Chapter 21 – Return with a full load

“Quick, treat the wounded!” Oliver Sheng ordered.

In the cavalry battle, casualties were inevitable, but fortunately, the losses were minimal.

Two soldiers were killed, and about a dozen were injured.

After all, they weren’t professional cavalry, and there was still a significant gap compared to the Huns’ cavalry.

This was even with Oliver leading the charge, killing many Hun cavalrymen.

Otherwise, the casualties would have been much higher.

Hunter Tang and the others began treating the wounded.

The injured soldiers took healing pills, and their wounds quickly healed.

The two fallen soldiers were buried on the spot.

Having wiped out a hundred-man Hun cavalry unit, they gained over sixty intact warhorses.

They also took the enemy’s sabers and armor.

Now they had plenty of horses, so they could transport supplies on horseback.

They slaughtered a dozen injured horses and took the meat with them.

The rest were left to fend for themselves on the grassland.

After cleaning up the battlefield, Oliver led the soldiers to move to another location to avoid being tracked by a large Hun cavalry unit.

Carrying horses and supplies, everyone left joyfully, having won another battle and killed over a hundred Hun cavalrymen.

This military merit wouldn’t be small, and they might even receive a substantial reward.

Around noon, Oliver and his men encountered another Hun unit transporting supplies.

Seeing the transport unit, Hunter and the others looked at Oliver.

“Sergeant, should we go for it?”

Now, whenever they encountered Huns, they didn’t think about whether they could win but rather about attacking and taking everything.

“Brothers, there’s a fat piece of meat in front of us. What do you say, should we eat it or not?” Oliver turned back and smiled at the soldiers.


“Definitely eat!”

“Sergeant, give the order. I can’t wait to charge.”

The soldiers’ eyes were filled with fighting spirit, eager to charge.

“Alright, brothers, charge with me!” Oliver shouted, leading the charge on horseback.

The wounded soldiers stayed behind to look after the horses, while the others followed Oliver in the charge.

The horses galloped swiftly, and the bows twanged like thunder!

As they charged and approached the Hun unit, they drew their bows and shot arrows.

Now, each of them carried a bow, all seized from the Huns.

Seeing the charging cavalry and the arrows, the Hun transport unit finally realized what was happening.

“Enemy attack!”

The leading officer shouted!

The Hun soldiers quickly took cover.

But the ordinary herdsmen conscripted into the unit couldn’t dodge in time and were shot dead, more than twenty of them.

Oliver’s men had few archers, and many were not skilled, resulting in a low hit rate.

“Mount up and counterattack!” the enemy officer shouted.

The Hun cavalry mounted their horses and charged at Oliver and his men.



Seeing the charging hundred-plus cavalry, Oliver and his men showed no fear, drawing their sabers to meet the enemy.

Judging by the enemy’s quick response, they were facing an elite unit.

Oliver charged at the front, his battle robe fluttering in the wind, and his iron armor gleaming coldly in the sunlight.

His saber exuded a blood-red fiendish aura, already turning crimson.

The True Essence within him surged, his blood boiling. He had to give his all to kill the enemy officer in one strike; otherwise, the battle would turn against them.

After all, the enemy outnumbered them two to one.



The sabers clashed, and blood splattered.

The head of the Hun officer flew off and fell to the ground.

A martial cultivator at the late Martial Artist realm had no power to resist Oliver’s full-force strike.

Now, Oliver’s strength was comparable to a mid-level Martial Master, making it easy for him to overpower martial cultivators at the Martial Artist realm.

After killing the Hun officer with one strike, Oliver charged into the Hun cavalry like a fierce tiger, leaving death in his wake.

Seeing Oliver’s rampage, Zane Wang, Hunter Tang, Owen Hai, and the others were not to be outdone, raising their sabers to kill.


Oliver’s saber technique was fierce, each strike taking down a Hun soldier.

The Blood Fiend Saber Technique, at its peak in his hands, was simply masterful.

As he killed more and more enemies, the fiendish aura around him grew stronger.

Zane Wang was astonished at how far Oliver had advanced in the Blood Fiend Saber Technique.

Indeed, he was a monstrous talent. In such a short time, he had perfected the Blood Fiend Saber Technique to this level.

