Chapter 20 – Engage in battle with the Huns cavalry


“What’s wrong, Sergeant?” Hunter Tang asked.

Oliver Sheng tossed his knife aside. “Nothing, you guys go ahead.”

Then he walked off to the side.

The others didn’t know what was going on with Oliver, and didn’t dare to ask.

Hunter Tang and the others killed all the young men in the Ebony tribe who were taller than the cart wheels, leaving none alive.

The women and elderly who resisted were also mercilessly slaughtered by Hunter Tang and his men.

The remaining people were filled with fear and didn’t dare to resist any further. The entire Ebony tribe was filled with cries and wails.

Oliver watched as the soldiers brought back the horses. There were over fifty good warhorses and sixty or seventy ordinary horses, all brought back.

Horses were a rare and valuable war resource that had to be taken.

The grain and silver in the Ebony tribe were also looted.

They took twenty sheep and slaughtered five cows for meat.

The remaining cattle and sheep were left there, to be tended by the Huns.

Given the circumstances, they couldn’t take everything with them, otherwise, they would have.

After Oliver and the others left, the Ebony tribe was left in ruins, with only corpses and cries remaining.

This was the nature of war between two countries and races, filled with savagery and bloodshed.

When the Hun tribes broke through the pass and invaded the south, they too would slaughter countless Wei people, plundering wealth, grain, and women.

After leaving the Ebony tribe, they didn’t continue to search for other Hun tribes.

Instead, they found a place to rest and cook beef.

The aroma of the beef made many soldiers salivate uncontrollably.

In Great Wei, cattle were tools for plowing fields and were not to be slaughtered.

It was very difficult to eat beef.

“Waiter, two taels of beef,” such a thing would never happen.

If a cow died accidentally, it would be bought by the nobles, never reaching the taverns.

Oliver sat to the side, silently looking at his Golden Finger.

Name: Oliver Sheng

Race: Human

Realm: Late-stage Martial Artist

Cultivation Methods: [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Small Accomplishment)]

Strength: 4,000 pounds

Talent: Silver Archer

Kill Points: 35

Killing those young cavalrymen of the Ebony tribe earned him twenty-two Kill Points.

Killing that boy didn’t yield any Kill Points.

This puzzled Oliver greatly.

Wasn’t killing enemies supposed to earn Kill Points?

That boy from the Ebony tribe was also an enemy, but killing him didn’t yield any Kill Points.

Could it be that killing those without cultivation doesn’t yield Kill Points?

Or is it that killing the innocent doesn’t yield Kill Points?

Having a mute and incomplete System was frustrating, as he had to figure everything out on his own.

Zane Wang saw Oliver sitting alone and walked over.

“What’s wrong, feeling guilty?” Zane asked directly.

Hearing Zane’s voice, Oliver turned to look at him.

“Don’t burden yourself. When the Huns break through the pass and invade the south, they will kill many of our compatriots and family members. What they do will be far worse than us,” Zane comforted him.

“You did the right thing. Hun boys taller than the cart wheels will soon grow up, pick up steel knives, and invade us.”

Oliver felt embarrassed. They misunderstood that he was contemplating his Golden Finger.

He did feel a bit guilty, but not much.

“No, I was thinking about something else,” Oliver said with a smile, shaking his head.

“What were you thinking about so intently? A girl in your heart?” Zane joked.

“Brother Zane, are you teasing me? When the war is over, I’ll go to The House of Joy and pick ten girls, draining your savings,” Oliver joked back.

“Haha, you underestimate me. Picking twenty girls is no problem,” Zane laughed.

“Sergeant, Brother Zane, come eat,” Hunter Tang called out.


Oliver and Zane returned to the camp and joined the soldiers in devouring the beef.

They finished off the five cows in one meal. Being martial cultivators, their appetites were huge, and five cows weren’t enough for the sixty-plus men.

After lunch, they continued to move.

They wouldn’t stay in one place for too long, as they were in Hun territory.

When the Hun cavalry arrived at the Ebony tribe and saw the devastation, their captain’s anger shot through the roof.

All the young men and boys taller than the cart wheels in the tribe were slaughtered.

This was cutting off the roots of the Huns!

“How many enemies were there?” Tuo Luo’ou asked an elder of the Ebony tribe.

“Sir, there were over sixty enemies,” the elder said, tears streaming down his face.

His grandson had died in battle, and he didn’t dare to stand up and avenge him, living on in cowardice.

