Chapter 41 – Transfer to a thousand miles

Oliver Sheng glanced at the light screen in his sea of consciousness.

Name: Oliver Sheng

Race: Human

Realm: Mid Postnatal (+)

Cultivation Method: [Great Sun Heart Sutra (Beginner)] (+) [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] (+) [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Great Accomplishment)] (Deduction) [Overlord Spear Technique (Small Accomplishment)]

Strength: 20,000 pounds

Talent: Sharpshooter

Kill Points: 3619

With a single point allocation, consuming 500 Kill Points, he began to enhance his cultivation.

A surge of powerful energy flowed into his body, strengthening his flesh, bones, and skin…

His flesh, bones, and skin seemed to be bathed in golden light.

Under the enhancement of this energy, his bones, tendons, and skin became as hard and strong as if they were cast in gold.

His blood energy and True Essence also increased significantly.

Raising his cultivation to the late Postnatal Realm, his strength increased by 5,000 pounds, reaching 25,000 pounds.

While others had iron skin, he was almost turning into gold skin and bones.

Even with his cultivation raised to the late Postnatal Realm, Oliver still felt insecure.

Looking at the remaining Kill Points, he pondered for a moment and decided to raise his cultivation by another small realm, reaching the Great Perfection of the Postnatal Realm.

Consuming another 500 Kill Points, he raised his cultivation to the Great Perfection of the Postnatal Realm, increasing his strength to 30,000 pounds.

Now, unless he encountered a mid-Innate Realm martial artist, Oliver was confident he could hold his own against an early Innate Realm martial artist.

With his cultivation raised to the Great Perfection of the Postnatal Realm, Oliver felt a bit more secure.

But only a bit, as he was still just at the Great Perfection of the Postnatal Realm, not the Great Perfection of a Grandmaster.

The next morning, when Oliver got up, Cameron Guo and Wesley Hu saw him.

Both felt that Oliver seemed to have grown even stronger, sensing an extreme danger from him.

Faced with Oliver’s increasing strength, the two had become numb.

They had just broken through to the Postnatal Realm overnight and had only now stabilized their cultivation.

However… it seemed Oliver had broken through again.

Sometimes they couldn’t help but wonder why the gap between people was so vast!

After resting for two days, they left and continued their activities on the grasslands.

In one day, they swept through more than a dozen small Hun tribes, killing countless enemies, seizing food, cattle, and sheep, and then setting fire to the food tents before leaving without lingering for a minute.

Their actions swept through more than a dozen tribes, and the news reached the Hun army. Hun cavalry from various tribes began to gather on the grasslands.

By the time the Hun cavalry gathered, Oliver and his men had already led their troops far away.

This rogue guerrilla warfare drove the Hun cavalry crazy.

In the past, when enemy troops invaded the grasslands, the Huns used this tactic against them.

Now that someone was using this tactic against them on the grasslands, the tables had turned, and they felt the same helpless frustration.

Oliver led his troops, sweeping through more than a dozen small tribes, replenishing supplies, and then retreating hundreds of miles to another part of the grasslands.

This rogue tactic left the pursuing Hun cavalry exhausted.

Meanwhile, at Peace Pass.

Upon hearing that the Right Wise King of the Huns had invaded Yan, Qi, and Deng Prefectures with an army of 100,000, leaving the three prefectures in ruins under the iron hooves of the Huns, the officials of Yong and Ding Prefectures could no longer sit idly by. They dispatched county and prefectural soldiers and conscripted new recruits to reinforce Peace Pass.

If Peace Pass fell, Yong and Ding Prefectures would have no natural defenses, and the 100,000-strong Hun army could turn them into wastelands.

For a time, wealthy families and landlords provided funds, and the government sent troops, dispatching 30,000 soldiers to Peace Pass to help defend it.

Seeing the 30,000 reinforcements, Calvin Yang couldn’t help but laugh. These officials were finally scared and had sent out all their resources.

