Chapter 38 – Plan bankruptcy

Both men led their troops in a charge, their eyes locked onto each other.

Seth Helan was determined to kill Oliver Sheng.

As they closed in, Oliver suddenly leaped from his horse, swinging his spear towards Seth.

“Overlord Spear Technique, Thousand Jin!”

The force was like a thousand jin, capable of splitting mountains and seas.

Seeing Oliver leap up and swing his spear with such force, Seth quickly raised his saber to block.

He had never expected Oliver to unleash such a deadly move.


The iron spear struck down with violent power, cutting through man, saber, and horse, smashing them to the ground and raising a cloud of dust.

Oliver leaped back onto his horse. When the dust settled, Seth was lifeless, his bones shattered, his body a bloody mess.

He didn’t look back. A true warrior never looks back. At this moment, having unleashed his full power, his skin and cells trembled.

That strike had pushed his body to its limit.

Seth Helan, who had reached the Great Perfection of the Acquired Realm, died by his hand, earning him forty Kill Points.

Seeing Oliver crush the Huns’ Great Perfection general, Cameron Guo and Wesley Hu were filled with shock.

That was a Great Perfection warrior, and he was killed just like that. How strong was this young tribuni?

With Seth’s death, the Huns’ cavalry lost their momentum.

But the Anning Iron Cavalry’s morale soared, their spirits high as they followed Oliver into the Huns’ ranks.


Oliver charged ahead like a god of death. With Seth dead, no one could withstand his overwhelming might.

He alone killed over three hundred Hun soldiers.

Of the two thousand Hun cavalry, none survived; all were slain.

The ground was littered with severed limbs, broken spears, and swords half-buried in the earth, the grass stained with blood.

“We won, hahaha!” an Anning cavalryman laughed heartily.

“Anning Iron Cavalry, mighty!”

“Tribuni Sheng, mighty!”

The Anning Iron Cavalry cheered, celebrating their victory.

With a thousand cavalry, they had defeated two thousand elite Hun cavalry, annihilating the enemy while suffering only a hundred casualties.

What a magnificent victory!

Since the formation of the Anning Iron Cavalry, they had never achieved such a great victory.

Watching the cheering soldiers, Oliver slowly calmed his boiling blood.

The clashing of weapons, the battlefield, what a grand and heroic scene.


Oliver raised his blood-stained spear and shouted.

“Great wind!”

“Great wind!”

The soldiers followed his shout, their spirits soaring, sweeping through the clouds.

After cleaning the battlefield, they took everything usable, including the intact warhorses.

The injured or crippled horses neighed, and the scent of blood soon attracted vultures from the sky.

This victory had transformed the Anning Iron Cavalry, strengthening their spirit, confidence, and power.

They did not stop their campaign; they had not forgotten their mission on the grasslands.

Oliver led his cavalry in guerrilla attacks on the Huns’ supply troops.

That day, they wiped out eight Hun supply units, capturing countless supplies.

The attacks on the supply units cut off the Huns’ provisions, forcing their army to halt their assault on Peace Pass.

Peace Pass enjoyed another day of tranquility.

“Have the enemies attacking our supplies been dealt with?” the Left Wise King asked impatiently.

Three days ago, the Right Wise King had already captured Qi Mountain Fortress.

A hundred thousand troops had marched south, invading the lands of Yan, Qi, and Deng provinces.

But now he was still stuck in front of Peace Pass, overshadowed by the Right Wise King, which infuriated him.

The Left Wise King and the Right Wise King were rivals, vying for the future title of Grand Chanyu.

If the Right Wise King gained more merit, the Left Wise King would be demoted.

The generals under the Left Wise King exchanged uneasy glances, none daring to speak.

“Speak up, why are you all mute?” the Left Wise King roared, his anger rising as he looked at the silent generals.

“Your Majesty, we… we have no news yet,” one general said, bracing himself.

“Useless! Two days and still no resolution. Are you still the eagles and warriors of the grasslands?” the Left Wise King bellowed. A mere thousand men rampaging on the grasslands, where was his face?

“Resolve this within two days. When the Iron Grandmaster arrives, we will launch a full assault. I want Peace Pass taken in one battle.”

The Huns sent another ten thousand cavalry back to the grasslands to join the hunt for Oliver Sheng’s unit.

After a day of fierce battles, Oliver’s unit killed over seven thousand enemies, moving two hundred kilometers.

At night, Oliver’s unit camped by a river.

Their continuous victories had eased the sorrow of losing over a hundred men.

Now, Oliver’s unit had just over nine hundred men left.

In the camp, the soldiers gathered to eat meat and drink soup. After dinner, some patrolled while others began their cultivation.

Having captured a large number of pills, Oliver ordered many to be distributed to the soldiers for their cultivation.

As time passed, their situation would become increasingly dangerous.

Only by improving their strength could they hope to survive.

In his tent, Oliver reviewed his gains. Today alone, he had killed over five hundred Hun enemies, bringing his Kill Points, combined with the previous day’s, to over two thousand.

Name: Oliver Sheng

Race: Human

Realm: Early Acquired (+)

Cultivation Methods: [Great Sun Heart Sutra (Entry)] (+) [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] (+) [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Great Accomplishment)] (Deduction) [Overlord Spear Technique (Small Accomplishment)]

Strength: Fifteen thousand jin

Talent: Silver Archer (+)

Kill Points: 2238

Seeing his Kill Points surpass two thousand, Oliver noticed a plus sign next to the Great Sun Heart Sutra, and his mouth twitched with a bad premonition.

It had taken two hundred Kill Points to reach Entry level; would Small Accomplishment require two thousand?

This made Oliver hesitant to allocate points to the Great Sun Heart Sutra.

He chose to improve his cultivation instead, consuming five hundred Kill Points to reach the mid-stage of the Acquired Realm, increasing his strength by five thousand jin, with his arm strength reaching twenty thousand jin.

His bones and skin were also continuously strengthened, glowing with a golden light.

After reaching the mid-stage of the Acquired Realm, Oliver decided not to continue advancing.

His strength was improving too quickly; he had just broken through a few days ago and now another small realm.

Continuing to advance would be too extreme.

Having consumed five hundred Kill Points, he had 1738 points left.

Killing enemies to gain Kill Points was more rewarding now; he had never felt so wealthy.

With another breakthrough in strength, unless an Innate Martial Artist intervened, Oliver dared to claim invincibility.

The next morning, Oliver led his men out again. That day, they only wiped out three Hun supply units.

“Tribuni Sheng, it seems the Huns have changed their strategy, sending large forces to protect their supplies,” Cameron Guo said.

In one day, they had only encountered three small supply units.

But they had seen a supply unit of twenty thousand men from a distance.

That supply unit had five thousand cavalry as escorts.

With such a strong supply unit, their small force couldn’t possibly handle it.

Their plan to cut off the Huns’ supplies had failed here.


A loud eagle’s cry caught Oliver’s attention.

The eagle overhead had been circling them since they wiped out one of the Hun supply units.

“Do the Huns have eagle training techniques?” Oliver asked, feeling uneasy.




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