Chapter 70 – Xiao Chuyi also wants to go to Qinglou

Magistrate Chen downed five ladles of Western Wind Blaze and got himself thoroughly drunk.

“Someone, take Magistrate Chen back to his residence,” Oliver Sheng instructed his personal guards.

“Yes, General!”

Two guards stepped forward, lifted Magistrate Chen, and carried him back to the magistrate’s residence.

“Master Du, I’ll leave the brewing of the wine to you,” Oliver said to the group.

“Rest assured, General. Brewing this wine is our responsibility. If we don’t manage to produce this extraordinary wine for the world to taste, it would be a crime,” Du Fei said with determination.

Creating such an exceptional wine was enough to earn them a place in history. Initially, they brewed for high pay and silver, but now it was for their belief.

Not producing this extraordinary wine for the world to taste would be their fault.

The remaining brewing tasks were left to these master brewers and Summer Lotus.

Oliver returned to training his troops, waiting for the wine to be ready.

During this waiting period, Oliver also took the opportunity to improve his cultivation, reaching the peak of the Prenatal Realm.

Name: Oliver Sheng

Race: Human

Realm: Peak of Prenatal Realm (+)

Cultivation Methods: [Great Sun Heart Sutra (Small Accomplishment)], [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] (+), [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Great Accomplishment)] (Evolving), [Overlord Spear Technique (Small Accomplishment)]

Strength: 95,000 pounds

Talent: Sharpshooter

Kill Points: 8017

System Upgradable

After consuming 5,000 Kill Points, Oliver advanced his cultivation to the peak of the Prenatal Realm. His True Qi condensed like water, and his blood surged like a dragon.

Now, he wasn’t sure how strong he was, but he was invincible within the Prenatal Realm.

Even if he encountered a Grandmaster, unless they were at the Great Perfection stage, they wouldn’t be able to defeat him.

After reaching the peak of the Prenatal Realm, Oliver suppressed his aura to the early Prenatal stage, disguising his true strength.

Stay calm, don’t get reckless!

Magistrate Chen was carried back and remained drunk for an entire day, only waking up by the next evening.

“Ugh, my head…”

Upon waking, Magistrate Chen’s first reaction was a throbbing headache, his whole body felt weak and powerless.

“Master, you’re finally awake!” The old servant sighed in relief upon seeing Magistrate Chen awake.

His master had been unconscious for an entire day. The doctor had confirmed it was just drunkenness; otherwise, he would have risked his life to demand an explanation from General Sheng.

“How long have I been asleep?” Magistrate Chen asked.

“Master, you’ve been asleep for a day and a night,” the old servant replied.

“What? A day and a night?”

Magistrate Chen was stunned. This wine was incredibly potent, making him drunk for a whole day and night.

“Good wine, truly good wine!” Magistrate Chen exclaimed.

He couldn’t understand what was in Oliver Sheng’s mind. At such a young age, he was already an Innate expert, a talented poet, and now he had brewed an extraordinary wine.

“No, I must get some of this wine from him,” Magistrate Chen decided to ask Oliver for some Western Wind Blaze.

While training his troops, Oliver also kept an eye on the progress of the wine brewing.

Gradually, Oliver accepted Felix Wu, the new colonel, who proved to be quite capable, surpassing both Cameron Guo and Wesley Hu.

After witnessing the power of the Mandarin Duck Formation, Xiao Chuyi also sought Oliver’s guidance and began training his subordinates in the formation.

He commanded four battalions, totaling eight thousand men, plus an additional thousand under his direct command, making a total of nine thousand men.

All of them were now practicing the Mandarin Duck Formation. With ample food and silver, Oliver sold meat and medicinal meals to feed his troops, training them rigorously.

With substantial investment in silver and the aid of meat and medicinal meals, his soldiers had now all reached the Martial Disciple level, significantly increasing their strength.

Though not elite, they were a formidable force.

If faced with thirty thousand Barbarians, Oliver dared to claim he could defeat them.

Half a month later, the first batch of new Western Wind Blaze was ready.

“General, mission accomplished. The first batch of Western Wind Blaze is ready,” Du Fei said excitedly.

Oliver tasted it. The flavor was rich and unchanged, and he nodded in approval.

“Well done, your contribution is significant. Once the wine is sold, I’ll reward you all,” Oliver said with a smile.

“General, it smells amazing. I must try it,” Cameron Guo couldn’t resist saying.

“Yes, such fragrant wine, let us have a taste,” Wesley Hu also looked eager.

Xiao Chuyi was equally curious about this fragrant wine.

Seeing his subordinates eager to taste the wine, Oliver waved his hand.

“Serve yourselves, but only one bowl each. As military officers, you must not get drunk.”

Upon hearing Oliver’s permission, everyone grabbed a bowl and poured themselves some Western Wind Blaze.

Xiao Chuyi didn’t hold back either, pouring a bowl of wine. The aroma was rich, and upon tasting, the wine was strong and spicy, like a blazing fire, followed by warmth and a sweet aftertaste.

“Good wine, damn, this is delicious. The stuff we drank before was garbage,” Cameron Guo couldn’t help but say.

“Exquisite wine, truly extraordinary. Strong and fierce, this is the kind of wine we soldiers should drink,” Wesley Hu said after finishing his bowl.

“Once this extraordinary wine hits the market, countless wine lovers will go crazy for it. General, you’re amazing to brew such a wine,” Felix Wu couldn’t help but praise.

