Chapter 1 – Super Archer

The setting sun was like blood, and the cold wind was biting.

Great Wei Dynasty, Northern Frontier.

Peace Pass.

At this moment, the foreign tribes were about to attack the pass!

Jackson Hun, the Left Wise King of the Huns, led an army of a hundred thousand to breach the pass and march south.

A hundred thousand troops besieging the pass, the flames of war raged on…


Oliver Sheng looked at the army outside the city, his hands gripping the bow and arrow were sweating coldly.

This was his first time on the battlefield.

“What’s the matter, nervous?” The veteran beside him spoke up.

It was obvious at a glance that Oliver Sheng was a rookie.


Oliver’s eyes were filled with fear.

Of course, he was a rookie. He had just time-traveled here, went out for a stroll, and was caught to serve as an forced volunteers to defend the city.

He had no idea what those garrison soldiers were thinking, capturing an ordinary commoner with no combat experience and no strength to defend the city!

As cannon fodder?

“You’re from the city?” The veteran seemed to see through everything, his eyes wise.

Oliver nodded, his hands trembling.

He had time-traveled into the body of a scholar also named Oliver Sheng. Just as he stepped out to explore the surroundings, he was caught by recruiting soldiers and made an forced volunteers.

“Don’t be afraid. Just close your eyes, and you’ll be dead. Nothing to be scared of.” The veteran comforted him.

Oliver: …

Your comfort is great. Next time, don’t comfort me.


Outside the city, the war drums thundered, echoing through the sky.

“Hide well, don’t stick your head out. The Huns’ army is starting to attack. Avoid this wave of arrow rain first.” The veteran reminded.

Seeing the veteran crouch behind the parapet, observing the enemy through a small hole in the wall.

Oliver quickly crouched down with the veteran.

The next moment, arrows rained down.

The sound of arrows whizzing through the air could be heard.

At this moment, the garrison soldiers on the city wall were all hiding behind the parapet, no one dared to stand up.

Those who dared to stand were live targets, offering their heads.

Now that the Huns’ army was attacking the city, arrows rained down like a storm. Standing up would be like becoming a porcupine.

With the arrow rain suppressing them, the attacking army set up siege ladders and began climbing, preparing to scale the city walls.

As soon as the arrow rain stopped, the veteran shouted, “Quick, prepare to counterattack. Hold the city wall, and you’ll survive.”

Seeing the veteran stand up, Oliver also stood up.

The weapon he was assigned was a shabby bow and arrow, barely usable.

Along with five arrow feathers, his equipment was pitifully simple.

Anyway, as cannon fodder, he didn’t need good equipment.

“Kid, don’t just stand there, shoot!” The veteran beside him shouted.

Looking at the Huns’ army surging like a tide, Oliver snapped back to reality.

This was nothing like the TV shows.

Compared to real life, TV shows were… too low!

Thousands of people attacking the city, densely packed, created immense psychological pressure.

Now the army was already close to the city, setting up siege ladders and climbing the walls. The Huns’ arrow rain had just stopped.

Oliver looked at the densely packed Huns’ army below the city. Regardless of whether he could shoot or not, he drew his bow and shot towards the crowd below.


A Hun soldier below fell to the ground, dead with eyes wide open.

A blind cat catching a dead mouse, he was the dead mouse caught.

For the first time in his two lives, Oliver shot an arrow and killed a Hun soldier.

After shooting and killing a Hun soldier, Oliver noticed something unusual in his brain.

Oh no, his head was itchy, was he growing a brain?

Oliver saw a golden light screen appear in his mind.

Golden characters appeared on the light screen:

Name: Oliver Sheng

Race: Human

Cultivation Method: None

Talent: Trash Newbie Archer (+)

Kill Point: 1

Golden Finger? Oliver looked at the golden light screen in his mind, instantly overjoyed.

A golden finger is essential for time travel, the ancients did not deceive me.

“System, hello?”

No response! Was it the wrong way to open it?

“Hi, hello system!”

Still no response.

Oliver was a bit anxious. Wasn’t this golden finger a system? Why was there no response!

He was counting on the system to open the novice gift pack and turn him into a god of war, slaughtering all around.

In the Syrian battlefield, getting a crippled system, what to do?

Waiting online, urgent! Urgent! Urgent!

Unfortunately, longing doesn’t always lead to a response.

Oliver saw a plus sign behind the Trash Newbie Archer and, immersed in web novels for many years, he added points without hesitation.

