Chapter 16 – Ambush the Hun’s supply camp

Those twenty or so garrison soldiers from Peace Pass followed Zane Wang over, standing not far away, watching Oliver Sheng and his group.

“Last night’s raid, we attacked from the left side. The assault wasn’t very smooth. Although we successfully hit the Huns’ main camp, we suffered significant losses.”

“After breaking into the enemy camp, we started setting fires everywhere and fought the Huns. Later, more and more Huns showed up, and we got scattered.”

“By the time we escaped the enemy camp, we couldn’t tell east from west and just ran in one direction to save our lives,” Zane Wang explained.

“They’re also stragglers who gathered while fleeing. When dawn broke, we found ourselves behind the Huns’ lines.”

“This morning, we headed towards Peace Pass, planning to return, but we encountered Hun cavalry on the way. They were roaming the grasslands, seemingly searching for those of us who scattered during last night’s raid.”

“Wait, Brother Wang, are you saying that on the way back, Hun cavalry are roaming around, blocking our path?” Oliver Sheng asked.

“Yes, many Hun cavalry are roaming around, blocking our way back. They spotted us and hunted us down like prey,” Zane Wang nodded.

“We originally had about forty people, but these Hun cavalry treated us like animals, toying with us and shooting down over a dozen of us.”

“Those damn Huns!” Hunter Tang was extremely angry upon hearing this.

The Hun cavalry actually treated them like animals, hunting them for fun.

“Among you, are there any squad leaders or platoon leaders?” Oliver Sheng looked at the twenty or so soldiers.

“No, we’re all just regular soldiers,” Zane Wang replied first.

Oliver Sheng nodded imperceptibly. Regular soldiers were good.

“I assume you all are soldiers from the Seventh Battalion who participated in last night’s raid. I am the sergeant of the Tenth Squad of the Seventh Battalion. Now, as your sergeant, I order you to join the Tenth Squad under my command,” Oliver Sheng said, directly incorporating the twenty or so soldiers into his unit.

Now, behind enemy lines, he needed to maintain his troop numbers and enhance their combat strength to have a chance of surviving against the Huns.

The twenty soldiers looked at each other, but no one opposed.

They were from different squads and were now considered stragglers. Oliver Sheng was a sergeant, a higher rank than them, so they couldn’t resist being incorporated.

Moreover, Oliver Sheng had saved them. Without him, they would have died under the Hun cavalry’s blades and arrows.

Also, Oliver Sheng had single-handedly shot down a Hun cavalry squad, deeply impressing them with his prowess.

With the addition of these twenty or so soldiers, his unit’s numbers increased to over seventy.

“Brothers Oliver, we can’t stay here long. We need to leave quickly. Those Hun cavalry who escaped will definitely return with more to hunt us down,” Zane Wang said.

They were too close to the enemy camp and had to leave.

With the way back blocked, they could only head deeper into the grasslands.

“Let’s go. Take the supplies and warhorses and leave here. We’ll head deeper into the grasslands,” Oliver Sheng decided to lead the soldiers further into enemy territory.

Everyone gathered their things and headed deeper into the grasslands.

After traveling over twenty kilometers, they stopped to rest.

“Rest for a bit and eat something,” Oliver Sheng instructed.

They had obtained quite a bit of food and water from the Hun cavalry, enough to fill their stomachs.

After eating and drinking their fill.

“Sergeant, what do we do now?” Hunter Tang asked.

Unable to return to Peace City, they were now a lone force. If they encountered a large Hun cavalry unit, their fate was obvious.

Food was also a problem, as they hadn’t brought any when they set out for the raid.

“Living people won’t be suffocated by urine. We’ll take it one step at a time. Don’t worry, I won’t lead you to your deaths,” Oliver Sheng said.

Now, outside, he was the absolute commander of this unit. Although their numbers were small, his word was the only military order.

This was much better than being in the city. In the city, even as a sergeant, he was just a small soldier to the generals, following orders.

“Let’s go. We can’t linger on these grasslands, or the Hun cavalry will track us down like hyenas,” Zane Wang said.

Oliver Sheng usually took the advice of these seasoned soldiers.

After eating and resting, they continued forward. Since they couldn’t return, they would wander the grasslands.

Oliver Sheng didn’t want to go back to guarding the city. Now that he was out, he wanted to make something happen.

With twenty-one warhorses carrying some of the wounded and supplies, the rest walked on foot.

Since there weren’t enough horses for everyone, Oliver Sheng didn’t want to appear too special. As the new sergeant of this unit, he needed to build camaraderie to lead them into battle.

In the evening, they found a wind-sheltered hill and rested.

Only then did Oliver Sheng continue to check the Light Screen.

Name: Oliver Sheng

Race: Human

Realm: Early Martial Artist (+)

Cultivation Method: [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] (+) [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Small Accomplishment)] (+)

Strength: 2900 pounds

Talent: Silver Archer (+)

Kill Point: 193

Upgrading the archer talent had consumed twenty Kill Points. Originally, he had 185 points, leaving him with 165.

After shooting down twenty-one cavalry, his Kill Points increased to 193, a gain of 28 points.