“Heh, these officials are scared,” Elliott Sun said with a cold laugh.

They fought and killed at the border, putting their lives on the line, while those inside the pass lived in luxury and decadence.

When they asked for reinforcements, the officials of the two prefectures sent some cannon fodder as if they were dismissing beggars.

“Only after hearing that Yan, Qi, and Deng Prefectures were ravaged by the Hun cavalry, with countless officials and wealthy families killed and their food and silver plundered, did they fear Peace Pass falling and dying under the Hun cavalry, forcing them to send county and prefectural soldiers,” Edward Zhao said.

“With Qi Mountain Fortress breached and the three border prefectures fallen, Deny North Pass is under great pressure. I wonder if General Zhenbei can hold out,” Calvin Yang sighed.

“Now they can only rely on themselves,” Elliott Sun said.

Facing the Left Wise King’s army of over 100,000, they were already struggling.

With the three prefectures fallen, countless common people would fall under the iron hooves of the Huns.

“Jin Daorong deserves to die,” Calvin Yang couldn’t help but curse.

Jin Daorong, the garrison commander of Qi Mountain Fortress, abandoned the fortress to preserve his strength, causing Yan, Qi, and Deng Prefectures to fall under the Hun cavalry.

“Hmph, that coward probably already sided with the Second Prince. Guarding the pass isn’t as important as helping the Second Prince seize the throne,” Elliott Sun said without hesitation.

“Regardless, these 30,000 soldiers greatly relieve our pressure,” Declan Li said.

With these reinforcements, the Left Wise King wouldn’t be able to take Peace Pass easily.

“I wonder how Oliver Sheng and the others are doing,” Elliott Sun said with some concern.

He admired Oliver Sheng, a man who dared to fight and kill, a true soldier of iron and blood.

Since Oliver and the others had ventured into the grasslands, the Hun army had paused their siege for a few days but had resumed recently.

This meant the plan to cut off the Hun army’s supplies had failed.

“Life and death are up to fate; we can only rely on their own luck,” Calvin Yang said, expressing a harsh and helpless truth.

Oliver and his men were deep in the grasslands, beyond their help.

Little did they know, Oliver and his men were feasting on mutton every day on the grasslands.

As long as they could run and hide, avoiding large Hun cavalry units, they weren’t in much danger.

One day, Oliver led his men to sweep through more than twenty small tribes before disappearing into the grasslands again.

When the Hun cavalry arrived, they found only a mess of old, weak, women, and children.

As a soul from another world, Oliver had mastered the guerrilla tactics of the founding emperor.

When encountering large Hun cavalry units, they ran; when facing small Hun cavalry units, they attacked fiercely.

They displayed the tactics of bullying the weak and fearing the strong to the fullest.

This made the pursuing Hun cavalry grind their teeth in frustration.

In just a few days, Oliver led his men across a thousand miles.

“Tribuni, I think we should head back, or we might not make it out of the grasslands,” Cameron Guo said worriedly.

Constantly attacking small Hun tribes would only anger the Huns more, causing them to send more cavalry to encircle them.

If they were blocked by a large Hun cavalry unit, they would have no escape.


Oliver sighed, feeling his strength was still insufficient. If he were a Grandmaster, leading 100,000 cavalry, he would dare to attack the Hun royal court.

After days of fierce battles and maneuvers, his troops had dwindled to less than 900.

Looking at his soldiers, though they were spirited, their eyes couldn’t hide their fatigue.

“Let’s head towards the border; we’re going back,” Oliver said softly.

Though they roamed the grasslands, it was just a clever tactic. They didn’t dare face Hun cavalry units of over 2,000 head-on.

He didn’t want to bury these young soldiers on the grasslands.

The wind on the grasslands was too cold; they weren’t used to it, having grown up inside the pass.

He wanted to lead them back alive.

Having decided to return, the army began to march towards the border.




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