Chapter 69 – The strong liquor comes out, and the west wind is strong

This is not just a pastime, is it?

“I say, General Sheng, what kind of wine do you want to drink? I’ll buy it for you. Can you focus on training the troops?”

“Our entire River West County, the northwest gate of Great Wei, needs you to guard it.”

“The lives of over a hundred thousand common people in River West County are in your hands. Can you be a bit more serious, my dear General?”

Looking at Magistrate Chen beside him, who was nagging like a monk reciting scriptures, Oliver Sheng finally understood why Sun Wukong had headaches.

Oliver replied earnestly, “I am serious!”

“You, you, you…”

Magistrate Chen left in a huff, unable to control or persuade Oliver.

Oliver was a Sixth Rank Assistant General guarding the border, commanding his own army. Apart from the Ministry of War and Third Rank or higher generals, no one could control him.

Leading five thousand soldiers, they built a large distillery in just a few days.

And Zane Wang, not failing his mission, brought back a dozen experienced brewers.

“I’ve completed the task you gave me. Don’t forget your promise,” Zane said, covered in dust.

He was born to toil.

“I know, I won’t forget.”

Oliver nodded perfunctorily, his gaze falling on the dozen brewers dressed like old farmers.


The dozen brewers quickly bowed in salute.

Facing Oliver, these ordinary old farmers were very reserved. After all, he was a high-ranking general to them.

“No need for formalities, masters. You all know how to brew wine, right?” Oliver smiled.

“General, we only know some basic brewing techniques, making some rough wine for our own consumption,” one of the brewers quickly replied.

They were from villages, brewing wine for themselves or for sale, not comparable to large distilleries.

“No problem, as long as you can brew wine,” Oliver nodded.

As long as they could brew wine, it was fine. The high-proof spirits of later generations were all distilled. They just needed to know the distillation technique.

With the brewers found, now he needed workers. Oliver already had someone in mind—the four or five hundred women he had brought back would make excellent workers. Giving them jobs would keep them from having idle thoughts and contemplating suicide.

Oliver immediately went to the west of the city.



As soon as Oliver arrived, the women gathered around to greet him. In this new environment, their faces showed more smiles, no longer numb and lifeless.

“How are you doing?” Oliver asked with a smile.

“We’re doing well,” said Summer Lotus, a woman in her early thirties with a hint of charm, nodding with a smile.

“That’s good.”

“I came to ask if you would like to work at the distillery and earn your own money?” Oliver asked.

The women’s eyes lit up instantly. They wanted to live but didn’t want to be kept without finding their own value.

“Really? General, is it true?” asked a girl named Little Grass, excitedly.

“Of course it’s true. When have I ever lied to you?” Oliver smiled.

“We’re willing, General. No matter how hard or tiring it is, we’re willing,” Summer Lotus said, tears of joy streaming down her face.

Being able to live on their own was their greatest wish.

With these four or five hundred women, there was no need to find other workers. Oliver led them to the distillery.

The distillery had been built with accommodations, so housing the women was no problem.

With workers, brewers, and grain, brewing equipment was simple to make, but Oliver directly bought a set.

Then he left the army to Cameron Guo and Wesley Hu, letting them train the troops while he immersed himself in the distillery, leading a group to study brewing.

During this time, Magistrate Chen came to see Oliver, but Oliver was so focused on his brewing business that he barely paid attention to him.

After ten days, joyful shouts came from the distillery.

“General, we did it, we succeeded.”

“Hahaha, we finally succeeded.”

“Great, we finally succeeded.”

The brewers, the women workers, and the soldiers who participated in the brewing all cheered.

Especially the rescued women, who hugged each other, crying with joy, celebrating this moment of success. They had proven and realized their value.

Oliver smelled the aroma of the wine, took a sip—it was spicy, strong, warm, and left a sweet aftertaste.

“We did it!” Oliver happily told everyone.

After half a month of hard work, day and night, they finally brewed this strong liquor.

“General, give this wine a name!” Brewer Du Fei said with a smile.

“Let’s call it ‘Western Wind Blaze.’ The northwest wind is fierce and cold, and this wine is strong and warming,” Oliver said.

“Good name, Western Wind Blaze.”

“From now on, let’s focus on brewing. Once our wine is launched, it will attract countless merchants,” Oliver said.

“Master Du, Miss Summer Lotus, the future will be hard on you.”

“General, you flatter us. This is what we should do. You provided us with a safe place, and we should repay your great kindness,” Summer Lotus said.

“Exactly, this is what we should do,” the women nodded.

Brewer Du Fei, knowing the women’s plight, was full of sympathy. These women worked no less than men, earning the respect of the brewers.

With Western Wind Blaze ready, the next step was mass production.

Oliver arranged for two hundred soldiers to guard the distillery, ensuring its safety.

The families of Du Fei and the other brewers were also brought to the city to settle.

Oliver arranged everything, waiting for the wine to be mass-produced, gain fame, and start selling.

After completing the brewing task, Oliver felt relaxed and happy. The golden goose was about to lay eggs.

“Why are you so happy? What’s the good news?” Magistrate Chen came to the distillery and couldn’t help but ask when he saw Oliver smiling brightly.

“Hehe, old Chen, I’ve succeeded!” Oliver laughed.

“Succeeded? In what? Have you become a Grandmaster?” Magistrate Chen asked with three question marks.

“My wine brewing succeeded,” Oliver rolled his eyes.


“Of course.”

“Let me taste it,” Magistrate Chen said expectantly.

He wanted to see if Oliver’s brewed wine was good or bad.

If it was bad, he would laugh at Oliver.

Oliver opened the wine jar, and a strong aroma immediately wafted out.

“It smells so good!” Magistrate Chen’s eyes lit up. The wine smelled truly fragrant.

He scooped a ladle and eagerly drank it all.


“Good wine, strong, spicy, stimulating, warm, with a sweet aftertaste.”

“Good wine, an absolute gem,” Magistrate Chen swore that even the imperial wine in the palace wasn’t as good as this.

Then, before Oliver could stop him, Magistrate Chen scooped another ladle and drank it all.

“Hey, drink less. This wine is strong and can make you drunk,” Oliver quickly said.

This was at least fifty-six degrees strong liquor. Drinking like this, Magistrate Chen would be drunk soon.

“Don’t worry, I can hold my liquor well. Are you just reluctant to let me drink?” Magistrate Chen, having tasted such good wine for the first time, couldn’t help but want more.

“Drink, drink, let’s see how much you can handle,” Oliver stopped persuading.

Some people just couldn’t be persuaded.

After the fifth ladle, Magistrate Chen felt his vision blur.

“General Sheng, how can you perform the Shadow Clone Technique?” Magistrate Chen said, swaying.

Oliver looked at Magistrate Chen speechlessly. The guy’s legs were already giving way, and he was starting to wobble.

He wasn’t a ninja, how could he perform the Shadow Clone Technique?

“General, what’s wrong with Magistrate Chen?” Summer Lotus asked, worried as she watched Magistrate Chen doing the moonwalk.

“Nothing, he’s just drunk.”

As soon as Oliver finished speaking, Magistrate Chen stumbled and fell to the ground, unconscious.

“Hey, let’s see if you still call me stingy. Get up and keep drinking, you little miser,” Oliver couldn’t help but laugh.




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