter!”


Oliver Sheng laughed heartily.

“Good poem, such ambition, to feast on the flesh of the Huns and drink their blood with laughter! A great talent, so fitting, hahaha,” Calvin Yang couldn’t help but laugh loudly upon hearing Oliver Sheng’s verse.

Truly a scholar, capable of composing poetry and fighting fiercely on the battlefield, embodying both literary and martial prowess.

“With boundless ambition, we sons of men laugh on the battlefield,” Edward Zhao also couldn’t help but laugh loudly.

“Oliver, give us another verse!” Elliott Sun, filled with heroic spirit, called out.

“If the flying general guards Dragon City, no Hun horse will cross An Mountain!” Oliver Sheng sang loudly.

Hun horses, the Hun cavalry, Peace Pass, situated between the An Mountain range, Oliver Sheng made a slight alteration.

“Good poem!”

“Great talent!”

Calvin Yang’s chest heaved: “What a verse, if the flying general guards Dragon City, no Hun horse will cross An Mountain.”

Everyone couldn’t help but praise. Wasn’t this their portrayal?

Fighting to the death, keeping the enemy outside Peace Pass.

As long as they were there, the Hun cavalry would not cross the An Mountain range to the south.

After repelling the Hun army, after the cheers, came the task of cleaning the battlefield.

The city’s residents also came to help dispose of the Hun corpses.

With twenty to thirty thousand corpses, if not dealt with, it would easily lead to an outbreak of plague.

Unlike the cheers of the Peace Pass garrison, the Hun army was shrouded in deathly silence, deeply oppressed.

What they thought was a sure victory turned into a crushing defeat.

They lost twenty to thirty thousand soldiers, a Grandmaster, and four Innate experts.

This was already a disastrous defeat.

Nearly two hundred thousand troops attacked the pass, but Peace Pass remained unconquered, and they suffered heavy losses. The Left Wise King was so angry he spat blood.

“Useless, all of you are useless!”

In the tent, the Left Wise King’s roars echoed.

The remaining generals all hung their heads, silent and despondent.

The two Grandmasters had already left, returning to the depths of the grasslands.

One Grandmaster being killed by Calvin Yang had terrified them; they were unwilling to risk their lives again.

Without the two Grandmasters to hold the line, the Left Wise King had no choice but to retreat with his army, dejected and defeated.

Upon returning, he would face the wrath of the Grand Chanyu, the king of the Hun grasslands, his iron-blooded father.

The Hun army retreated, and the Peace Pass garrison began to silently lick their wounds.

Although they had repelled the Hun army, they had suffered heavy losses, including the county and prefecture soldiers from Yong Prefecture and Ding Prefecture.

Now, the Peace Pass garrison numbered less than ten thousand.

In total, over fifty thousand had died in battle, a testament to the heavy price paid to hold Peace Pass.




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