Chapter 22 – The disappeared team returns, shocking everyone

At night, Oliver Sheng and his companions couldn’t continue their journey and had to find a place to rest.

With so many horses and supplies, traveling at night was not advisable.

They settled down, started a fire, and cooked dinner. Tonight, it was stew again.

After dinner, Oliver arranged for people to take turns keeping watch.

Everything had to be done cautiously; any negligence could cost them their lives.

During the day, Oliver had single-handedly killed about 150 Hun soldiers, earning a significant amount of Kill Points.

Name: Oliver Sheng

Race: Human

Realm: Late Martial Artist (+)

Cultivation Method: [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] (+) [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Great Accomplishment)]

Strength: 4,000 pounds

Talent: Silver Archer (+)

Kill Points: 203

Now that his Kill Points had increased to 203, he could enhance his cultivation again.

Without hesitation, Oliver allocated points to improve his cultivation.

Consuming 150 Kill Points, a vast power surged through his body, strengthening his muscles, bones, and flesh.

Under this power, Oliver’s physique grew stronger, his strength rapidly increased, and the True Essence within him became more condensed.

Others wouldn’t notice any change, but Oliver could clearly feel his body strengthening, his power increasing, and his True Essence becoming more solid.

The True Essence in his dantian seemed to condense into a spiritual liquid.

When the powerful force dissipated, Oliver clenched his fist, feeling as if he could punch through the void.

Of course, that was just an illusion!

Name: Oliver Sheng

Race: Human

Realm: Great Perfection Martial Artist

Cultivation Method: [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Great Accomplishment)]

Strength: 4,500 pounds

Talent: Silver Archer (+)

Kill Points: 53

Seeing his cultivation and strength improve, Oliver sighed in admiration. The System was truly remarkable.

At this level, he was already comparable to a late-stage Martial Master.

With the realm of a Great Perfection Martial Artist, he could fight across levels, fitting the protagonist template perfectly.

The System was indeed like a father!

Too bad it was a mute System!

After the breakthrough, Oliver didn’t rest but continued to cultivate and refine his True Essence.

Even with the System, he had to work hard, quietly striving to outdo everyone else.

The next morning, after a simple breakfast, Oliver and his group continued their journey.

In the Hun army camp, 2,000 cavalry left the camp, heading towards the grasslands.

With only 40,000 troops left, the Left Wise King pondered whether to send more soldiers into battle.

The Grand Chanyu had sent another messenger urging him to quickly capture Peace Pass.

The central army was locked in fierce combat with the General Who Guards the North, hoping they could capture Peace Pass, flank Rejection City, and attack the General Who Guards the North from behind.

Seeing the worried face of the Left Wise King, the Left Guli King suggested, “My lord, since we can’t capture Peace Pass, why not send troops to enter from another place and head south, leaving some to hold back the Peace Army?”

The Left Wise King glanced at his father-in-law and said, “How many troops do you think we should leave to hold back the garrison at Peace Pass?

If we enter from another place, what if the garrison at Peace Pass attacks us from behind? How will we transport our supplies?”

This old man, once a formidable general in his youth, seemed to have become muddle-headed with age.

A night raid had shattered the Huns’ hopes of quickly capturing Peace Pass.

“Continue sending troops to attack the pass, wear down the garrison, and call for reinforcements of 50,000 troops,” the Left Wise King finally decided.

Now was a great opportunity to enter the pass. If they couldn’t break through, he wouldn’t be able to face the Grand Chanyu.

The Hun army began their assault on Peace Pass.

The soldiers on the walls of Peace Pass, seeing the Huns swarming like a tide, had become numb.

Except for the two days of the raid, the Hun army attacked the pass daily.

They had grown accustomed to the Hun army’s assaults.

“Archers, ready, fire!”

The archers released a volley of arrows, killing many charging Hun soldiers.

The Huns also sent cavalry and archers to shoot at the walls, covering their main force’s assault.

The soldiers on the walls shot arrows while dodging the Huns’ arrows.

The Hun army reached the walls and began setting up siege ladders and ropes, starting to climb up.

“Crush these bastards.”

“Hun scum, fuck you.”

The garrison on the walls threw stones down and poured boiling feces continuously.

“Hun scum, come, your grandpa invites you to drink some gold juice.”

