Chapter 25 – Grandmasters battle, their might is like that of celestial beings

Oliver Sheng swiftly moved to a new position after firing three arrows.

The Huns’ cavalry had locked onto him, and as soon as he showed himself, hundreds of arrows were shot in his direction.

He hadn’t yet reached the realm of having skin as tough as bronze or iron, and couldn’t afford to be fearless in the face of arrows.

After exhausting the arrows in his quiver, he hid, waiting for the Huns to launch their assault on the city.

Although using a bow and arrow to kill enemies was fast, the Huns’ cavalry were all focused on him, limiting his maneuvering space.

In a brief moment, he managed to kill fifty or so Hun cavalry, drawing their fire and significantly reducing the pressure on the other soldiers.

Soon, the Huns suffered considerable casualties and began to scale the city walls.

Once the Huns started climbing the walls, their cavalry stopped shooting arrows at the defenders.

Seeing the Huns climbing up, Oliver Sheng smiled joyfully.

The Hun soldier climbing up in front of him was momentarily stunned by Oliver’s happy expression.

Why did it seem like Oliver was genuinely pleased to see him?

That smile was reminiscent of a brothel keeper welcoming a customer.

Oliver drew his battle saber, stepped forward, and slashed down.

The Hun soldier reacted quickly, drawing his own saber to block.


With one strike, both the man and his saber were cut in half!

The Hun soldier was sliced into two pieces, along with his weapon, by Oliver’s single strike.

With strength comparable to a mid-level Martial Master, Oliver’s sudden exertion of force made his strike carry four to five thousand pounds of power.

Watching the endless stream of Hun soldiers scaling the walls, Oliver felt an inner joy.

The hunt begins!

My saber has long been thirsty!


The city wall erupted in a frenzy, with battle cries piercing the sky.

Naturally, Oliver joined the fray.

His Blood Fiend Saber Technique, perfected to a high degree, was like a death reaper, continuously claiming the lives of Hun soldiers.

Few soldiers or martial artists among the Huns could withstand more than two strikes from Oliver.

Under two strikes, death was certain!

Almost none could force him to strike a third time.

He was like a blood-soaked butcher, continuously slaughtering the Hun invaders. The number of enemies that had fallen to his blade had already surpassed a hundred.


A fierce blade strike came at him.

Oliver parried the blow, blocking the deadly strike.

Looking closely, he saw a Hun warrior filled with murderous intent, his blood boiling—a clear indication of a Hun Martial Master.

Seeing Oliver’s rampant slaughter, the Hun elites couldn’t sit still. Baichu abandoned his fight with the garrison’s experts and came after Oliver.

“Martial Master!”

Oliver felt no fear; instead, his blood boiled with excitement.


Oliver charged forward, his saber glowing with a red, ominous aura.

“Blood Fiend Saber Technique, Blade in the Rainy Night!”

“Blood Fiend Saber Technique, Sweeping Saber Slash Dick!”

“Blood Fiend Saber Technique, Night Battle on All Sides!”

His saber strikes, swift as rain, continuously slashed at Baichu.

Baichu, a late-stage Martial Master with surging blood energy and formidable combat strength, was a tribuni in the Hun army.

But facing Oliver, he was astounded. This seemingly Great Perfection Martial Artist from Wei had strength that was not inferior to his own.

Moreover, Oliver’s saber technique was sharp and filled with a heavy killing aura, making Baichu feel uneasy.

This young man was beginning to shine!


Baichu exerted his power, his blood energy surging, enveloping him in a layer of red aura.

Oliver immediately felt the opponent’s strength increase significantly, the scorching blood energy exerting pressure on him.

Oliver also pushed his True Essence to the limit, becoming a ferocious beast in battle, fiercely clashing with Baichu.

“So strong!”

“Which tribuni is this?”

“I don’t know, but he’s not one of our tribuni.”

“So young, fighting a late-stage Hun Martial Master with just the strength of a Martial Artist, terrifying!”

The garrison at Peace Pass was shocked by Oliver’s ferocity.

“I know him. He’s the one who led the first raid on the enemy camp, wreaked havoc, and brought back over a thousand warhorses—Oliver Sheng,” a soldier recognized him.

“It’s him?!”

“He’s not from our camp, why is he up on the wall fighting?”

