Chapter 15 – The Huns’ cavalry retreated when they encountered a familiar face

Seeing the Garrison being chased by the Huns’ cavalry, Oliver Sheng didn’t hesitate.

“Let’s go, support them!”

“Give me all your arrows!” At the same time, Oliver took the arrows from several soldiers.

There were more than thirty arrows in total.

Oliver led the soldiers and charged towards their allies.

Simultaneously, he allocated points to upgrade his archer skills.

Name: Oliver Sheng

Race: Human

Realm: Martial Artist Initial Stage (+)

Cultivation Method: [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] (+) [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Small Accomplishment)] (+)

Strength: 2900 pounds

Talent: Bronze Archer (+)

Kill Points: 185

Last night’s battle earned him 150 Kill Points, meaning he had slain at least a hundred Hun enemies.

With 185 Kill Points, he could upgrade his cultivation, techniques, or saber skills, as indicated by the plus signs.

This meant he could become stronger again, but Oliver didn’t rush to upgrade.

Facing the Hun cavalry now, the best attack method was archery.

So, he chose to allocate points to upgrade his archer level.

Using 20 Kill Points, he upgraded his archer level to Silver Archer.

After upgrading to Silver Archer, he felt his archery skills had become terrifyingly strong.

While running, Oliver took out three arrows and nocked them.

With one shot, three arrows instantly killed three Hun cavalrymen.

Hunter Tang, Owen Hai, and the others were dumbfounded.

This was incredible! From 500 meters away, one shot released three arrows, each killing a Hun cavalryman?

Was he cheating?

Those were Hun cavalry, not infantry. Cavalry moved fast; ordinary people couldn’t hit them.

“Sergeant’s archery is insanely good,” Owen Hai couldn’t help but praise.

Hunter Tang glanced at Owen Hai, surprised that this thick-browed, big-eyed guy had learned to flatter.

Seeing three Hun cavalrymen killed instantly, the Hun enemies noticed Oliver’s team.

“Allies, we have allies! We’re saved!” a soldier being chased shouted joyfully.

“Shout what? Run! These are Hun cavalry. We’re infantry. If we don’t run, we’re dead,” another soldier said.

There were more than thirty Hun cavalry, seemingly a small squad.

“Damn it, how dare they kill my Hun wolf riders!” the Hun squad leader was furious.

“Another squad of Wei soldiers. They must be the ones who attacked our camp last night. Cut off their heads and claim the reward,” the Hun squad leader shouted.

The next moment, the Hun cavalry turned and charged at Oliver’s team.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!!”

Three more arrows were shot, each hitting its mark, killing three more Hun cavalrymen.

Seeing the Hun cavalry turning towards them, Oliver had no intention of dodging.

Perfect, he could use this Hun cavalry squad to test his archery.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!!”

Three arrows flew out, and three Hun cavalrymen fell from their horses.

In no time, a third of the Hun cavalry squad was down.

“Awesome, Sergeant is awesome!” Hunter Tang couldn’t help but shout.

Unfortunately, he was not very articulate, relying on one phrase to express his admiration.

Initially, seeing the Hun cavalry turning towards them, he wanted to urge Oliver to lead the team to escape.

Now it seemed he had worried too much.

The other soldiers looked at Oliver with eyes full of admiration and respect.

They hadn’t expected the Sergeant to be such a sharpshooter.

“Charge, kill them!” the Hun squad leader shouted. In a short time, Oliver had killed nine cavalrymen. If he didn’t take Oliver’s head, he couldn’t face his fallen comrades.

These were their tribe’s relatives, his family.

Oliver looked at the Hun squad leader, nocked an arrow, and drew the bow. One shot.

The squad leader’s pupils dilated as an arrow shot towards him like lightning.


Blood splattered, and his body flew backward, feeling dizzy before the sky lost its color.

Oliver killed the squad leader with one arrow, continuing to nock and draw, shooting three arrows at a time, killing three more Hun cavalrymen.

They were infantry; they couldn’t let the cavalry charge close. Ordinary soldiers couldn’t handle Hun cavalry.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!!”

Three more arrows flew out, and three more Hun cavalrymen fell.

In no time, Oliver had killed half of the thirty-man Hun cavalry squad.

“He’s a sharpshooter, run!” a Hun cavalryman shouted in terror.

One arrow per enemy, they hadn’t even reached their opponents, and they were almost all dead.

On the other side, the twenty-plus Garrison soldiers, seeing Oliver’s prowess, stopped running and watched in awe as he shot down the Hun cavalry like sitting ducks.

The Hun cavalry squad was terrified and turned to flee.

Oliver drew his bow faster. Once he saw his prey, it was his. Did they think they could escape without his permission?




Three more fleeing Hun cavalrymen fell.

Seeing his prey escaping, Oliver sprinted, using his True Essence, nocking and drawing, shooting three arrows at a time.

Three slower Hun cavalrymen were pierced by arrows, falling from their horses, watching their comrades’ backs disappear.

They were forever buried in this grassland.

Seeing the nine fleeing riders, Oliver was helpless. Fing hell, they ran too fast.

Were they born from rabbits? Running so fast.

“Sergeant mighty, Sergeant strong!” Owen Hai shouted, cheering for Oliver.

In their eyes, Oliver was incredible. One man, one bow, making a Hun cavalry squad flee.

They had never seen such a feat.

“Sergeant mighty!!”

The other soldiers cheered too. In the army, soldiers worshipped the strong.

From the night battle at dawn to now, with one man and one bow driving off the Hun cavalry, Oliver had won them over.

If they followed Oliver before due to military orders, now they were genuinely convinced.

“Alright, quickly loot the food and water from the Hun cavalry, and bring the horses back,” Oliver quickly ordered.

With their masters dead, the trained warhorses didn’t panic and run but stayed nearby.

On this grassland, horses were vital transportation tools. They needed to bring them back quickly.

Following Oliver’s orders, Hunter Tang and the others quickly looted the Hun cavalry’s water and food.

They didn’t miss the swords, bows, and other weapons either.

All twenty-one warhorses were intact and brought back.

“These Huns’ warhorses are really fine and sturdy,” Hunter Tang said with a smile.

“We’ve got some food and water, and quite a few bows and arrows,” Owen Hai said, bringing the looted items over.

“Brothers Oliver, it’s really you!” a burly man ran over.

Hearing the voice, Oliver looked over and saw Zane Wang running towards them, covered in dirt.

“Brother Zane?!” Oliver was surprised, not expecting to meet someone from his old squad here.

“Brothers Oliver, it’s great to see you. I almost didn’t make it,” Zane Wang ran over and hugged Oliver.

“You’re choking me. Two grown men hugging, what’s the matter with you?” Oliver quickly pushed Zane Wang away. He wasn’t into that.

“Brother Zane, what are you doing here? Where’s Uncle and the others?” Oliver asked.

“Sigh, it’s a long story!” Zane Wang sighed helplessly.

Oliver rolled his eyes, “Then make it short!”




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