Being behind enemy lines made Oliver Sheng uneasy. He needed to increase his strength.

Otherwise, if they encountered a strong Hun warrior, they would all be doomed.

Without hesitation, Oliver Sheng used the One-Click Attribute Allocation to start enhancing his cultivation.

This time, it consumed 100 Kill Points.

He had thought it would be 80 points, but it seemed the cost had increased.

A surge of immense power flowed through his body, continuously refining and strengthening his physique.

At the same time, his True Essence also grew stronger.

Martial Artists focus on the body, tapping into their potential, believing that all great power returns to oneself.

Thus, body refinement is paramount for martial cultivation!

Now, Oliver Sheng’s Golden Finger, the Kill System, continuously strengthened his physique.

Soon, his cultivation advanced to the mid-stage Martial Artist.

This breakthrough speed was faster than a martial genius who had trained for two and a half years.

Name: Oliver Sheng

Race: Human

Realm: Mid-stage Martial Artist

Cultivation Method: [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Small Accomplishment)]

Strength: 3400 pounds

Talent: Silver Archer (+)

Kill Point: 93

Consuming 100 Kill Points, he advanced to mid-stage Martial Artist.

With 93 Kill Points remaining, the plus signs behind his cultivation methods and saber technique disappeared, indicating that the remaining points were insufficient for further upgrades.

Seeing how quickly the Kill Points were used up, Oliver Sheng didn’t know what to say. How many enemies would he need to kill to reach the Innate Realm?

Just thinking about it gave him a headache!

With his strength surpassing 3000 pounds, he was now comparable to a newly advanced Martial Master.

With his increased strength, Oliver Sheng felt more secure.

Today, the Hun army was exhausted and didn’t launch another attack.

This brought a rare moment of peace for the garrison at Peace Pass.

After half a month of intense battles, even iron men would tire, let alone flesh and blood.

Peace Pass enjoyed a rare day of tranquility.

Without the sound of war drums and battle cries, some bolder residents dared to venture out into the city.


The north wind howled, and Oliver Sheng and his group slept uneasily.

Firstly, it was cold, and secondly, they had to guard against Hun cavalry sneaking up on them.

At dawn, Oliver Sheng continued to lead the unit forward, this time changing direction.

After traveling a dozen miles, the scouts returned quickly.

“Sergeant, there’s a situation!”

“There’s a Hun unit ahead, about five hundred strong, seemingly transporting supplies to the Hun camp in front of the pass,” the two scouts reported.

“Hunter Tang, hold the position here. Come with me to check it out,” Oliver Sheng ordered.

“Yes, Sergeant!” Hunter Tang responded.

“Oliver, I’ll go with you. I used to be a scout!” Zane Wang offered.

“Alright, let’s go!”

Oliver Sheng and Zane Wang followed the two scouts back to check the situation.

They lay on the grass, observing from a distance. A Hun unit was transporting something, moving slowly.

“Oliver, this is a Hun supply convoy, transporting goods to the main Hun army,” Zane Wang said after watching for a while.

“Supplies!” Oliver Sheng’s eyes lit up.

It was like someone offering a pillow when he was sleepy.

What they lacked most now was supplies.

Seeing Oliver Sheng’s eager eyes, Zane Wang felt uneasy.

“Oliver, you don’t plan to attack this Hun supply convoy, do you?”

“Why not?” Oliver Sheng retorted.

“This Hun unit has about five hundred men. Are you sure our seventy-odd men won’t be marching to their deaths?” Zane Wang thought Oliver Sheng was too bold.

“Five hundred men? So what? It’s not a thousand. What’s the highest cultivation level in this Hun unit?” Oliver Sheng asked.

“Based on my knowledge of the Huns, the strongest in such a five-hundred-man transport unit is usually at the Great Perfection stage of Martial Artist. I’m not sure if the commander is at the Great Perfection stage or late-stage Martial Artist,” Zane Wang replied.

“Let’s do it. Move ahead and set up an ambush,” Oliver Sheng decided immediately.

Returning to the unit, they rushed ahead to the path the Hun convoy would take.

“Sergeant, we have seventy men against five hundred Huns. This won’t be easy,” Hunter Tang reminded.

“Don’t worry. If I say we can fight, we can fight,” Oliver Sheng said firmly.

He was determined to take down this Hun supply unit. Not even the Shaman of the Eternal Heaven could stop him, he declared!

“Those who can ride, step forward!” Oliver Sheng commanded.

Over thirty soldiers who could ride stepped forward, including Zane Wang, Hunter Tang, and Owen Hai.

“Zane Wang, Owen Hai, pick nineteen men and form a cavalry unit. You’ll charge from the left,” Oliver Sheng instructed.

“Archers, follow my lead. Shoot all your arrows, then charge,” Oliver Sheng began to lay out the tactics.

At a distance of fifty meters on both sides of the road, Oliver Sheng had the men dig pits.

On the grasslands, ambushes were difficult, so they had to create conditions for one.

They only needed to dig pits large enough for a person to crouch in, cutting the turf cleanly to cover them later for camouflage.

Once everyone was in position, they waited for the Hun supply convoy to arrive.




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