“Over sixty men, daring to be so arrogant, not putting our great Hun warriors in their eyes. I, Tuo Luo’ou, swear to tear them to pieces,” Tuo Luo’ou said angrily.

“Which direction did they go?” Tuo Luo’ou asked.

“That direction!” The elder pointed in the direction Oliver and his men had left.

At this moment, he fervently hoped that the cavalry would catch up to Oliver and his men, killing them all to avenge his grandson and their tribe.

“Follow me, pursue the enemy, hyah!” Tuo Luo’ou led the cavalry in pursuit of Oliver and his men.

Oliver and his men roamed the grasslands, attacking small tribes, killing all the young men and boys taller than the cart wheels, then looting gold, silver, and warhorses before leaving.

They raided six or seven small tribes along the way.

They now had over five hundred horses.

Each person had to lead ten or so horses.

Just the warhorses alone, if taken back and handed over to the garrison at Peace Pass, would be a great military merit.

If sold, these warhorses could fetch a lot of silver.

With so many horses, their marching speed slowed, and the traces they left became more obvious.

Seeing their abundant harvest, the soldiers were both happy and worried.

They were deep in Hun territory, and being discovered was only a matter of time.

Oliver hadn’t expected such a rich harvest.

It could only be said that this grassland had been peaceful for too long.

The Huns invaded the borders of Great Wei every year, but Great Wei had rarely attacked the grasslands in recent years, making the Huns forget the danger, forgetting that the Wei army could also penetrate deep into the grasslands.

In the evening, they camped in a desert, still eating beef and mutton.

After dinner, Oliver sent out scouts to keep watch.

Their movements were hard to hide now, so for safety, scouts were sent out to monitor the area within a ten-mile radius.

Raiding six or seven small tribes had increased Oliver’s Kill Points to 127.

Name: Oliver Sheng

Race: Human

Realm: Late-stage Martial Artist

Cultivation Methods: [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] (+) [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Small Accomplishment)] (+)

Strength: 4,000 pounds

Talent: Silver Archer (+)

Kill Points: 127

One hundred and twenty-seven points were not enough to advance his cultivation.

He could now improve the Blood Fiend Saber Technique, a technique seemingly created specifically for soldiers.

Oliver allocated points to improve the Blood Fiend Saber Technique, consuming one hundred Kill Points, advancing it to Great Accomplishment.

With the Blood Fiend Saber Technique at Great Accomplishment, Oliver’s strength increased significantly.

He now had the confidence to defeat a mid-stage Martial Master.

Today, the Hun army deployed twenty thousand soldiers to attack the city, including martial experts at the Grandmaster level.

General Who Pacifies the North, Calvin Yang, intercepted the Grandmaster-level experts in the Hun army.

The two fought in the sky for two hours, unable to defeat each other. In the end, the Hun army left behind thousands of corpses and retreated.

“Sergeant, Sergeant!”

Oliver, who was cultivating and converting spiritual energy into True Essence, was awakened by the call.

“What’s wrong?”

“Sergeant, one of the scouts returned and reported that a cavalry unit is approaching from about ten miles behind us. He suspects they are coming after us,” Hunter Tang said.

“What time is it?”

“The end of the third watch.”

Oliver looked at the sky; it was almost dawn, around five in the morning.

“Wake up the soldiers!” Oliver ordered.

Hunter Tang quickly went to wake all the soldiers.

“What’s going on, Brother Oliver?” Zane Wang asked.

“Sergeant, what happened?” Owen Hai also asked.

“You tell them,” Oliver said to the scout who had returned.

“Yes, Sergeant. About a hundred Hun cavalrymen are approaching from behind. I suspect they are coming for us, so I hurried back to report,” the soldier said.

“It seems we’ve been discovered,” Zane Wang said.

They had left obvious traces along the way.

“Everyone, it’s just a hundred cavalrymen. Do you dare to fight with me?” Oliver looked at his sixty or so men.

They were now facing the real Hun cavalry, the elite of the Hun army.

“What’s there to be afraid of? I’ll follow you through fire and water,” Zane Wang immediately declared.

“Just a hundred cavalrymen, nothing to fear. Let’s take them down,” Hunter Tang said, having gained confidence from the recent victories.




The soldiers looked at Oliver with determined eyes. In every battle, Oliver had led from the front.

Having won several battles, they were not afraid of the Hun cavalry.

They believed Oliver would lead them to victory.

“Good, you are indeed my soldiers, brave and fearless. We will win,” Oliver said, satisfied, and began to lay out the tactics.

