Chapter 4 – Stab Kidney Divine Hand

In this world of Martial Arts, ordinary soldiers are generally at the Martial Disciple realm, and many Hun soldiers are even stronger than them.


You have to pick the softest persimmons to squeeze. Oliver Sheng started acting like a camper.


Seeing others engaged in battle and unable to be distracted, Oliver snuck up from behind and stabbed a Hun soldier in the left kidney.


"You?!" The Hun soldier turned to look at Oliver, blood streaming from his mouth.


Damn camper!


With one strike to the kidney, the Hun soldier died in frustration.


He never imagined he would be stabbed to death in the kidney one day.


A friendly soldier nearby saw Oliver's clean and swift kidney stab and couldn't help but feel a chill in his own waist.


Oliver smiled at him but had no time for greetings. He continued searching for his next victim.


No, his next target!


Seeing Oliver's innocent smile, the soldier shivered and decided to stay away from him.


Oliver spotted a Hun soldier just climbing up the city wall, barely showing his head.


With one step, his saber moved like the wind, and before the Hun soldier could draw his weapon, Oliver had already cut him down, sending him falling off the wall.


Another Hun soldier saw Oliver defending the battlement and raised his saber to attack.


The Huns attacking the wall aimed to secure the battlement, allowing more Huns to climb up and seize control of the wall.


Then they would kill their way down, open the gates, and let the main army in.


Seeing the enemy charging, Oliver raised his saber and struck, using no particular technique, relying solely on brute force.


This Hun soldier was only at the early stage of the Martial Disciple realm and was quickly beaten back by Oliver. Seizing the opportunity, Oliver killed him with one strike.


Two more Hun soldiers climbed up the battlement, saw Oliver kill their comrade, and attacked him together, their eyes filled with rage.


After cutting down several enemies, Oliver was filled with adrenaline and confidence, facing the two without fear.


Soon, Oliver began to struggle. Lacking saber techniques, hand-to-hand combat skills, and much combat experience, he relied on brute force and gradually fell into a disadvantage.


Zane Wang's saber was still dripping with blood when he saw Oliver being overwhelmed.


"Hang in there, Brother Oliver, I'm coming to help."


Zane quickly stepped forward to engage one of the enemies, easing Oliver's pressure.


With Zane's help, Oliver's burden was instantly reduced.


"Damn it, bullying me because I don't know saber techniques and lack experience, huh?" Oliver seized the chance and slashed fiercely at his opponent.


Now facing only one enemy, Oliver launched a fierce assault, and after ten rounds, he killed the Hun soldier with one strike.


Zane had already killed his opponent and was now fighting another Hun soldier.


Zane's saber techniques and movements were sharp and precise, unlike Oliver, who relied solely on brute force.


Seeing this, Oliver decided that once they repelled the enemy, he would seek out a veteran to learn saber techniques, movement skills, and other martial arts.


Otherwise, with just his realm and strength, he would struggle against enemies as strong as or stronger than him.


"Kill!!" The shouts of battle echoed across the wall, with flashes of blades and swords everywhere. The Huns continued to climb the wall at any cost.


As more and more Huns attacked, the garrison also sent reinforcements to block them.


Oliver learned quickly; stabbing kidneys was safer.


Seeing a Hun soldier fighting a comrade, he seized the opportunity and struck swiftly and accurately, piercing the kidney.


Soon, more than a dozen Hun soldiers had died from kidney stabs.


"Shhh!!" With one stab, Oliver killed another Hun soldier, skillfully pulling his saber from the enemy's waist.


"Thanks, brother, but your killing technique is quite… unique." Asher Zuo thanked Oliver, but his gaze was somewhat strange.


Who would specifically target others' kidneys? Did he have some special fetish?


"No need to thank me; we're all comrades, fighting together for our country." Oliver grinned, showing his white teeth.


After speaking, Oliver didn't continue chatting with Asher. Now was the time to hunt Hun soldiers and gain kill points.


Seeing Oliver targeting another Hun soldier's kidney, Asher shivered and silently mourned for the Huns.


Oliver roamed the battlefield, seizing every opportunity to stab a kidney.


Seeing Ian Zhang fighting a Hun soldier, pushing the enemy back with no time to spare, Oliver picked up his saber and waited for the right moment.


With a swift strike, he stabbed the enemy's kidney.


The Hun soldier looked at the saber in his kidney, then at Oliver, his eyes filled with anger and unwillingness.


"Despicable! You sneak attacked me, you have no honor…"


Oliver apologized, but on the battlefield, the goal was to kill the enemy, regardless of sneak attacks.


Pulling out his saber, he almost took the enemy's kidney with it.


Ian Zhang's mouth twitched as he watched. Oliver, who looked so clean and handsome, had such a twisted mind, always targeting kidneys.


"Brother Oliver, the battlefield is dangerous, be careful." Ian Zhang reminded him.


Targeting kidneys would make him many enemies.


"Hehe, thanks for the reminder, Ian." Oliver smiled innocently.


Ian Zhang looked at Oliver's smile and wanted to say, "Brother Oliver, please stop smiling, it's creepy."


After meeting Ian, Oliver resumed his kidney-stabbing spree.


In the chaos, it was easy for him to pick off enemies, gaining kill points and improving himself.




The battle raged until dusk. The Huns climbing the wall were all killed by the garrison, failing to take the wall.


Seeing they couldn't capture the wall, the Huns retreated with the sound of a gong.


Watching the Huns retreat like a tide, Oliver looked at his saber, which was now chipped.


The wall and the ground below were piled with corpses, both Hun and garrison.


The Huns sent small squads to retrieve their dead.


Both sides tacitly agreed to a ceasefire to collect their fallen soldiers.




The north wind howled, banners fluttering on the wall.


The crimson sun bathed the land in red.


Watching the retreating Huns, the garrison didn't cheer or rejoice but wore solemn expressions.


Oliver looked at the setting sun and then at the soldiers cleaning the battlefield, moving bodies.


The Hun soldiers' bodies were thrown over the wall; they had no intention of burying them.


Thrown over the wall, the Huns would collect their dead.


Blood stained the bricks of the wall, creating an indescribable feeling under the sunset.


"The setting sun is like blood, the moon like a hook, how many loyal souls lie buried in the autumn!"


"Stop with the poetic nonsense, let's go, fall in." A veteran called out to Oliver.


Oliver put away his sadness and followed the veterans, leaving the wall as another battalion took over the defense.


On the way back to camp, Oliver noticed that four of the ten men the veteran led were missing.


This meant that in the afternoon battle, their squad had lost four comrades.


The journey back was silent.


The battlefield was a meat grinder, constantly claiming lives.


They didn't know when their turn would come.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan




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