Chapter 19 – Higher than the wheel, kill

After packing up their belongings and covering their tracks, they set off to find a new location.

“Sergeant, where are we heading now?” Hunter Tang asked.

“Where to?”

Oliver Sheng glanced at the soldiers behind him.

The wounded were quickly recovering thanks to the healing pills.

Zane Wang successfully broke through to the late stage of Martial Artist, and both Hunter Tang and Owen Hai also advanced to the Martial Artist realm.

The strength of the other soldiers had also improved.

Now that their strength had increased, wouldn’t it be a waste not to kill the enemy?

“Of course, we’re going to kill the enemy!” Oliver said calmly, looking at the rising sun.

“Where to kill?” Owen Hai asked.

“This is Hun territory, enemies are everywhere. Where do you think we should kill?” Oliver laughed, wondering if this guy had gone stupid from training.

The group rode off in one direction.

Two and a half hours later, it was noon, and a team of Hun cavalry arrived at their former campsite.

“Captain, there are signs that someone camped here. Although they tried to cover it up, it’s quite rough,” a Hun soldier reported to the cavalry captain.

“Can you tell when they left?” the Hun cavalry captain asked.

“Probably this morning!”

“Damn it, these Wei people are so cunning, daring to venture deep into our grasslands,” the cavalry captain said angrily.

Yesterday, he thought these Wei people would try to return to Peace Pass after looting supplies, but when he went to intercept them, he found nothing.

After wasting so much time, they continued to follow the tracks, but Oliver and his team had already left.

“Chase them! We can’t let them cause trouble on our land,” the cavalry captain ordered.

Oliver and his team were wandering on the grasslands when they came across a small Hun tribe.

Looking at the dozens of tents ahead, there were only old people, children, and women herding cattle and sheep. No strong adult men were in sight.

The adult males of this small tribe had all been drafted to the battlefield.


Hunter Tang, Zane Wang, and the others looked at Oliver, waiting for his orders.


Oliver’s horse neighed as he fell into a dilemma.

He had no qualms about killing Hun soldiers on the battlefield.

But he found it hard to attack the elderly, women, and children.

After all, his mindset was different from Hunter Tang and the others.

For Hunter Tang and the others, they were all enemies anyway, so killing them didn’t bother them.

Those Hun children would grow up to pick up steel knives and invade the south.

And those elderly and women, herding cattle and sheep, were supporting the men fighting at the front.

Zane Wang looked at Oliver and said, “Forget it, let’s go find other enemies.”

Zane knew Oliver used to be a scholar, and scholars talked about etiquette and education, unlike them who were rough and straightforward. It was indeed difficult for Oliver to attack these elderly, women, and children.

“Let’s go, find the next tribe!” Oliver finally said.

If there had been two or three strong young men in this tribe, he would have ordered the charge.

Oliver and his team rode away, and the people of this tribe didn’t know they had just escaped death.

Moving forward, they encountered another Hun tribe.

This tribe was not small, with over fifty strong young men left behind, and the tribe had over a thousand people.

Seeing the strong young men in this tribe, Oliver didn’t hesitate to give the order to charge.

“Brothers, charge with me!”


Over fifty riders charged towards the Hun tribe.

The wounded stayed behind to guard the supplies and take care of the pack horses.

Seeing the sudden charge of the cavalry, the people of the Ebony tribe stopped their work and watched the charging cavalry.

As the cavalry approached, they saw that the cavalry’s attire was neither from their tribe nor Hun cavalry.

“Enemy attack!!” a young man shouted.


An arrow pierced through his body, quickly staining his clothes with blood. He stared blankly at the arrow that had pierced him and fell to the ground.

“Quick, enemy attack, mount up and fight!” Ebony shouted, then quickly rushed to his warhorse, drew his battle knife, and charged towards Oliver and his team.

The other strong young men also mounted up to fight.

Every Hun man became a warrior upon reaching adulthood.

During the charge, Oliver wasn’t idle, drawing his bow and shooting arrows at the enemy.

The archers in the team did the same, shooting arrows while charging.

However, the archers in the team couldn’t compare to Oliver’s archery skills, occasionally hitting a few enemies.

The charging Huns also drew their bows to retaliate, but it was difficult to hit Oliver and his team.

Cavalry, coming like shadows, leaving like the wind, were the hardest to deal with.




Every arrow Oliver shot killed a Hun.

The young men left behind in the Ebony tribe had just come of age and had never been on a battlefield.

Apart from their excellent riding skills, they had no combat experience.

Oliver and his team, with rich combat experience, even if they didn’t understand cavalry warfare, were far superior to these newly adult men of the Ebony tribe.

In one charge, Oliver killed five or six riders.

With his powerful strength, none of the young men of the Ebony tribe could stop him.

Zane Wang, Hunter Tang, and Owen Hai, all Martial Artists, along with many seasoned veterans, faced a group of newbies, it was like a massacre.

After one round of charging, only about ten young men of the Ebony tribe were left.

Oliver and his team, wearing armor and seasoned from the battlefield, only had a few injured soldiers.


Oliver turned his horse around and continued to charge, not intending to spare the remaining Huns.

The ten or so young men of the Ebony tribe, for the sake of their tribe, didn’t run away.

The tribe was full of their relatives, they had no choice but to fight to the death.

The result was inevitable, those ten or so young men of the Ebony tribe were killed by Oliver and his team.

After killing the capable young men of the Ebony tribe, Oliver and his team turned and charged into the tribe.


The women and children of the Ebony tribe screamed in terror.

Some women, seeing their sons or brothers killed, angrily charged at Oliver and his team with knives.

Some women fled with their children, and some elderly hid their grandchildren in haystacks.

For the women charging with knives, Zane Wang, Hunter Tang, and the others showed no mercy, killing them with a single slash.

Oliver watched coldly, not stopping those who sought death.

After all, Oliver was still bound by the moral values of his past life.

Otherwise, no one in this tribe would have survived.

“Listen, anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy,” Oliver shouted.

“Gather everyone together, anyone who resists, kill.”

Some who understood Wei language hesitated, preparing to grab weapons to resist.

Those who didn’t understand, or women who had lost their sons, still angrily picked up weapons to resist.

The result was a pile of corpses on the ground, blood staining the grasslands.

When all the resisters were dead, the remaining people, looking at the corpses on the ground, trembled in fear.

At the same time, Oliver saw anger and hatred in the eyes of many children.

Oliver laughed, realizing that in war, there was no right or wrong, only positions.

“Gather everyone together,” Oliver ordered.

The soldiers gathered everyone together.

Oliver looked at the gathered people of the Ebony tribe, seeing fear, hatred, and hostility in their eyes.

Especially the half-grown children, who couldn’t hide their angry and hostile gazes.

“Kill all the boys taller than a wagon wheel!”

Seeing those hateful and angry eyes, Oliver knew that mercy was not an option.

Since so many had died, a few more wouldn’t matter!

“Haha, let me do it!”

Hunter Tang stepped forward to be the executioner after hearing Oliver’s order.

“I’ll do it!”

Since he decided to be a butcher, he might as well do it himself and gain kill points.

Hunter Tang didn’t argue and grabbed a boy who looked about fourteen or fifteen.

“Uli guala, uli guala!” the boy struggled desperately.

A woman rushed out, hugging the boy.

“Ula, ula…” the woman cried loudly but was pulled away by two soldiers.

Hunter Tang kicked her to the ground and dragged the boy out.

Oliver drew his knife, hardened his heart, and slashed the boy.

After killing the Hun boy with hatred and fear in his eyes, Oliver frowned slightly.

No kill points were generated!




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