Chapter 37 – Men, charge with me!

On the vast and boundless grasslands, a towering mountain range lay sprawled like a winding dragon, stretching endlessly.

Snow had already accumulated on the lofty peaks of the mountains.

At the foot of the mountains stood a majestic royal city, the seat of the Huns’ royal court.

“Master, do you think our king can conquer the Northern Frontier of Great Wei?” A burly young man stood by the pill furnace, watching the black-robed master who was manipulating the flames for pill refining.

After a long silence, a voice finally emerged from beneath the black robe.

“The dragon’s spirit of the Great Wei Dynasty has not yet dissipated. It is not the right time.”

The Hun master paused and then slowly continued.

“A mighty eagle has arrived on the grasslands.”

“A mighty eagle?”

The burly young man’s expression flickered.

The next morning, Oliver Sheng led his army away from the temporary camp. He would not let his troops stay in one place for too long.

In the early autumn grasslands, white frost already clung to the grass in the morning.

Today, their objective remained unchanged: to ambush the Hun’s grain transport troops and cut off the supply lines to the Hun army.

The frontline of nearly a hundred thousand Hun soldiers consumed an enormous amount of grain daily.

Cutting off the Hun army’s grain supply would slow their siege, otherwise, even with General Calvin Yang defending Peace Pass, it would be indefensible.

Ordinary soldiers had now been reduced to less than a third. Without them, relying solely on General Calvin Yang, Peace Pass could not be held.

The army galloped across the grasslands, targeting the Hun’s grain transport convoys.

After annihilating three Hun grain transport convoys, Oliver Sheng and his men encountered a Hun cavalry unit.

The opposing force consisted of two thousand elite Hun cavalry.

The two armies met on the vast grasslands, separated by only a mile.

In this situation, Oliver Sheng couldn’t even think of running; being chased and worn down by Hun cavalry would be a death sentence.


Sensing the impending battle, Oliver Sheng’s white horse pawed the ground and neighed.

Seth Helan looked at the opposing cavalry, a cruel smile forming at the corner of his mouth. Those thousand heads were his.

“Finally found you!”

“Warriors, what should we do with the enemies who slaughtered our people?” Seth Helan shouted.




The Hun cavalry behind him echoed his cry, their shouts deafening and shaking the heavens.

Slaughtering this enemy force and bringing back their heads would earn him a general’s title, no longer just a captain.


Seth Helan drew his battle blade and led the charge.

Watching the Hun army charge, Oliver Sheng turned to his soldiers and asked:

“Brothers, are you afraid?”

“Not afraid!”

Seeing no fear in his men, Oliver Sheng nodded in satisfaction. Facing a strong enemy, they dared to draw their swords. This unit was indeed the elite of the Peace Army.

“In a narrow path, the brave win!”

“Men, charge with me!” Oliver Sheng shouted.

His white horse shot forward like an arrow.



The thousand iron cavalry behind Oliver Sheng roared and charged.

They were hot-blooded men, defending their homeland and killing invaders was in their bones.

Thousands of horses galloped, the sound of metal clashing, their momentum swallowing the land like a tiger!

The overwhelming killing intent scattered the clouds in the sky.

Oliver Sheng’s aura kept rising, making him look like a God of War. The cavalry behind him followed like a sharp blade, piercing the enemy’s heart.

“Wei Dog, come and meet your death!”

Seth Helan’s aura erupted like a fierce wolf.

Oliver Sheng, however, was like a tiger descending the mountain, both men locking onto each other.

In Seth Helan’s eyes, Oliver Sheng was no match for him, already a dead man. How could someone at the early Acquired stage withstand his full-force strike at the Great Perfection stage?

Oliver Sheng didn’t shout slogans but elevated his state to the peak, delivering his strongest strike.


The two collided instantly, spear and battle blade clashing with the force to split mountains and seas, erupting in a thunderous roar.

Seth Helan was thrown off his horse by the immense force, his battle blade flying away.

The unparalleled terrifying power made his blood churn and his organs shift.

Rolling several times after being thrown off his horse, Seth Helan finally stopped.

He couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Oliver Sheng, however, was only shaken to the point of his tiger’s mouth splitting. This Hun general was the strongest enemy he had ever faced.


Charging forward, Oliver Sheng plunged into the Hun cavalry formation with terrifying momentum.

Within the range of his spear, no enemy survived.

Seth Helan quickly escaped to avoid being trampled by the Anning Iron Cavalry.

Seizing the opportunity, he leaped up, pulled down an Anning cavalryman, killed him, and took his horse.

Watching Oliver Sheng lead the Anning Iron Cavalry like a fierce dragon into the cavalry formation, Seth Helan regretted underestimating his opponent, losing the upper hand and making it difficult to lead his cavalry against them.

After a fierce charge, countless bodies lay on the ground, both Anning Iron Cavalry and Hun cavalry.

But more were Hun cavalry.

Now, less than half of the Hun cavalry remained on horseback.

Oliver Sheng was too fierce, leading the charge into the Hun cavalry formation, killing and disrupting their charge.

The surviving Hun cavalry gathered behind Seth Helan, seeing half of their comrades slain while the enemy lost less than a hundred men, Seth Helan’s heart bled.

His carelessness and underestimation allowed the enemy leader to knock him off his horse, losing the initiative in the battle.

Oliver Sheng led his cavalry through the charge, then turned back.

Cameron Guo, Wesley Hu, Hunter Tang, Owen Hai, Zane Wang, and others stood silently behind Oliver Sheng, their bodies stained with the blood of the enemies they had slain.

“Hun cavalry are not so fearsome. As long as we are stronger and fiercer, we can rout them.” Oliver Sheng wiped the blood off his face and smiled.

“Do you have the confidence to kill them all?” Oliver Sheng asked loudly, his powerful voice ringing in everyone’s ears.




The Anning Iron Cavalry shouted, their momentum rising. Under Oliver Sheng’s lead, their spirits soared.


“Men, charge with me, kill the invaders, and defend our homeland to the death!” Oliver Sheng shouted, initiating another charge.

“Kill the invaders, defend our homeland to the death!” The cavalry behind him echoed, charging forward.

Iron hooves clanged, warhorses neighed!

Seeing the enemy cavalry charge again, Seth Helan’s eyes hardened.

“Warriors, we are the wolves of the grasslands, the kings of the grasslands. Follow me to kill the invaders of our land, kill!”

In this battle, it was either you die or I live.

Only through a bloody fight could the victor stand and speak.

Learning from his mistake, Seth Helan dared not be careless, focusing all his energy on facing Oliver Sheng.

Charging forward, Oliver Sheng’s blood surged like a dragon, his True Essence running at full capacity.

His skin glowed faintly golden, like a god descending, his momentum unmatched.

Seeing Oliver Sheng charging with his spear, Seth Helan also raised his aura to the peak, gathering all his strength to face Oliver Sheng.

The warhorses galloped, the earth trembled.

Oliver Sheng used the Overlord Spear Technique, aiming for a decisive strike to kill the Hun general.




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