Chapter 8 – Slaying Martial Artist

Oliver Sheng raised his hand and struck with a force that could split mountains. Now that his opponent was injured, he dared to face him head-on.


If he couldn't bully the strong, couldn't he bully the weak?


Dick Small staggered back two steps, blood continuously flowing from the wound on his body.


Half an arrow was lodged in his body, piercing his dick, greatly diminishing his combat strength. He wasn't strong enough to ignore such a wound and act as if nothing had happened.


"Heh heh, looks like I can kill a Martial Artist today for some fun!" Oliver Sheng pressed his advantage, relentlessly attacking with the Blood Fiend Saber Technique, forcing Dick Small to retreat continuously.


During the fight, some Huns soldiers tried to intervene and help Dick Small but were all slain by Oliver Sheng.


Dick Small's wound on his waist tore open, blood gushing out. He panted heavily, his armor and robes shredded by Oliver Sheng's saber.


The worsening injuries made it impossible for him to fend off Oliver Sheng's attacks.


"Even if I die, I'll take you with me." Dick Small launched a desperate attack on Oliver Sheng.


He intended to drag Oliver Sheng down with him.


Seeing his opponent's suicidal charge, Oliver Sheng could only think how naive he was.


He no longer clashed head-on but chose to wear down his opponent.


Other Huns soldiers kept attacking Oliver Sheng, but most were ordinary soldiers with early Martial Disciple strength, easily cut down by Oliver Sheng.


Name: Oliver Sheng


Race: Human


Realm: Late Martial Disciple (+)


Cultivation Method: 【《Wild Bull Strength》(Small Accomplishment)】【《Blood Fiend Saber Technique》(Small Accomplishment)】


Strength: 999 pounds


Talent: Bronze Archer (+)


Kill Points: 55


Unknowingly, he had already killed thirty to forty Huns soldiers.


At the same time, he began to understand how to acquire Kill Points.


An early Martial Disciple enemy gave one Kill Point.


Mid-stage gave two points, late-stage three points.


Most of his kills were early Martial Disciples, with fewer mid and late-stage ones.


Seeing his cultivation could be improved, Oliver Sheng didn't hesitate to allocate points.


A surge of power flowed through his body, his bones feeling tempered and refined.


Dick Small watched as Oliver Sheng's aura suddenly surged, feeling a deep sense of despair.


Breaking through during battle.


Already weakened and exhausted, now Oliver Sheng was breaking through in the middle of the fight. Was this his end?


Oliver Sheng's strength surged, and with one strike, he forced Dick Small back.


Name: Oliver Sheng


Race: Human


Realm: Great Perfection Martial Disciple


Cultivation Method: 【《Wild Bull Strength》(Small Accomplishment)】【《Blood Fiend Saber Technique》(Small Accomplishment)】


Strength: 1,500 pounds


Talent: Bronze Archer


Kill Points: 15


He used forty Kill Points to directly advance to Great Perfection Martial Disciple.


His strength increased to 1,400 pounds, comparable to a newly advanced Martial Artist.


Dick Small was at this strength level, but with the addition of True Essence.


However, newly advanced Martial Artists had very weak True Essence.


Oliver Sheng twirled his saber, now that he had broken through, he no longer needed to drag this out. He had to quickly kill this strong enemy and then move on to other Huns soldiers.


He needed to seize the opportunity to kill Huns soldiers and grow rapidly.


In this world where strength reigns supreme, personal power is the foundation of survival.


On the Northern Frontier battlefield, from his observation, this wasn't the most dangerous moment yet. This war was far from over.


Oliver Sheng powered his legs, and with a swift move, he was in front of Dick Small.


Blood Fiend Saber Technique, a strike to the throat!




Blood splattered, and Dick Small's head fell to the ground.


Stepping over the blood, he didn't look back at Dick Small's corpse.


This was the first Martial Artist he had killed, but it wouldn't be the last.


The fallen head, eyes wide open, reflected the scene of Oliver Sheng killing a Huns soldier.




Another Huns soldier fell under Oliver Sheng's saber.


Now, he was like a wolf among sheep; ordinary Huns soldiers couldn't withstand a single strike from him.


Soon, there were no more Huns soldiers around him. The ground was littered with corpses, blood staining the city wall tiles.


All the Huns soldiers who climbed the wall died under his blade.


He alone defended a section of the wall.


"This kid has a strong killing intent." Those who noticed Oliver Sheng were all shocked.


The number of people who fell under his blade had exceeded fifty.


"Goodness, he's mastered the Blood Fiend Saber Technique to this extent." A veteran glanced over, seeing the blood fiend aura on Oliver Sheng's saber.


He was secretly astonished. He had only taught Oliver Sheng this saber technique yesterday, and in just one day, Oliver Sheng had comprehended it to this level.


He also killed a Martial Artist. Only they knew how impressive this was.


