Chapter 45 – Third Grandmaster

Looking at the more than three thousand fine warhorses, Calvin Yang’s mind became active.

With so many warhorses, they could form a thousand-strong heavy cavalry unit.

But he couldn’t afford to maintain heavy cavalry.

After entering the city, the other soldiers were sent off to rest.

After hearing Oliver Sheng’s report on the recent events, Calvin and the others were deeply shocked.

A thousand cavalry defeating eight thousand enemies—this achievement was enough to astonish many.

And this didn’t even count the other Huns soldiers and people they killed.

The healing pills Oliver and his team brought back were all handed over, and the cultivation pills were distributed to his subordinates in advance. These were earned with their lives.

He kept three Fourth Rank Realm-Breaking Pills for himself and distributed the rest to his men. They didn’t bring back many other supplies.

The most valuable were the three thousand fine warhorses.

After Oliver left, Elliott Sun slowly spoke, “This kid has achieved great merit this time. Such a significant achievement is enough to promote him to Sixth Rank Assistant General.”

Unfortunately, the promotion to Sixth Rank Assistant General required the court’s appointment, and Calvin Yang didn’t have the authority to promote Oliver to that rank.

“To lead troops freely on the grasslands, he’s naturally gifted for warfare.”

“A true fierce general, his future is boundless,” Declan Li commented.

“After this trip, it seems this kid has become even stronger,” Edward Zhao added.

Everyone had high praise for Oliver.

“Let’s promote him to Colonel for now,” Calvin finally said.

The court was unstable, with princes vying for the throne, so there was no way to report his merits and have the court appoint Oliver as Assistant General.

After returning from General Yang’s camp, Oliver went to visit the veteran.

The veteran was still a Platoon Leader, and among his soldiers, only Ian Zhang was a familiar face. The others he had seen last time had been replaced by new faces.

The battlefield’s cruelty meant soldiers were replaced again and again.

“Uncle, Ian, I’ve come to see you.”

“Good to have you back,” the veteran nodded at Oliver’s return.

“Oliver, I heard you guys killed over eight thousand enemy cavalry this time. That’s incredible,” Ian couldn’t help but give a thumbs-up.

“That was over several days, and it was all thanks to the brothers who fought with their lives. There’s nothing incredible about it,” Oliver waved his hand.

“Too bad I’m not under your command, or I would have roamed the grasslands with you,” Ian said longingly.

“How about I send you to Oliver’s command?” The veteran glared at Ian.

“Uh, no, I’d rather stay with you,” Ian quickly declared.

The veteran nodded, “Smart choice, unlike Zane Wang, who ran off to Oliver’s command and hasn’t dared to come back.”

“Uncle, I’ve succeeded, hehe!”

The veteran looked at Oliver in surprise.

“Come inside with me.”

Oliver followed the veteran into the inner room.

“Really succeeded?” The veteran looked at Oliver excitedly.


Oliver nodded, then activated the Great Sun Heart Sutra, his whole body glowing with a golden light.


The veteran was dumbfounded. He hadn’t expected Oliver to actually cultivate a supposedly fake manual successfully!

So, he hadn’t been deceived; he had bought a genuine manual.

But why couldn’t he cultivate it despite studying it for so long?

“Something’s not right!” the veteran muttered.

“What’s not right?” Oliver asked, stopping his cultivation.

“Nothing, I mean, I’m just happy for you,” the veteran said with a hint of bitterness.

“I can teach you how to cultivate, Uncle!” Oliver offered.

Having succeeded in cultivation, he naturally wanted to teach the veteran, especially since the Great Sun Heart Sutra was given to him by the veteran.

“Good, I didn’t misjudge you,” the veteran had been waiting for this.

Then Oliver taught the veteran the entry method. After a while, the veteran looked disappointed.

“I can’t cultivate it, can’t even get started. It seems not everyone can cultivate this, sigh…”

Oliver scratched his head. Was this cultivation method really so peculiar?

“Kid, don’t spread this cultivation method around. A man without sin, but with a treasure, invites trouble,” the veteran warned seriously.

“Yes, Uncle!” Oliver naturally understood this principle.

“And… unless you become a Martial Saint, don’t break your pure yang, or you won’t reach the Martial Saint realm,” the veteran continued.

“Martial Saint?!”

The veteran slowly said, “In martial cultivation, there are Martial Disciples, Martial Artists, Martial Masters, Acquired, Innate, Grandmasters, and Great Grandmasters.

Above Great Grandmasters is the Martial Saint. A Martial Saint can stabilize a nation and live for five hundred years.”

