Chapter 39 – Disappear


“Among the Huns, they have a technique for training eagles to scout. This is bad, our position is exposed,” Zane Wang’s face suddenly changed drastically.

“Damn it, we were careless. This is a scouting eagle trained by the Huns. We might have fallen into a trap. Those three small transport units were bait, deliberately luring us,” Cameron Guo said, his face equally grim.

Oliver Sheng frowned, immediately grabbed a bow, nocked an arrow, infused True Essence into the arrow feather, and shot at the eagle.

However, with his current archery skills, he couldn’t shoot the eagle down.

The soldiers behind him saw that Oliver hadn’t shot the eagle down and couldn’t help but frown.

If they let this eagle follow them, they wouldn’t be able to escape the pursuit of the Hun cavalry.

Oliver immediately consumed Kill Points to upgrade his archer level.

He consumed fifty Kill Points to upgrade his archer level to Gold.

Then he continued to consume two hundred Kill Points to upgrade his archer level to Super Archer.

Oliver once again nocked an arrow, aimed at the eagle in the sky. At this moment, his mind seemed to merge with the entire bow, infusing thick True Essence into the arrow.

With a single shot, the arrow flew like a golden streak across the sky towards the eagle.

The soldiers were stunned by this scene; only a Super Archer could shoot such a terrifying arrow feather.

Sensing danger, the eagle spread its wings to escape, but it was too late.

The arrow feather shot by a Super Archer was unavoidable, only destructible by immense power.


The arrow pierced through the eagle’s chest, and the eagle fell from the sky under the soldiers’ gaze.

“Move out, leave this place.”

Without paying attention to the fallen eagle, Oliver led his men away quickly.

Not long after, a cavalry unit of four thousand arrived at the scene.

Seeing the dead eagle.

“Damn, we’ve been discovered. It seems there’s a Super Archer in this unit,” Toba Tao said.

“They shouldn’t be far. Chase them! We can’t let them escape,” Hu Nanlei said, looking at the eagle whose blood hadn’t yet coagulated.

This four-thousand-strong cavalry unit was formed by merging two units.

“Daring to cause trouble on the grasslands, we’ll bury them here and let next year’s grass grow lush.”

The four thousand cavalrymen, in a grand manner, followed the hoof prints on the ground.

Realizing they were being pursued by Hun cavalry, Oliver and his men ran over a hundred kilometers without stopping.

“Tribuni, running like this isn’t a solution,” Cameron Guo said.

If they kept running, they would eventually be caught.

“What else can we do? If the pursuing force behind us is only one or two thousand, we can handle it. But if it’s more than two thousand, with our small number, we’ll be surrounded and killed on this grassland,” Oliver said.

Their cavalry unit wasn’t very strong. Besides him, there were only three Acquired Martial Artists, barely enough to put up a fight.

The remaining soldiers weren’t very strong either; there were few Martial Masters and Martial Artists, most were Martial Disciples.

Encountering a large Hun cavalry unit would mean only one thing: running away.

“We need to find out how many Hun cavalry are after us. If it’s not many, we can ambush them,” Wesley Hu said with a fierce look in his eyes.

“Tribuni, let me take some men to scout,” Zane Wang said.

Oliver looked at Zane and slowly nodded, “Be careful and come back safely.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not ready to die yet. Little Cui at The House of Joy is still waiting for me,” Zane Wang laughed.

Then Zane Wang took two scouts and headed back.

The three figures moving away looked like lonely travelers against the current, with no guarantee of their safe return.

Watching Zane Wang and the others disappear from sight, Oliver finally withdrew his gaze.

“Leave a signal and find a hidden place to wait for them,” Oliver said.

Finding a nearby spot to rest, Oliver sent out scouts to keep watch.

He had to be as cautious as possible; any mistake could lead to their total annihilation.

Now that the Huns were using a large force to transport supplies, they couldn’t continue attacking the supply transport units. Their combat targets had to change.

If they couldn’t attack the Hun supply transport units, they would target the small tribes, wiping them out. This was Oliver’s plan.

While resting, the soldiers started cooking.

Half an hour later, Zane Wang and the others returned safely.

“Finally, you’re back,” Oliver’s worried heart relaxed.