“So young!”

“This kid is terrifying. If he doesn’t die, he’ll surely become famous.”


From the Hun army, two figures soared into the sky, their overwhelming aura causing hearts to stop and making it hard to breathe.

“Calvin Yang, come out and face your death!” One of the black-robed figures shouted, his voice rolling like thunder across Peace Pass.

Countless soldiers, both garrison and Hun, felt a terrifying pressure.

“How dare they call out the general’s name like that?!” A resident inside the city exclaimed.

“It must be Hun elites!”

“The Grandmasters are making their move!” The Hun soldiers who had scaled the walls showed joy.


General Who Defeats the Huns, Elliott Sun, was furious. If he had the strength, he would have struck down the two men himself.


A figure stepped into the air from the tower, appearing in the sky, clad in a red robe and golden armor, radiating golden light, exuding majesty and dominance.

A Grandmaster-level expert could indeed walk in the air.

“Lance, come!”

From the tower, a mighty lance flew into the red-robed, golden-armored general’s hand.

“Come fight!”

Calvin Yang pointed his lance at the two Hun Grandmasters.


The two Hun Grandmasters, their black aura surging, one wielding a wolf-tooth club and the other a battle saber, charged at Calvin Yang.


Calvin Yang swung his lance, each strike as fierce as a dragon, exuding dominance and ferocity.


The clash of weapons sounded like thunder, echoing across the sky. The terrifying True Qi of the three combatants spread like waves in the sky.

The immense pressure made the soldiers below tremble with fear.

Every strike from a Grandmaster contained terrifying power, making countless people shiver and feel dread even from afar.

Oliver and Baichu paused, watching the three figures enveloped in aura battling in the sky.

Calvin Yang’s lance, wielded with pure skill, each strike carried the force to split mountains and seas, single-handedly suppressing the two Hun Grandmasters.

The battle between Grandmasters was like a clash of titans, exuding immense pressure.

If not for the fact that the three combatants in the sky were focused on each other, any random strike could have wiped out those on the ground.

The violent energy was like boiling water, the oppressive True Qi of martial arts filled the air, blood energy soared like smoke, and every move carried immense power. This was the might of a Grandmaster.


“So this is a Grandmaster?” Oliver murmured.

Such power surpassed that of a Martial Artist by a thousand times.

This was a true martial arts powerhouse, with immense power in every move, capable of shaking mountains and splitting seas, their strength vast like an ocean.

At this moment, the heavens and earth trembled, countless people gaped in awe, staring at the Grandmaster battle in the sky.

Oliver quickly refocused, glancing at Baichu, who was still engrossed in the grandeur of the Grandmasters, his eyes filled with fear and longing.

Without hesitation, Oliver stabbed Baichu’s left kidney with his saber.


Feeling the pain, Baichu snapped back to reality, looking at the saber in his left kidney, his face turned pale.

“Damn it!”

“Attacking from behind…”

Oliver didn’t care, he twisted the saber, and with a forceful pull, he sliced Baichu in half at the waist.

Baichu’s eyes widened, dying with a look of unwillingness.

Such a death was too humiliating. A dignified Martial Master, killed by a sneak attack, he had a bright future, a beautiful wife at home…

Everyone was watching the Grandmaster battle, but one rogue broke the rules and launched a sneak attack.

After killing Baichu, Oliver gained twenty Kill Points.

“A late-stage Martial Master, twenty Kill Points?” Oliver realized that the stronger the enemy he killed, the more Kill Points he earned.

At this moment, the Grandmaster battle in the sky had brought the battlefield to a halt.

Everyone was watching the Grandmaster-level battle.

Oliver looked at the dazed Hun soldiers and the garrison at Peace Pass.

He didn’t understand, this was a battlefield, what did the Grandmaster battle have to do with them?

When a rogue breaks the rules and mingles with the crowd, the destruction is immense.

Oliver raised his saber and started slashing at the Hun soldiers watching the battle.

Soon, some Hun soldiers snapped back to reality, but by then, Oliver had already killed over twenty of them.

“Damn it, kill, take the walls!” A Hun leader shouted.

The garrison also snapped back to reality.


The battle on the walls resumed, blood splattering, limbs flying, the scene turning into a bloody hell.




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