Oliver listened, his blood boiling. A Martial Saint, one person could stabilize a nation—how powerful was that?

Before, he only knew about Great Grandmasters. Now he knew about the realm above that, the Martial Saint.

“What about the Martial Emperor?” Oliver asked curiously.

Wasn’t the Great Sun Heart Sutra created by a Martial Emperor?

“Martial Emperor?”

The veteran glanced at Oliver, “That’s a legend.”

“Alright, remember my words. Unless you reach the Martial Saint realm, don’t break your pure yang, or you’ll never become a Martial Saint.”


Oliver felt downcast. Didn’t this mean he couldn’t touch a woman until he became a Martial Saint?

Then why bother cultivating?

This martial path, might as well not cultivate it.

“Uncle, why can other martial cultivators do it?”

“Have you not studied the characteristics of your own cultivation method?” The veteran rolled his eyes.

Oliver sighed to the sky, “Uncle, you’ve misled me…”

Returning from the veteran’s place, that night, General Yang held a celebration banquet for Oliver’s three hundred soldiers, letting them drink to their hearts’ content, fulfilling his promise from when they set out.

Some soldiers drank and cried, remembering comrades who would never return.

After the celebration banquet, Oliver began cultivating again.

Since the veteran told him he couldn’t break his pure yang unless he became a Martial Saint, Oliver cultivated even more diligently.

To become a real man sooner, he had to work hard to become a Martial Saint.

Otherwise, visiting The House of Joy would only make him cry.

Early the next morning, Oliver absorbed the first ray of the rising sun and finished his cultivation.

After breakfast, the Huns’ army beyond the pass began attacking again.

Without hesitation, Oliver grabbed his battle knife and climbed the city wall.

Killing enemies, always killing enemies!

Only by killing enemies could he continuously gain Kill Points and become a Martial Saint sooner.

The Huns immediately sent twenty thousand troops to storm the city, putting intense pressure on the Peace Pass garrison.

Below the city, the Huns’ army was densely packed, and the Huns’ cavalry suppressed with arrow feathers, allowing their soldiers to climb the walls.

On the walls, stones, boiled feces, and arrows were hurled down.

Each throw silenced an enemy!

After suffering significant casualties, the Huns’ soldiers began to climb the walls.

The Huns’ Acquired and Innate martial artists also joined the attack.

The defending Colonels and Assistant Generals joined the battle, holding off the Huns’ elite forces.

The Huns’ assault was fiercer than ever before.

Two oppressive auras rose from the Huns’ army, and two black-robed Huns’ Grandmasters leaped into the air.

“Calvin Yang, come out and die!”

One of the Huns’ Grandmasters spoke, his voice booming like thunder across Peace Pass.



Seeing the two Huns’ Grandmasters so brazen, many garrison soldiers and Peace Pass residents were furious.

Calvin stepped forward, facing the two Huns’ Grandmasters.

“Heh, two defeated dogs dare to speak of bravery,” Calvin sneered.

“Today, you will die!” the smaller Huns’ Grandmaster said coldly.

“With just you? Take my spear.”

“Frenzied Dragon!”

Calvin wielded his Overlord Spear, the spear like a dragon, true qi surging, transforming into a golden dragon, striking at the Huns’ Grandmaster.

Seeing the spear transform into a frenzied dragon, its power domineering and fierce, the Huns’ Grandmaster’s expression turned serious. His black robe billowed, black true qi like snakes, all his true essence gathered in his palm, and he struck out, like dark clouds covering the sky, terrifying.

The other Huns’ Grandmaster also attacked, his blade shining brilliantly, slashing at Calvin.

In the sky, true qi surged, the pressure like a prison, the terrifying energy making people tremble.

Grandmasters, with every move, carried terrifying power, far beyond ordinary people.


The three clashed continuously, the sounds like thunder, their powerful force far surpassing the innate level.


Suddenly, another figure emerged from the Huns’ army, attacking Calvin.

The aura was undoubtedly that of a Grandmaster.

A third Grandmaster appeared in the Huns’ army.

The terrifying aura made the garrison soldiers’ hearts skip a beat.

“Not good, there’s another Grandmaster in the Huns’ army,” Elliott Sun exclaimed.

“Damn it, these Huns are despicable, sending three Grandmasters to surround and kill General Yang.”

“This is bad!”

“General Yang is in danger, what do we do?”

The five Assistant Generals among the garrison were extremely anxious seeing the third Grandmaster appear in the Huns’ army.

If anything happened to Calvin, none of them would survive, and Peace Pass would fall.




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