Chapter 66 – Still got it fast


The bandits of Tiger Roar Camp were now filled with terror. Their leader, the strongest among them, had been defeated with a single punch, leaving him in a pitiful state.

Did they still have the strength to resist this troop of government soldiers?

“Please, I beg you, spare me,” one of the bandits pleaded.

Oliver Sheng lifted his foot and stomped down, shattering Wei Hu’s other leg.


Wei Hu screamed miserably, clearly realizing that begging for mercy was useless. Oliver had no intention of letting him go.

“You damned brat, how dare you lay a hand on me? You’re dead!” Wei Hu cursed with his remaining left hand.

“If you kill me, you won’t live either. Hahaha, you little bastard, if you kill me, you’ll join me in death.”

Oliver lifted his foot again and stomped down, crushing Wei Hu’s left hand to pieces.


The screams echoed in the ears of the bandits, causing them to tremble uncontrollably with fear.

“The big shot behind me won’t let you go. You’ll die with me,” Wei Hu laughed maniacally, looking deranged.

Oliver couldn’t be bothered to ask about the so-called big shot behind Wei Hu. He simply stomped down and crushed Wei Hu’s skull.

“Kill them all! Leave no one alive!” Oliver commanded coldly.

At the same time, he struck down the stronger bandits, killing them all. The second-in-command, the third-in-command, none of them escaped Oliver’s blade.

Soon, Oliver had slaughtered the entire bandit camp, leaving no one above the Martial Artist realm.


“Quick, escape!”

“The leader is dead, the second-in-command is dead, the third-in-command is dead too…”

“Mom, I want to go home.”

With the deaths of Wei Hu and the other leaders, the ordinary bandits lost all will to resist and fled in panic.

“Spare me, I haven’t done anything bad.”

“Officer, spare me. I have an eighty-year-old mother and a two-month-old baby at home.”

“I haven’t even stepped on an ant. I’m very kind. Please spare me, officer.”

Cries for mercy, screams, and wails filled the entire bandit camp.

Oliver’s soldiers began to chase down the fleeing bandits. After seeing blood and killing a few more, even the new recruits were no longer afraid or uncomfortable.

It was just like killing chickens, one slash or one stab at a time.

Hearing the commotion, the women who had been abducted to the mountain came out of their rooms, numb.

Seeing the government soldiers slaughtering the bandits, they couldn’t help but laugh.


“Die, all of you, die. Hahaha…”

“Serves you right, devils should die.”

The women, disheveled and tear-streaked, laughed as they watched the demons who had tormented them being slaughtered. They felt that the heavens had finally opened their eyes.

Seeing the bandits fleeing, Oliver showed no mercy and began a killing spree. He didn’t spare any Martial Disciples or Martial Artists.

The bandits were fleeing, and his soldiers couldn’t kill them all. After all, he had only brought a thousand men this time.

Oliver slaughtered without restraint, cutting down one sinful bandit after another, crazily accumulating Kill Points.

When all the bandits were finally killed, the entire camp was a river of blood, with corpses piled high and a stench of blood filling the air.

After the slaughter, the new recruits had developed a certain aura, no longer the clueless soldiers they once were.

Oliver retracted his blood fiend aura, which had turned crimson, making people shudder at the sight.

Apart from the ordinary bandits without cultivation, more than half of the bandits had died by Oliver’s blade, totaling over two thousand.

He had harvested a significant amount of Kill Points. The so-called leader, an Innate Martial Artist, had provided him with sixty Kill Points, and the seven Postnatal Martial Artists had given him over two hundred Kill Points.

Today, by exterminating this notorious bandit group, he had gained a total of eight thousand three hundred Kill Points.

Adding the four thousand seven hundred seventeen Kill Points he had previously accumulated, he now had thirteen thousand and seventeen Kill Points.