“I have a big fortune and a big life, I’m not dying yet,” Zane Wang grinned.

“What’s the situation, Brother Zane?” Hunter Tang asked first.

Everyone looked at Zane, waiting for his report.

Zane’s face turned serious, “There are four thousand elite Hun cavalry behind us, about thirty miles away.”

Hearing Zane’s words, everyone looked serious. Four thousand elite cavalry.

They had only over nine hundred men, no chance of winning.

Unless Oliver could break through to the Prenatal Realm and fight a thousand troops alone.

This was a gap in both numbers and strength.

“How do we shake off this Hun cavalry?” Wesley Hu said heavily.

“If we could make the hoof prints disappear, the Hun cavalry wouldn’t be able to track us, and we could easily shake them off,” Owen Hai suddenly said.

“That’s obvious. If we erase the hoof prints, the Hun cavalry won’t be able to track us. But how do we make the hoof prints disappear? That’s the key,” Hunter Tang said irritably.

“If I knew how, I would have said it already,” Owen Hai rolled his eyes at Hunter Tang.

Their bickering gave Oliver an idea. Right, if they could make the hoof prints disappear, the Hun cavalry would lose their trail.

“Do we have any leather or cloth among the supplies we captured?” Oliver asked.

“Tribuni Sheng, what do you need leather for?” Cameron Guo asked.

Everyone was puzzled as to why Oliver suddenly needed leather.

“I have a big use for it. If we have any, bring it quickly.”

Hunter Tang scratched his messy hair and said, “Tribuni, we only took food, weapons, and other supplies, no leather.”

Oliver looked at Hunter Tang, the breeze blowing Hunter’s battle robe.

Hunter Tang saw Oliver staring at him intently, making him feel uneasy.

“Tribuni… Tribuni Sheng, I… I didn’t do anything wrong, did I?” He couldn’t help but swallow.

“Take off your clothes.”


Hunter Tang was stunned. It was still daytime.

No, he didn’t have a liking for men.

Everyone was also looking at Oliver in shock.

“Tribuni Sheng, I… I don’t have that kind of preference,” Hunter Tang said fearfully.

“Do you want to die? I meant take off your battle robe,” Oliver said, his face dark.

“Oh, you want the battle robe. You scared me,” Hunter Tang was scared to death.

If Oliver used force, his reputation would be ruined. Luckily, Oliver didn’t mean that.

Hunter Tang quickly took off his battle robe and handed it to Oliver.

“What do you need the battle robe for?” Zane Wang and the others were confused, not knowing why Oliver needed Hunter’s battle robe.

“I have a use for it!”

Oliver didn’t explain but instead cut the battle robe into several pieces and wrapped them around the horses’ hooves.

After wrapping the hooves, Oliver rode his horse around. The hoof prints on the grass were much smaller and would disappear soon.

Everyone watched this scene with wide eyes. Could it really work?

Cameron Guo and the others felt like they had learned something new today.

“Wrap all the hooves with cloth, quickly!” Seeing that it worked, Oliver immediately ordered.

Soon, his soldiers took off their battle robes or used tent cloth to wrap the horses’ hooves.

After wrapping the hooves, they left the place. The traces on the ground became indistinguishable after a while.

When the Hun cavalry arrived, they saw the traces of a camp but couldn’t find the direction they had left.

“Report, tribuni, the traces disappear here. We can’t find the enemy’s trail.”

“What? The traces disappeared!” Toba Tao frowned upon hearing the report. This was not good news.

“They clearly camped here, but there are no hoof prints leaving,” the reporter said.

“Could they have burrowed underground?”

Hu Nanlei was furious. Without any trail, finding a unit on this vast grassland was like finding a needle in a haystack.

“Search, split up and search. Dig three feet deep if you have to, but find them,” Toba Tao said, unwilling to give up.

“Alright, split up and use the scouting eagles to communicate. Once you find the enemy, contact immediately and surround them,” Hu Nanlei agreed.

If they returned empty-handed, their positions as tribuni would be over.

Oliver’s unit suddenly disappearing caught Toba Tao and Hu Nanlei off guard.

To find Oliver’s unit, they had no choice but to split up again.





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