Chapter 30 – Super Archer shoots


The Sixth and Tenth Battalions were deployed to the city walls to participate in the defense.

The battle had raged on, and every battalion had already been replenished due to casualties.

Only half of the veterans remained.

In battalions like the Fifth and Seventh, which had experienced brutal battles, veterans made up less than one-tenth of the force.

Most of the new recruits were forced volunteers and laborers, lacking much combat capability.

The current garrison at Peace Pass was significantly weakened, and their combat effectiveness was far from what it used to be.

Oliver Sheng was like a god of death; the Huns’ Acquired Realm experts were being held back, and below the Acquired Realm, no one could match him.

He had already slain two or three Huns’ Martial Masters at the Great Perfection stage.

Ordinary soldiers, numbering sixty or seventy, had fallen to his blade.

His Kill Points had risen to 283.

Name: Oliver Sheng

Race: Human

Realm: Early Martial Master (+)

Cultivation Method: [Great Sun Heart Sutra (Beginner)] [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] (+) [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Great Accomplishment)] [Overlord Spear Technique (Beginner)]

Strength: 6,000 pounds

Talent: Silver Archer (+)

Kill Points: 283

Seeing that his cultivation could be improved, Oliver immediately allocated points to enhance his realm.

Two hundred Kill Points were instantly consumed, and a powerful force surged into his body.

His skin and bones seemed to be cast in gold, his physique growing stronger.

His blood energy surged, boiling hot, and his True Essence rapidly increased and solidified.

Name: Oliver Sheng

Race: Human

Realm: Mid Martial Master

Cultivation Method: [Great Sun Heart Sutra (Beginner)] [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Great Accomplishment)] [Overlord Spear Technique (Beginner)]

Strength: 7,000 pounds

Talent: Silver Archer (+)

Kill Points: 83

Feeling the violent power within, Oliver was now confident that he would no longer be overpowered by Levi Yi.

With his strength increased, no one below the Acquired Realm could stand against him.

He charged into the enemy ranks like a wolf among sheep, beginning a frenzied slaughter, harvesting Kill Points.

The Huns soldiers who stormed the walls were continuously cut down by Oliver.

The Acquired Realm warriors were held back by the garrison’s colonels, soldier against soldier, general against general. Oliver was an anomaly, invincible in the Martial Master Realm.

He was like a giant catfish invading a small river, with no natural enemies, killing madly.

Martial Disciples, Martial Artists, and Martial Masters fell continuously under his blade.

The Blood Fiend Saber Technique enveloped him in a terrifying aura of blood fiend energy.

Huns soldiers in the Martial Disciple Realm, seeing the fiendish aura around Oliver, were mentally overwhelmed, unable to lift their blades in resistance.

Some Acquired Realm Huns warriors saw Oliver’s relentless slaughter and tried to stop him, but they were all intercepted by the colonels.

With Oliver in the fray, killing numerous Martial Masters and Martial Artists among the Huns, the pressure on the defending soldiers was greatly relieved.

Huns tribuni and centurions kept falling to Oliver’s blade, making it difficult for the Huns soldiers to effectively organize their attacks on the walls.

Meanwhile, the garrison’s tribuni and sergeants were freed up to lead soldiers in continuously slaughtering the attacking Huns.


“Use sheer numbers to crush him!” A Huns tribuni ordered his men to overwhelm Oliver with numbers.

Lincoln Tuoba was terrified; two of his Martial Master Great Perfection comrades had already died under Oliver’s blade.

And he was only in the late Martial Master stage; facing Oliver meant certain death.

Huns soldiers, hearing Lincoln’s order, could only charge at Oliver with their blades.

In Oliver’s hands, the Blood Fiend Saber Technique was executed to perfection. Each slash could take down two or three Huns soldiers.

Around him, the ground was littered with the corpses of Huns soldiers.

The intense smell of blood stimulated the nerves and adrenaline of those present.

Oliver had lost count of how many Huns soldiers he had killed.