The Hun army had to pay a heavy price to climb the walls.

The battle raged on, with beacon fires burning for three months.

The garrison at Peace Pass continued to fiercely resist the Hun army.

Blood and frost had stained this ancient border city with the marks of time.

The walls were full of knife marks and arrow holes!

The war continued until evening when the Huns finally retreated.

Oliver and his group were still taking a detour to avoid the Hun camp.

Taking a detour was longer but safer, and they traveled through remote areas.

It wasn’t until the third day that they circled back to Peace Pass!

The garrison on the southern wall of Peace Pass, seeing so many warhorses approaching, raising clouds of dust, thought it was an enemy attack and prepared for defense.

“Enemy attack, prepare!”

The southern garrison grabbed their bows, swords, and spears, warily watching the thousand riders below.

“Brothers on the wall, we’re not the enemy; we’re the Tenth Squad of the Seventh Battalion,” Hunter Tang shouted, seeing the garrison drawing their bows.

If they were mistakenly attacked, it would be a big joke.

The garrison on the wall, hearing the shout, looked doubtful. The accent was genuine, not like the Huns pretending.

But the Seventh Battalion, Tenth Squad, weren’t they all killed in the raid?

“The Tenth Squad of the Seventh Battalion? Didn’t they all die?”

“I don’t know, could it be the Huns trying to trick us?”

“Let’s wait and see. If something’s wrong, we’ll act.”

“Brothers on the wall, if you don’t believe us, you can report to the generals. We really are the Tenth Squad of the Seventh Battalion,” Hunter Tang continued to shout.

“Someone, go report this!” a leader ordered.

Soon, the dust settled, and the garrison saw below, over a thousand horses, many carrying supplies.

But there were only about sixty people!

The uniforms and flags were indeed those of the Peace Pass garrison.

“Sergeant, there are only about sixty people below; it doesn’t look like a trick,” a corporal said.

“Be cautious; we can’t afford any mistakes now,” the sergeant said cautiously.

Seeing the garrison on the wall still not opening the gate, remaining highly vigilant…

On the northern tower, a group of generals closely monitored the battle, ready to intervene if any Hun experts joined the fray.


A messenger ran in.

“What is it?” Calvin Yang asked the messenger.

“Reporting, General, outside the southern gate, there’s a group claiming to be the Tenth Squad of the Seventh Battalion, bringing over a thousand horses. They request the general’s instructions,” the messenger quickly reported.


Calvin Yang stood up from his seat.

The other assistant generals also looked at the messenger in disbelief, thinking they had misheard.

The Tenth Squad of the Seventh Battalion, the squad that had first charged into the right flank of the Hun camp, causing chaos, was deeply memorable.

Weren’t they all said to have died? How did they suddenly reappear?

“Are you sure it’s the Tenth Squad of the Seventh Battalion?” Calvin Yang asked seriously.

“Reporting, General, that’s what they said,” the messenger replied.

“General, I’ll go take a look!” General Who Defeats the Huns, Elliott Sun, said.

“Alright, take the Martial Colonel with you and see what’s going on,” Calvin Yang nodded.

The Hun army was attacking the city, and he couldn’t leave; he had to stay and oversee the battle, preventing any Hun grandmasters from attacking.

“Yes, General!”

Elliott Sun called the Martial Colonel and headed to the southern wall!

Looking down, Oliver and his group sat on their warhorses, each holding the reins of several horses.

“It’s really that kid!” Elliott Sun recognized Oliver immediately.

They had all been keeping an eye on Oliver!

“Martial Colonel, are those below all from your Tenth Squad?” Elliott Sun asked.

To prevent any surprises, it was best to be cautious.

“Reporting, General, a dozen or so are not, they seem to be from other squads, but the rest are all Tenth Squad soldiers,” the Martial Colonel replied.

Seeing Oliver and the others, the Martial Colonel was extremely surprised.

Weren’t these guys rumored to be dead? How did they come back, and in such good shape?

“That’s good.”

“Open the gate and let them in,” Elliott Sun ordered.

Then he walked down the wall to the gate, curious about what Oliver had been up to, bringing back so many warhorses.

Seeing the gate open, Oliver said to the soldiers behind him, “Brothers, enter the city!”




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