Chapter 9 – Innate Martial Artist



Heavy drumbeats echoed from the city walls.


The atmosphere was filled with a sense of impending doom, even the clouds in the sky had turned gloomy.


"General, it seems the Huns are preparing for a full-scale assault," an assistant general said with a grave expression.


Calvin Yang remained calm, "No matter. As long as I am here at Peace Pass, the Huns won't breach it anytime soon."


"Deploy two more battalions to defend the walls," Calvin ordered.


"Yes, sir!"


The assistant general cupped his fists and turned to relay the order to bring two more battalions to the walls.


Each battalion had two thousand soldiers. Calvin had directly ordered four thousand soldiers to the walls, adding to the existing two thousand already there.


The number of defending soldiers increased to over six thousand.


Half of the soldiers from the previous two battalions had already perished.


Six thousand soldiers were enough to defend the walls. Any more would be too crowded to maneuver effectively. Besides, as the defenders, they had the natural advantage of being able to continuously reinforce from behind.




"Oliver, be careful. Survive this, and once the battle is over, I'll treat you to some wine at The House of Joy。" Zane Wang said before rushing back into the fray.


"Alright, it's a deal. We'll have a good time then," Oliver Sheng replied with a loud laugh.


As more and more enemies scaled the walls, Oliver charged wherever the Huns were most concentrated, fighting with reckless abandon.


With the Blood Fiend Saber Technique in his hands, he was unstoppable. Weaker Hun soldiers couldn't withstand even a single strike from him.


"One, two, three… One point, two points, three points…"


As Oliver killed, he silently counted in his mind. His current strength was comparable to an early-stage Martial Artist, and he continuously slaughtered the Hun soldiers at the Martial Disciple level.


He was like a blood-soaked God of War, his battle robe stained red with the enemy's blood.


Just as he was in the heat of battle, he suddenly sensed several powerful auras approaching, making his heart tremble.


Five burly figures leaped from the Hun army below and landed on the city walls.


Their auras surged, True Essence roiling, True Qi emanating from their bodies.


With a single palm strike, True Qi surged like a tidal wave, sending over a dozen soldiers flying.


With just one strike, those soldiers were thrown to the ground, covered in blood, none of them surviving.


In an instant, the five Hun experts had killed over a hundred garrison soldiers, turning a small section of the wall into a desolate area.


Fortunately, Oliver was far enough away; otherwise, he would have been killed by a single palm strike.


No wonder Zane had warned him to be careful. When true experts scaled the walls, they could kill dozens with a single blow.


"How dare you slaughter the soldiers of Great Wei!"


"Left Wise King must be desperate to breach the city, sending five Innate Martial Artists to attack."


"Quick, take action, or the ordinary soldiers on the walls will be wiped out soon."


On the tower, five generals appeared, leaping down to the walls to confront the five Hun experts.


"Hun scum, you won't get away with this," a bearded assistant general shouted.


"Wei dogs, we thought you wouldn't dare come out to fight, hahaha," one of the Hun experts laughed.


"Kill them, take the walls, and let the army in," another Hun Innate Martial Artist commanded.




"Kill them."




In an instant, the ten experts clashed, their True Qi surging, creating an oppressive atmosphere that ordinary soldiers dared not approach.


That section of the wall became their battlefield.


From a distance, Oliver could feel the intense pressure.


"Wow, so this is what a Martial Arts expert is like?" He wasn't afraid; instead, he felt excited and exhilarated.


Such powerful beings were what he aspired to become.


Soon, his Kill Points increased to 60.


Name: Oliver Sheng


Race: Human


Realm: Martial Disciple Great Perfection (+)


Cultivation Method: [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Small Accomplishment)]


Strength: 1,500 pounds


Talent: Bronze Archer (+)


Kill Points: 60


Glancing at the golden light screen, Oliver felt a surge of excitement. It seemed he could break through to the Martial Artist realm today.


Seeing the endless wave of Hun soldiers attacking the walls, Oliver didn't hesitate to allocate points to enhance his cultivation.


On this battlefield, the stronger you were, the better your chances of survival.


The weak were cannon fodder, and most of them were already dead.


With a single click, a powerful force surged through his body, continuously tempering his physique and bones.


Oliver felt the immense power within him, strengthening his flesh and skin.


His aura surged dramatically, and his strength underwent a complete transformation.


Name: Oliver Sheng


Race: Human


Realm: Martial Disciple Limit


Cultivation Method: [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Small Accomplishment)]


Strength: 2,000 pounds


Talent: Bronze Archer (+)


Kill Points: 20


Looking at the light screen, Oliver was stunned. What was the Martial Disciple Limit?


The Martial Arts realms were supposed to be divided into early, mid, late, and Great Perfection stages!


He had consumed 40 Kill Points, yet he was still at the Martial Disciple Limit.


He had thought he would need 60 Kill Points to break through to the Martial Artist realm.


But it wasn't all bad. His strength had increased by 500 pounds, reaching 2,000 pounds.


His power had once again improved. Although he hadn't generated True Essence, his overall strength was comparable to a mid-stage Martial Artist.


With his newfound strength, Oliver continued to slaughter the enemy, intentionally avoiding the battlefield of the ten experts.


That section of the wall had become a no-man's-land. Both the garrison and the Hun soldiers stayed far away, not daring to approach.


Even a stray burst of True Qi from their battle could easily kill a Martial Artist. Who would risk their life by getting close?


With his increased strength, Oliver quickly killed over a dozen Hun soldiers who had scaled the walls.




A loud shout came from behind Oliver.


He turned to see a burly Hun warrior glaring at him.




Oliver raised his saber and killed a Hun soldier at the early stage of Martial Disciple.


"I told you to stop, didn't you hear me?" The Hun warrior's eyes were filled with killing intent as he glared at Oliver.


"I heard you. You think I'll stop just because you told me to? Idiot," Oliver said calmly, wiping the blood off his saber with his robe.


Are all Huns this stupid? Asking him to stop on the battlefield.


"You're courting death! You lowly Martial Disciple, I'll chop off your Wei dog head."


The Hun warrior charged at Oliver with a large saber.


Oliver used the Blood Fiend Saber Technique, and in three moves, he had the warrior on the ground.


"How… how are you so strong?" The Hun warrior's eyes were filled with disbelief.


He was an early-stage Martial Artist, a centurion in the Hun army, yet he had been defeated by a Martial Disciple.


"Lowly Martial Artist, laughable. Do you think being a Martial Artist makes you strong? You're the second Hun Martial Artist I've killed," Oliver said, beheading the warrior.


His Kill Points increased by five.


Killing an early-stage Hun Martial Artist had earned him five Kill Points.


"Indeed, the stronger the enemy, the more Kill Points I gain," Oliver muttered.


But on the battlefield, there were more soldiers to kill, and they were easier to kill quickly.


"Did this kid take some kind of super tonic? His strength is growing so fast," Zane Wang, not far away, noticed Oliver killing another early-stage Hun Martial Artist and couldn't help but be amazed.


How long had it been? Oliver's strength was almost catching up to his.


Could there really be such prodigies in Martial Arts?


Zane Wang's heart was far from calm.


Like a fierce tiger, Oliver continued to slaughter, quickly killing over twenty Hun soldiers and making his way to Zane Wang.


"Brother Zane, what are the cultivation levels of those five Hun experts and our five generals?" Oliver asked.


"Innate Martial Artists!"


Zane Wang killed a Hun soldier with a single slash before answering.


"Innate Martial Artists?!" Oliver's eyes were filled with longing.


He was determined to grow quickly and become an Innate Martial Artist. Oliver made a silent vow in his heart.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan




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