Zane had practiced the technique for two and a half years and had only reached Small Accomplishment.

Oliver was like a god of death, instilling fear in the Hun soldiers.

He moved through them unchallenged, killing over sixty of the hundred cavalrymen alone.

With the elite cavalry wiped out, Oliver led his men to charge at the remaining Hun soldiers.

With their best cavalry dead, the remaining soldiers and herdsmen had no power to resist and were slaughtered by Oliver and his men.

During the battle, Oliver also killed a herdsman with no cultivation, noticing that he didn’t gain any Kill Points from it.

By the end of the battle, Oliver had killed over a hundred Hun soldiers by himself.

Seeing Oliver’s fiendish aura, Zane Wang and the others felt a bit of fear.

Especially Zane, who felt that sometimes the gap between people was greater than that between a man and a dog.

He had practiced martial arts for ten years and had only recently reached the late Martial Artist realm.

Oliver, whom he had watched start from an ordinary person, had caught up to him in just a few days, and his strength far surpassed Zane’s.

“Clean up the battlefield. Take everything we can!” With plenty of horses, Oliver didn’t want to waste anything by burning it.

He planned to raid a few more small Hun tribes before returning to Peace Pass.

If the main Hun army reacted and sent a large cavalry unit to encircle them, they might not escape the grassland.

After destroying the Hun transport unit, Oliver led his men to continue searching for small Hun tribes.

In one afternoon, they raided five or six small tribes, gaining substantial loot.

These small tribes had their young and strong warriors conscripted for the battlefield, leaving only the old, weak, sick, and disabled, who couldn’t resist their attack.

Seeing over a thousand warhorses and abundant supplies, Oliver decided to return to Peace Pass that night.

Only by securing these gains would they truly be theirs.

They planned to avoid the main Hun army in front of Peace Pass on their way back.

Seeing their loot, everyone had smiles on their faces.

“Sergeant, we’ve collected gold and silver jewelry worth thirty thousand taels of silver, over a thousand warhorses, many pills, and countless other supplies,” Hunter Tang said happily.

“Convert the gold and silver jewelry into silver and distribute it among the brothers. Give more to the families of the fallen,” Oliver said.

“As for the pills, keep the healing ones. Distribute the cultivation and breakthrough pills to the brothers to enhance their strength.”

“Yes, Sergeant!”

The other soldiers were overjoyed at Oliver’s distribution plan. Following such a leader, they could win battles and share the spoils, promising a bright future both in terms of career and wealth.

In the evening, after dinner, they didn’t linger and continued their journey.

With so many horses and supplies, staying longer on the grassland would only increase the danger.

That day, the Hun army continued to attack Peace Pass. The Left Wise King sent two Grandmaster-level martial artists, but they still couldn’t defeat the defending general, Calvin Yang.

The Hun army’s assault was thwarted again.

The Left Wise King, in his fury, smashed his favorite vase.

“Useless fools! How many days has it been, and you still can’t take down a small Peace Pass!?” the Left Wise King roared impotently.

The generals below didn’t dare make a sound.

If Peace Pass were so easy to take, they would have done it long ago. Did he think the Great Wei was a pushover?

The generals couldn’t help but grumble in their hearts.

“Report to the Left Wise King, urgent military news.” A messenger entered the king’s tent.


He thought it was the grassland urging him to take Peace Pass quickly, feeling extremely irritated.

“My lord, two of our supply transport units were attacked, a hundred-man cavalry unit disappeared, and over ten small tribes were raided. The report suggests that enemies have infiltrated our rear,” the messenger reported.


“Enemies have infiltrated our rear? How bold!” The Left Wise King was furious.

Did they think he was made of clay?

“Send out two thousand cavalrymen. Find them and wipe them out,” the Left Wise King ordered, his chest heaving with anger.

Most of their supplies had already been destroyed during the camp raid, and now the enemy dared to attack their transport units.

Without sufficient supplies, how could the soldiers fight and kill?

Oliver and his men didn’t know that their actions had been reported to the Left Wise King.

And the Left Wise King didn’t know that Oliver and his men, laden with spoils, were already making their way back to Peace Pass.




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