Cross-realm combat was rare, and cross-realm killing even rarer.


Oliver Sheng, with Martial Disciple cultivation, killed a Martial Artist, making him a dazzling presence.


In total, Oliver Sheng had only been practicing martial arts for two days. What kind of demon was he?




The Huns army continued to surge, tirelessly climbing the walls and fighting the garrison.


Garrison soldiers kept falling, lives extinguished one by one. The battlefield was brutal and bloody.


"Kill him!"


Six or seven Huns soldiers surrounded Oliver Sheng, intending to kill him.


"Blood Fiend Saber Technique, Dismemberment!"


Oliver Sheng, like a god of death, full of killing intent, charged into the crowd, and those six or seven Huns soldiers were cut down.


A veteran nearby: …


Dismemberment? What kind of saber technique is that?!


Is there such a move in the Blood Fiend Saber Technique?!


"Kill him."


Next moment, a dozen spearmen surrounded Oliver Sheng, determined to kill him.


For no other reason than Oliver Sheng being too conspicuous. He had nearly killed a hundred Huns soldiers, creating a clearing around him.


By now, Oliver Sheng's armor was tattered, his robes torn, bearing five or six wounds.


Yet his fighting spirit remained high, his blood still boiling.


Facing the dozen spearmen, Oliver Sheng charged with his saber, his momentum unstoppable, ready to fight to the death.


"Oliver, I'll help you!" Zane Wang saw Oliver Sheng surrounded and rushed to assist.


Seeing Zane Wang coming to help, Oliver Sheng wanted to say, "Don't come, these kills are mine."


With Zane Wang joining the fight, the dozen spearmen who climbed the wall were quickly dispatched.


"Goodness, your strength is growing too fast." Zane Wang looked at Oliver Sheng like he was a monster.


"Just average, I'm still thinking of breaking through to Innate and wiping out these Huns." Oliver Sheng said with a faint smile.


"You really dare to dream, breaking through to Innate just like that?" Zane Wang couldn't help but retort. How could he dare to dream such a dream?


Even his erotic dreams were only occasional!


"Haha, what's there to be afraid of dreaming." Oliver Sheng said, cutting down an enemy who had just climbed the wall.


"Don't be too conspicuous, be careful of the Huns' sharpshooters targeting you." Zane Wang warned.


Oliver Sheng had killed so many Huns soldiers, he was too conspicuous. If targeted by the Huns' sharpshooters, it would be dangerous.


Having killed so many Huns soldiers, it was surprising that the Huns' sharpshooters hadn't targeted Oliver Sheng yet. Zane Wang thought Oliver Sheng's luck was extraordinary, as if blessed by the heavens.




In the Huns' Left Wise King's central tent.


"My lord, the Grand Chanyu has sent a message asking when we will breach Peace Pass." A general said to the Left Wise King, Blake Yi.


"How is the Right Wise King's attack going?" Blake Yi asked instead of answering.


"The Right Wise King is reportedly close to taking Qi Mountain Fortress."


"Then let's hurry and attack. I want to see Peace Pass taken within two days." Blake Yi said domineeringly.


After half a month of siege, he had played enough.


He wanted to take Peace Pass before the Right Wise King took Qi Mountain Fortress and sweep through the pass.


With the Left Wise King's order, the Huns army continued their assault.


"Hoo… hoo…"


The Huns' horns sounded, and another army of over five thousand joined the siege.


"Damn, the Huns are intensifying their assault. Strong enemies might climb the walls soon, be careful." Zane Wang warned.


"Strong enemies? How strong?" Oliver Sheng cut down a charging Huns soldier and asked Zane Wang.


"Strong enough to kill you with a slap!" Zane Wang said seriously.


Seeing the tide of Huns soldiers, Oliver Sheng took a deep breath.


His saber was dull from cutting, yet the Huns army outside seemed endless.


"How many Huns are attacking the pass?" Oliver Sheng exclaimed.


"The Left Wise King's ten thousand strong army." Zane Wang said.


"Ten thousand soldiers? To attack one pass!?" Oliver Sheng was stunned.


"How many garrison soldiers do we have?" Oliver Sheng quickly asked.


"Three thousand, now only a bit over two thousand left!" Zane Wang said calmly.


The Huns' half-month siege had already consumed many garrison soldiers, and to replenish the numbers, they had even started conscripting able-bodied men.


Oliver Sheng was one of those conscripted.


"Damn, three thousand against ten thousand." Oliver Sheng felt worried.


"The Northern Frontier Border sees foreign tribes attacking every year, it's normal." Zane Wang said, unfazed.


"Didn't the general ask for reinforcements?" Oliver Sheng asked, looking at the Huns' flags outside.


"I'm just a soldier, how would I know?" Zane Wang rolled his eyes at Oliver Sheng.








The sound of war drums and horns echoed over the Northern Frontier, long and distant.


Solemn and tragic!

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan




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