Chapter 13 – Burn the grain and drive away the sheep, scatter and flee

The attack on the Huns’ left and rear camps by Tribuni Tu and the Martial Colonel was not as smooth as Oliver Sheng’s side.

During the charge, they were discovered by Hun patrol soldiers, alarming the Hun forces.

They lost some soldiers while breaking into the enemy camp and faced considerable resistance from Hun soldiers.

Although the raid was successful, it did not cause as much commotion as Oliver’s side.

“Sergeant, I think this is the Huns’ supply depot,” a soldier ran over to Oliver Sheng amidst the chaos.

“Lead the way!” Oliver immediately changed direction upon hearing it was the Huns’ supply depot.

If they could destroy the Huns’ supplies, the Huns wouldn’t have enough to eat, making it difficult for them to lay siege.

“Brothers, follow me, charge this way!” Oliver shouted.

Along the way, some soldiers died in battle, and some scattered. Now, there were about seventy people left by his side.

Reaching the supply depot area, Oliver entered a tent and saw it was filled with food supplies.

Some tents contained sheep.

“Burn it all, Owen Hai, take your men and burn everything.”

“The rest, follow me to hold off the Huns,” Oliver quickly ordered.

Oliver led his men to hold off the Hun forces, charging at the forefront with his Blood Fiend Saber Technique, swift as a shadow.

Hun soldiers who were not martial artists couldn’t withstand a single strike from him.

Owen Hai led the soldiers, continuously setting fires, igniting one tent after another.

Seeing the flames, the penned sheep began to panic.


“Baa baa…”

“Open the pens and drive the sheep out,” Owen Hai immediately shouted.

Several soldiers stepped forward, opened the pens, and threw torches inside. The frightened sheep rushed out, scattering in all directions.

Thousands of sheep charged into the Hun camp, causing even more chaos.

Hun soldiers saw Oliver and his men setting fire to their supplies and kept coming to stop them.

Knowing that their supplies were scarce, the Huns had invaded Great Wei before winter to seize winter supplies.

One tent after another was set ablaze. Watching their supplies burn, the Hun soldiers wished they could tear Oliver and his men to pieces.

Facing more and more Hun soldiers, Oliver and his men could only fight while retreating.

The wind fanned the flames, quickly spreading the fire. Watching the burning supplies, the Hun soldiers felt as if their hearts were bleeding.

“Everyone, run, follow me!” Oliver shouted as more Hun soldiers surrounded them.

The soldiers heard him and quickly followed Oliver, running.

They fought and ran, setting fires along the way, losing their sense of direction.

The Martial Colonel and Tribuni Tu also led their soldiers, rampaging through the Hun camp, unable to stop as more Hun soldiers surrounded them.

If they didn’t run, they would be surrounded and killed.

Tonight, it seemed even the heavens were helping them. The north wind grew stronger, and the Hun military tents burned quickly.

The vast Hun camp was in complete chaos.

“Damn it!”

“The Wei people deserve to die. I want to tear them to pieces.”

“Put out the fire quickly.”

“Save the supplies.”

“Water, bring water quickly!”

“Kill, kill the Wei people, don’t let them escape.”

Meanwhile, General Edward Zhao led two thousand Peace cavalry, quickly charging into the Hun camp.

In the middle of the night, the Hun camp was in chaos from the attack, unable to organize cavalry to resist the Peace cavalry.

“Soldiers, follow me and kill the Hun invaders,” Edward Zhao led the cavalry, charging into the right Hun camp.

This area was the most chaotic, with flames everywhere and shadows moving erratically, making it impossible to organize a defense.

The cavalry charged into the enemy camp, cutting down Hun soldiers. The Hun soldiers could only be slaughtered.


“Mom, I want to go home.”

“Shaman God, protect your people.”

With the cavalry joining, the soldiers in the right Hun camp became lambs to the slaughter.

Seeing the chaotic camp, the Hun generals were at a loss.

The entire camp was in disarray, with battles and fires everywhere, making it difficult to relay orders.

Except for the front and central armies, the entire camp seemed to be filled with enemies.

The Hun’s sheep and warhorses, frightened by the flames, ran wildly in panic.

A Tribuni led a thousand soldiers, closely pursuing Oliver and his men.

The Tribuni wished he could devour Oliver’s flesh.

This troublemaker had rampaged through the camp, setting fires everywhere, causing chaos.

The supplies, sheep, and warhorses were either burned or escaped, causing incalculable losses.

With the Hun army in close pursuit, Oliver led the charge.

“Those who want to live, follow me, don’t fall behind,” Oliver shouted.

Having successfully raided the camp, the Hun forces naturally wanted to encircle and kill the Peace garrison.

In the chaotic camp, Oliver and his men were lucky not to encounter many Hun soldiers.

Any Hun soldiers in their path were cut down by Oliver and his men.

They charged forward, breaking out of the camp into the dark night.

Unable to discern direction, Oliver led his men in one direction.

Their goal now was to survive and shake off their pursuers.

They had completed the raid mission, and the orders didn’t require them to fight to the death with the Hun army.

Raiding was about striking and then retreating.

“Tribuni, we can’t keep chasing. We need to go back and put out the fire,” a Hun Centurion reminded.

Seeing the blazing camp behind, the Tribuni reluctantly watched Oliver and his men disappear into the night.

Edward Zhao led the Peace cavalry, charging twice into the right camp before retreating.

There were experts in the Hun army, and with their limited cavalry, they couldn’t destroy the Hun camp.

If a Grandmaster from the Hun army intercepted their retreat, Edward could escape, but the two thousand cavalry would be lost.

So Edward Zhao took advantage of the situation, retreating after gaining the upper hand, not giving the Hun experts a chance.

The raiding Peace army also began to charge out of the camp, preparing to escape.

Oliver led his men, running twenty miles before stopping.

After fighting, burning, and fleeing, everyone was exhausted.

“Stop and rest for a while,” Oliver panted.

“Hahaha, that was exhilarating!” Hunter Tang, though too tired to stand straight, laughed heartily.

This battle was a relief for them. Defending the city and taking hits passively was frustrating.

This successful raid not only killed many enemies but also burned a lot of Hun supplies, severely dampening the Hun army’s arrogance.

“Indeed, this battle was exhilarating,” Owen Hai also laughed.

The successful raid alone was a significant achievement.

“Count the numbers, see how many are left,” Oliver said.

Hunter Tang quickly counted and reported, “Fifty-three.”

In one raid, they lost half of their hundred men.

This was despite their relatively successful raid and minimal resistance.

“I wonder how the others are doing,” Oliver sighed.

Out of two thousand raiders, who knew how many would return safely.

Hunter Tang and Owen Hai fell silent, thinking of their comrades, uncertain how many they would see again.

War was cruel; one moment alive, the next dead on the battlefield.

“By the way, do any of you know the way back?” After resting, Oliver asked.

Everyone fell silent.

In the dark night, only the howling wind could be heard, the silence eerie.

“Hey, say something. This silence is making me nervous,” Oliver felt uneasy.

“Um, Sergeant, I think we might be lost,” Yuan Yong weakly said.

Next to him, Bennett Deng was exhausted, lying on the ground, unwilling to move.


“You mean we’re lost?” Oliver was stunned.

“It seems so,” Hunter Tang replied.

“Sergeant, in the middle of the night, we rampaged through the enemy camp and were chased. We’ve long lost our sense of direction,” Owen Hai said.

Oliver lay on the grass, looking up at the sky, covering his face with his hands.




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