He glanced at the golden Light Screen:

Name: Oliver Sheng

Race: Human

Realm: Innate Great Perfection (+)

Cultivation Method: [Great Sun Heart Sutra (Small Accomplishment)] [Wild Bull Strength (Small Accomplishment)] (+) [Blood Fiend Saber Technique (Great Accomplishment)] (Deduction) [Overlord Spear Technique (Small Accomplishment)]

Strength: Eighty-five thousand jin

Talent: Sharpshooter

Kill Points:

System Upgrade Available (+)

The system upgrade prompt appeared again, and his cultivation was enough to be enhanced with Kill Points.

Indeed, to quickly improve one’s cultivation, one had to kill enemies to gain Kill Points.

After the battle, Oliver ordered, “Send a team to search for any survivors. The rest of you, find the bandits’ food and treasures.”

“Yes, General!”

His subordinates quickly sprang into action.

A group of women, numbering four or five hundred, ran over and knelt before Oliver, kowtowing.

“Thank you, General, thank you!”

“Thank you for killing those demons and saving us from our suffering.”

“Please, get up,” Oliver said, startled by the sight of so many women kneeling before him.

The women ranged in age from their thirties to as young as fourteen or fifteen.

“What’s going on?” Oliver asked, looking at the women who kept kowtowing and thanking him.

“General, I’ve asked around. They were all abducted by these bandits and have been abused ever since,” Zane Wang said angrily.

These poor women should have had good lives, but they were kidnapped by the bandits of Tiger Roar Camp and used as tools for their lust.

“Everyone, please stand up,” Oliver said, seeing that the women wouldn’t stop kowtowing.

Helpless, he had to order his soldiers to help the women up.

Looking at the abused women, Oliver felt that simply killing Wei Hu and his men was too lenient.

“General, we’ve found the bandits’ treasure trove,” Yuan Yong reported, running over.

Now a Martial Artist, Yuan Yong had been appointed as a sergeant, having been one of the earliest soldiers to follow Oliver.

“Zane Wang, take care of them. If anything goes wrong, I’ll hold you responsible,” Oliver ordered.


Zane Wang’s face fell. Many of the women had a look of death in their eyes, clearly not wanting to live any longer.

Without giving Zane Wang a chance to protest, Oliver followed Yuan Yong to check out the treasure trove. He had come all this way, crossing over a hundred miles, for the bandits’ stolen wealth.

In the cave, Wei Hu had stored the stolen treasures and food.

Entering the cave, Oliver saw piles of food and chests of gold and silver jewels.

Seeing the gold and silver jewels, Oliver’s eyes lit up.

“Have you counted? How much gold and silver is here?” Oliver asked happily.

“Reporting to the General, there are gold and silver jewels worth three hundred thousand taels of silver and fifty thousand stones of grain,” Yuan Yong reported.

Three hundred thousand taels of silver were enough to support his army for a long time, and the fifty thousand stones of grain would last them a good while.

With such a bounty, Oliver was overjoyed. The harvest was too rich.

“You didn’t touch anything, did you?” Oliver’s eyes suddenly sharpened as he stared at Yuan Yong.

Yuan Yong was startled by Oliver’s sharp gaze, which felt like a blade piercing his heart.

He quickly said, “No, no, I swear on my life.”

Oliver stared at Yuan Yong for a long time, making him break out in a cold sweat. Oliver’s imposing presence was too overwhelming, making it hard for him to breathe.

“Good, I believe you. You’ve done well. I’ll remember this. Guard these treasures and food well. Anyone who dares to touch them will be executed,” Oliver said sternly.

“Yes, I swear on my life. If anyone dares to touch them, I’ll personally cut off their head,” Yuan Yong vowed.

Oliver had no choice but to be this strict. The temptation of three hundred thousand taels of silver was too great. He couldn’t guarantee that his soldiers wouldn’t be blinded by greed.

“Alright, call the others. Move the gold, silver, and food down the mountain. Don’t leave a single grain behind,” Oliver ordered.

“Yes, General!”

The soldiers quickly moved the food and treasures down the mountain. With two thousand warhorses waiting below, transporting everything back wouldn’t be a problem.

With such a bounty, the long journey and the effort to wipe out the bandits had been worth it for Oliver.





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