Xiao Chuyi also glanced at Oliver, this man was truly an enigma.

Young, highly skilled in martial arts, a talented poet, and now a master brewer, he seemed shrouded in mystery.

Oliver accepted all the compliments from his subordinates, thoroughly enjoying them.

“This wine is too strong for women,” Xiao Chuyi remarked.

Oliver stroked his chin, realizing it was true. The wine was strong, and those with low tolerance, especially women, might not handle it well.

If the alcohol content was too high, it could be diluted. Diluting it was simple, just mix it.

Oliver instructed the brewers to create a diluted version, reducing the alcohol content by half.

With the alcohol content lowered, the wine was no longer spicy and strong but had a gentle fragrance, suitable for those with low tolerance and women.

With the wine ready, it was time to sell it, but Oliver lacked the channels. Even the best wine could go unnoticed in a deep alley.

But how could that stop him?

At night, Oliver had Zane Wang gather a few soldiers, bring a few jars of the brewed wine, and call Magistrate Chen. They were heading to Misty Willow House.

Misty Willow House was a place where news spread quickly.

“General, will we really see Fairy Isla Qin?” Zane Wang was excited.

Oliver was finally fulfilling his promise to take him to see Fairy Isla Qin.

For someone who frequented brothels, he had long heard the legendary tales of Fairy Isla Qin’s beauty, but had never seen her.

Magistrate Chen glanced at Zane Wang. This rough man was also here for Fairy Isla Qin?

“You’re going to Misty Willow House?” Xiao Chuyi intercepted them halfway.

She stood on the street, dressed in black, with a long sword at her waist, and light snow falling from the sky, looking like a hero.

“What do you want? Do I need to report to you where I’m going?” Oliver was displeased.

What, did this colonel think she could control him, the general?

“I’m coming too,” Xiao Chuyi said calmly.

“The camp needs you to guard it. Why are you going to Misty Willow House? Go back,” Oliver said, annoyed. He was going to promote the wine, not to indulge in pleasures.

Xiao Chuyi remained unmoved, just staring at Oliver.

Magistrate Chen tugged at Oliver’s sleeve, reminding him of her background.

“Fine, come if you want,” Oliver relented, seeing the determination in Xiao Chuyi’s eyes.

Xiao Chuyi followed behind Oliver.

“By the way, Brother Batian, what was your father thinking? You don’t look burly at all, yet he named you Xiao Batian. The name is fierce, but you look delicate,” Oliver teased.

Xiao Chuyi didn’t respond, remaining aloof.

Magistrate Chen’s mouth twitched. Oliver dared to joke about Xiao Batian.

Arriving at Misty Willow House, it was still brightly lit and bustling, the liveliest place in River West County at night.

Moreover, Oliver’s poem for Fairy Isla Qin had made her famous, attracting countless scholars and literati, making it almost full every night.

The brothel keeper saw Oliver and Magistrate Chen and hurried to greet them.

“General Sheng, Magistrate Chen, esteemed guests, please come in,” the brothel keeper said with a wide smile, though her age showed in the wrinkles.

Xiao Chuyi was visiting a brothel for the first time. Despite her cold demeanor, she was filled with curiosity, looking around. Seeing the dancers on stage performing a seductive dance, she blushed and quickly looked away.

Seeing the old patrons holding girls and getting handsy, Xiao Chuyi lowered her head even more.

“Brother Batian, is this your first time here? Shall I call a pretty girl for you to enjoy?” Oliver teased, seeing her reaction.

“Oh my, this young man is so handsome. Let me tell you, our girls at Misty Willow House are the best. Satisfaction guaranteed,” the brothel keeper chimed in.

“No, no need!” Xiao Chuyi’s face was red, her heart racing, struggling to maintain her composure.

If she had known, she wouldn’t have followed out of curiosity.

“Hey, getting shy now? You’re a man, training your subordinates harshly, but now acting all timid,” Oliver said, wondering if she was shy by nature.

Magistrate Chen followed behind, unable to help but facepalm. Oliver dared to say anything!

Ignorance is bliss!

The brothel keeper led Oliver’s group to a private room on the second floor.

“Please invite Fairy Isla Qin to join us for a few drinks. I have something to discuss with her,” Oliver said.

“Right away, I’ll call Miss Isla,” the brothel keeper hurried off to fetch Fairy Isla Qin.

“Miss Isla, General Sheng is here, specifically asking for you,” the brothel keeper said. She had always struggled to command Fairy Isla Qin, and now with her rising fame, it was even harder.

“General Sheng is here?” Fairy Isla Qin finally opened her door and stepped out.

She was curious about Oliver Sheng and wouldn’t refuse his invitation.

“Gentlemen, this humble girl greets you,” Fairy Isla Qin entered the room, her voice soft and slightly seductive, making hearts flutter.

Zane Wang felt like his head was about to explode, stunned by her beauty.

How could such a beautiful woman exist in this world!

Even Magistrate Chen, usually clear-headed, was instantly mesmerized, as if enchanted.

Xiao Chuyi observed Fairy Isla Qin, feeling that every move she made was filled with allure, captivating hearts.

Seeing Zane Wang, Magistrate Chen, and the other soldiers almost drooling, she understood.

But Oliver seemed unaffected, calmly pouring himself a drink.

Xiao Chuyi’s respect for Oliver grew seeing this.

“Fairy Isla Qin, please have a seat,” Oliver gestured politely.




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