In this situation, it must be a one-click attribute allocation type of golden finger.

Sure enough, as soon as he thought about adding points, archery-related experience and knowledge flooded into his mind.

In an instant, Oliver successfully transformed from a trash newbie archer to an ordinary archer.

At the same time, a warm current flowed through his body, making him feel much stronger.

“So, adding points requires kill points.”

Simple and clear.

“I feel incredibly strong now!” Oliver immediately drew his bow and shot, with quite a bit of an archer’s demeanor.

An arrow shot out, piercing the heart of a Hun soldier below the city wall, who fell to the ground, dead beyond dead.

After killing a Hun soldier, the kill point returned to 1.

However, this time, there was no plus sign behind the ordinary archer.

Obviously, this one kill point was not enough to upgrade him from an ordinary archer to the next level.

“Hey, not bad, you killed another one.” The veteran beside him saw Oliver shoot two arrows in a row, killing two enemies.

This didn’t look like a newly recruited rookie.

“Just lucky, just lucky.” Oliver was no longer anxious, but rather smiled.

Enemy: Damn it, thank you for your luck. Can your luck not be so good? That’s our lives.

Hating enemies without boundaries!

With a golden finger, what was there to fear? With the protagonist’s halo, he was destined to be strong.

Many novel protagonists were like this.


At this moment, the Huns’ army was attacking the city. Hun soldiers climbed up the siege ladders, and the defending soldiers threw stones down.

A stone fell, cracking heads open like watermelons.

Some soldiers poured boiling feces down, and the Hun soldiers drenched in it screamed in pain and fell.

The defending side had the advantage. The attacking side could only win by sacrificing lives.

“If the enemy climbs up the city wall later, retreat to the back.” The veteran said.

A rare archer successor, the veteran didn’t want Oliver to die in close combat.

“Don’t worry, uncle, I cherish my life.” Oliver said.

At this moment, he had forgotten the fear of the battlefield, only thinking about gaining kill points. For some reason, his adaptability was surprisingly strong.

Oliver continued to draw his bow and shoot, aiming at the Huns’ army below the city wall. The crowd was so dense that it was hard to miss.


Another enemy fell, shot through the heart.

Another kill point, but still no plus sign behind the ordinary archer.

Seeing no plus sign, it seemed more killing was needed.

To become stronger, to survive in this unfamiliar world, Oliver could only say sorry.

No need to say thank you!

Drawing his bow again, an arrow shot out, ending the life of a Hun soldier.

Five arrow feathers, four already used.

Oliver didn’t pause, continuing to draw his bow. His posture became more and more proficient.

An arrow shot out, hitting a Hun soldier right between the eyes.

Five arrow feathers, not a single miss.

“Kid, are you really a newly recruited forced volunteers?” The veteran beside him looked at Oliver in disbelief.

Looking at his fair and clean scholar appearance, who would have thought he could kill five enemies with five arrows on the battlefield, hitting every target.

Killing five enemies without changing his expression, was this really a newly recruited forced volunteers?

Even rookies didn’t perform this well, right?

Not only the veteran, but several soldiers nearby also looked at Oliver in surprise.

A shabby bow, killing five enemies, truly made them look at him differently.

Don’t underestimate just five enemies, it counted as a military merit.

Unfortunately, now defending the city, they couldn’t claim the kills, so the military merit couldn’t be counted.

Other archers, facing so many Huns below the city wall, would miss their shots. It was impossible to hit every target like Oliver.

Was it luck, or did he really have an extraordinary talent for archery?

Not to mention, Oliver was a newly recruited forced volunteers. Other able-bodied men were trembling in fear at the sight of the attacking army.

“Is there any doubt?” Oliver looked at the veteran speechlessly.

“Alright, you go rest. Soon it will be close combat. With your thin arms and legs, don’t get hurt.” The veteran looked at Oliver and said.

“No, I want to continue killing the enemy, defending the country.” Oliver said righteously.

The veteran looked at Oliver. Was this something a newly recruited forced volunteers would say?

When did new recruits have such ideological awareness?

Other soldiers looked at Oliver, also full of surprise. Was this really an forced volunteers?

Which forced volunteers wouldn’t want to run down the city wall to hide?

“Uncle, get me some more arrow feathers. I feel incredibly strong now.” Oliver said confidently.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan




One response to “Chapter 1 – Super Archer”

  1. marvie2 Avatar

    Hmm, well it seems to be an interesting start

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