Although they had sixty men and plenty of horses, they were not yet skilled enough to engage in cavalry combat against the Hun cavalry.

Oliver led his men to a grassland and set up tripwires.

Then they dug horse traps behind the tripwires.

These were the ancient tactics used by their ancestors to counter cavalry.

To counter cavalry with infantry, they had to use strategy. They were infantry who had only recently converted to cavalry.

Oliver didn’t want too many casualties, so he devised this plan.

After setting the traps, Oliver and his men waited on horseback for the Hun cavalry to arrive.

In the east, a sliver of white appeared, and soon a red sun rose, illuminating the land.

Under the morning light, a cavalry unit approached.

Tuo Luo’ou saw the prepared men and horses ahead and smiled.

After a long chase, they had finally caught up to these Wei rats.

“Brave warriors, those men ahead are the damned Wei people.

They killed our people and plundered our resources. Now, follow me in a charge, cut off their heads, and offer them to our fallen brothers,” Tuo Luo’ou shouted.




The Hun cavalry let out an earth-shaking battle cry.

Oliver and his men watched the charging Hun cavalry in silence.

“Warriors, follow me to kill the enemy!”


Tuo Luo’ou shouted and led the charge, followed by over a hundred Hun cavalrymen.


Seeing the charging Hun cavalry, Oliver smiled.

The rising sun, a fiery red, was perfect for killing the enemy!

Watching the fierce charge, Oliver and his men remained motionless on horseback.

Tuo Luo’ou felt something was wrong. These Wei rats weren’t fleeing or charging.

Were they so scared by the great Hun cavalry charge that they were paralyzed?

Thinking this, Tuo Luo’ou urged his horse to go faster.



If Oliver knew what Tuo Luo’ou was thinking, he would laugh out loud.

Was this the so-called lowering of intelligence when encountering the protagonist?

Seeing the enemy still motionless, Tuo Luo’ou realized something was wrong.

But it was too late to stop the cavalry charge.

He knew the Wei people were cunning but couldn’t figure out Oliver’s plan.

Soon, he found out.

Tuo Luo’ou luckily jumped over the tripwire, protected by the shaman’s blessing, and avoided the horse trap.

But the cavalry behind him wasn’t so lucky.

The first few riders were tripped by the wire, falling and causing chaos.

The following cavalry couldn’t stop in time, crashing into the fallen horses or stepping into the traps, causing more chaos.

Seeing this, Tuo Luo’ou’s eyes nearly popped out.

The cavalry charge was too fast to stop, and more horses fell into traps or crashed.

Oliver’s soldiers were even more impressed with him, seeing the traps work so effectively.

Initially, they were skeptical, but the results were excellent.

In the end, only about forty cavalrymen made it through the traps.

Seeing only forty men left, Tuo Luo’ou was heartbroken.


“Damn Wei dogs, despicable and shameless!” Tuo Luo’ou cursed angrily.

Oliver smiled and beckoned Tuo Luo’ou with his middle finger.

Come on!

“Damn Wei dog, I’ll kill you!”

Tuo Luo’ou, enraged, charged recklessly.

The remaining Hun cavalry had no choice but to follow.

Oliver drew his saber and raised it.

His soldiers followed suit.

“Brothers, charge with me, kill the Huns.”

Oliver spurred his horse into a charge.

The two armies clashed, horses galloping, weapons clashing, blood boiling.

In the past life, everyone dreamed of galloping on horseback, fighting on the battlefield.

Now, it was no dream. This was real, fighting on the battlefield.

Oliver channeled his True Essence, his saber glowing with blood-red energy.

Tuo Luo’ou also channeled his True Essence, charging at Oliver.

Soldier against soldier, general against general!


With the clash of weapons, one figure flashed, and another fell from the horse.

Seeing the fallen figure, the Hun cavalry was shocked.

Their captain was defeated in one move.

Their captain, at the Great Perfection stage of Martial Artist, was killed in one strike.

Oliver’s soldiers, seeing their leader kill the Hun captain, were filled with confidence, charging into the Hun cavalry.

In a narrow path, the brave win. The Hun cavalry, demoralized by the traps and their captain’s death, lost their momentum.

After a fierce charge, only the horses remained behind Oliver and his men.

All forty Hun enemies were dead.

The riderless horses stopped and began grazing.

The morning sun in the Northern Frontier was not warm.

Dew still clung to the grass.

The north wind howled, and the animals on the grassland hid in their nests, avoiding the terrifying blood fiend energy.





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