Chapter 7 – Martial Artist

"Not bad, this kid is brave and fierce in battle. He could be made a sergeant," the general nodded in approval.


Among the ordinary soldiers, there were few like Oliver Sheng who fought so valiantly and killed so ruthlessly.


The deputy general nodded and took note of Oliver Sheng.


Oliver Sheng, who was continuously slashing and killing the Hun enemies, had no idea that he was being watched by the garrison leaders.


The exhilarating slaughter made Oliver Sheng feel incredibly ecstatic, as if a natural-born battle instinct within him had been awakened.


Although he had killed many Hun enemies, this also drew the attention of the Hun strongmen.


A Hun strongman, after killing three garrison soldiers with one slash, charged towards Oliver Sheng.


Just as there were strong and weak among the garrison, the Hun army was no different.


Feeling the fierce killing intent approaching, Oliver Sheng turned his head and saw a burly Hun warrior charging at him.


Oliver Sheng raised his saber to block, but the opponent's blade was heavy and powerful, sending him flying backward.


He felt a surge of True Essence from the opponent's blade, causing his arm to ache and his grip to crack.


"A Martial Artist?!"


Oliver Sheng's eyes grew serious as he looked at his opponent, not expecting that he had attracted the attention of a Martial Artist from the Hun army.


Dick Small, who had just repelled Oliver Sheng with a single slash, was a bit surprised. "To take one of my slashes head-on, no wonder you've killed so many of my people. But today, your luck runs out."


He was a centurion of the Hun vanguard, at the early stage of the Martial Artist realm. For Oliver Sheng, at the late stage of the Martial Disciple realm, to take his slash without injury was enough to earn his respect.


But only just a bit.


"Martial Artist, huh? Let's see how it feels to kill one," Oliver Sheng said, shaking his aching arm.


With power close to that of a Martial Artist and his Small Accomplishment in the Blood Fiend Saber Technique, he wanted to test the gap between himself and a true Martial Artist.


"Arrogant! Let me show you the difference between a Martial Artist and a Martial Disciple," Dick Small shouted, leaping forward with his saber raised high, slashing down at Oliver Sheng.


Oliver Sheng slid to the side, dodging the attack with a swift move.


Blood Fiend Saber Technique, Night Battle Eight Directions!


A faint red aura enveloped Oliver Sheng's blade.






The two clashed fiercely, sparks flying from their blades.


Oliver Sheng's saber was extremely fast. Though lacking in power, his speed made up for it.


Before long, Oliver Sheng was panting heavily, his armor on his shoulders and back showing cuts, with blood seeping out.


He was injured. A true Martial Artist was indeed formidable.


Dick Small wasn't faring well either. Oliver Sheng's saber was too fast and carried a blood fiend aura. Many of his strikes had landed, staining Dick Small's battle robe with blood.


"Kid, not bad. To think you could injure me. You can die with pride," Dick Small said, looking at his wounds and then at Oliver Sheng.


"So much talk. You're in sales? If you want to kill me, come on then," Oliver Sheng taunted, flipping him off.


A mere late-stage Martial Disciple dared to mock him, igniting Dick Small's fury.


"Die!" Dick Small swore to chop off Oliver Sheng's head and take it back as a trophy.


"Blood Fiend Saber Technique, Sweeping Saber Slash!"


Oliver Sheng rolled on the ground, slashing upward towards Dick Small's groin.


Dick Small was startled and quickly dodged, not expecting Oliver Sheng's saber technique to be so dirty, aiming straight for his nether regions.


"Blood Fiend Saber Technique, Sever Your Legs!" Oliver Sheng followed with a sweeping slash at the legs.


Veteran: Does the Blood Fiend Saber Technique have such moves? I don't remember.


"Blood Fiend Saber Technique, Sever Your Dog Head!"


Oliver Sheng slashed upwards again, aiming for Dick Small's neck.


Veteran: …


In the world of martial arts, speed is the only invincible weapon.


Oliver Sheng's saber was extremely fast. Even though Dick Small was a Martial Artist, he found it hard to gain the upper hand against Oliver Sheng.


At this moment, he took Oliver Sheng seriously. Oliver Sheng was an enemy worth treating with respect.


Dick Small tried to find an opening while fending off Oliver Sheng's relentless attacks.


His strength was superior, but Oliver Sheng's speed had him on the defensive.


Finding a slight opening, Dick Small decisively kicked Oliver Sheng, sending him flying.


Oliver Sheng clutched his chest, spitting out blood.


"No matter how fast you are, your strength is still too weak," Dick Small sneered.


"Just accept your fate. All struggles are futile before absolute power."


"Screw you, you kicked the hell out of me," Oliver Sheng cursed, getting up and wiping the blood from his mouth, rubbing his chest. Fighting across realms was indeed not easy.


His strength was still far from that of a Martial Artist.


"Die, you little brat," Dick Small said, stepping forward to chop off Oliver Sheng's head.


"Old Wang, aren't you going to act? I've held him off," Oliver Sheng shouted, looking behind Dick Small.


Dick Small glanced back, seeing the Hun army and the garrison locked in battle, with no one else around.




Dick Small turned back, seeing an arrow lodged in his dick.


"My dick! You tricked me!" Dick Small clutched his side, the pain making him grimace.


"All's fair in war. If you don't understand that, you might as well go home and dig potatoes," Oliver Sheng laughed.


With limited time, he had only managed to shoot an arrow, and his aim was off, hitting Dick Small's dick instead of his chest.


Clearly, his archery skills needed improvement.


"Damn you, kid. Daring to shoot my dick, I'll tear you to pieces."


Dick Small was furious. Without a dick, Bella Cui would surely leave him for someone stronger.


What was the point of fighting for military merit and titles if she left him?


It was all because of this damned kid. Dick Small's rage reached its peak.




Dick Small broke the arrow, leaving the shaft inside, and charged at Oliver Sheng with his saber, determined to cut him into pieces.


Oliver Sheng slung his bow over his shoulder, picking up his saber to fight Dick Small.


He didn't believe that a Dick Small with an arrow in his dick couldn't be defeated.


He would drag him down until he bled out.


With each step, the arrow in Dick Small's dick caused excruciating pain, making him grimace.


Seeing Dick Small in pain, Oliver Sheng couldn't help but laugh.


"Hahaha, how's that? Come and hit me, you idiot!"


His expression was infuriating, comparable to Aiden Fang's.


Perhaps a nearby Hun soldier heard this.


"Centurion, let me kill him for you."


The Hun soldier charged at Oliver Sheng with a steel knife.




Blood splattered as Oliver Sheng slashed the Hun soldier's throat, causing him to collapse.


Oliver Sheng looked at the corpse and said, "Idiot, if your centurion can't handle me, what makes you think you can? Are you always this brave?"


Seeing Oliver Sheng's arrogance, Dick Small roared.


"Ah… I'll kill you, you Wei Dog!"


Ignoring the pain in his dick, Dick Small charged at Oliver Sheng.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan




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