Wave after wave, Huns soldiers kept surrounding him, trying to bury him under sheer numbers.

In the Huns camp, a Prenatal Realm sharpshooter had already set his sights on Oliver.

Drawing his bow and nocking an arrow, the specially crafted arrow feather glowed as the Heavenly Eagle condensed True Essence onto it and released the arrow.

The arrow, glowing like a meteor, shot directly at Oliver.

At that moment, Oliver was still killing the surrounding Huns soldiers, completely unaware of the approaching life-and-death crisis.

The arrow pierced through the void, its light dazzling.

Standing on the city tower, Calvin Yang saw the brilliant arrow light from the Huns army.

“Not good!”

The arrow was aimed at Oliver. The dazzling and impressive Oliver had caught the attention of the Huns’ sharpshooter.


Calvin quickly drew his Black Gold Battle Saber, channeling True Essence, and threw it with force.

The Black Gold Battle Saber streaked like a meteor.

The arrow light was incredibly fast. Oliver’s sixth sense felt a great terror, as if a massive danger was descending.

It felt like he was being targeted by a grandmaster-level expert, with no chance of escape, certain death.

His entire Divine Soul trembled, enveloped by the shadow of death, feeling utterly powerless, only able to await death.


Two meters behind Oliver, the saber and arrow collided, creating a massive explosion.

The powerful True Essence burst like a tide, sending Oliver and the surrounding Huns soldiers flying.

Oliver quickly got up, looking at the Black Gold Battle Saber and the specially crafted arrow embedded in the ground, cold sweat pouring down.

Just one second later, and he would have been dead!

The arrow, inscribed with special runes, was clearly shot from the Huns’ camp.

He had been targeted by a true sharpshooter from the Huns, a shot that guaranteed death.

Without the Black Gold Battle Saber, he would have been dead by now.

In the Huns camp, the sharpshooter saw that Calvin Yang had intercepted the fatal arrow and felt a tinge of regret.

He didn’t shoot a second arrow; with Calvin Yang, a grandmaster, present, a second shot would be meaningless.

The Heavenly Eagle hadn’t expected Calvin Yang to care about a mere Martial Master.

Oliver looked at the Black Gold Battle Saber and recognized it as General Calvin Yang’s weapon.

Glancing at the figure standing on the city tower, Oliver felt a surge of gratitude. If not for General Calvin Yang’s intervention, he would have been dead.

He quickly stepped forward and pulled the Black Gold Battle Saber from the ground.

The saber’s blade, with its intricate golden patterns, glowed faintly. It was a long, straight saber, three fingers wide and two feet long.

Feeling the weight of the saber, Oliver estimated it to be over a hundred pounds.

He didn’t know what material it was made of, but such a saber weighed over a hundred pounds.

Holding the Black Gold Battle Saber, Oliver felt a surge of heroism as he looked at the hundreds of Huns soldiers surrounding him.


He charged towards the Huns army. The Black Gold Battle Saber, surrounded by a blood-red fiendish aura, slashed out, cutting Huns soldiers, armor and all, in half.

The Black Gold Battle Saber was incredibly sharp, slicing through iron like mud.



Blood sprayed, severed limbs scattered everywhere. With the Black Gold Battle Saber in hand, Oliver’s killing spree accelerated.

Over a hundred Huns soldiers were soon slaughtered by him.

“You’re a demon!” Lincoln Tuoba, watching Oliver bathed in blood, was terrified.

The soldiers lying at Oliver’s feet numbered over two hundred.

Having slaughtered so many Huns soldiers, the blood fiend aura around Oliver made Lincoln Tuoba’s heart pound with fear.


Oliver’s eyes were cold, devoid of any emotion. With a single slash, the blood-red saber light surged, tearing through the void.

Lincoln Tuoba burned all his blood energy, pushing his True Essence to the limit, intending to fight Oliver to the death.


The sound of a weapon breaking echoed in the air. Lincoln Tuoba was cut in half, armor and all, by Oliver’s single slash.

Blood splattered, staining the wall bricks red…





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