Chapter 58 – They didn’t take me to Misty Willow House, the feelings have faded

“Had we not met atop the Jade Mountain, we would have encountered each other beneath the moon at Yao Terrace!”

The beautiful voice and song captivated everyone on the first floor, as if a goddess had descended, petals falling, and under the moonlight, the goddess danced gracefully on Yao Terrace.

“What a poem, how beautiful!”

“Who is the author of this poem? Such talent, an extraordinary genius.”

Many scholars were overjoyed, recognizing it as a masterpiece that could be remembered for centuries.

“Brothel Keeper, who is in the elegant room on the second floor?” Someone couldn’t help but ask, eager to know who had crafted such an exceptional piece.

“Honored guests, in that elegant room are the County Magistrate and General Sheng.” The Brothel Keeper’s smile stretched to the back of her head.

Such a magnificent work emerging from her Misty Willow House would surely bring fame, attracting countless scholars and literati, and business would undoubtedly flourish.

“If the County Magistrate and General Sheng are inside, who could have written it?” After all, there were two people in the elegant room.

“Who else could it be? It must be the County Magistrate. He is a scholar after all.”

“No, no, the County Magistrate may be a scholar, but he has never written any poetry.”

“Then you think it’s General Sheng?”

“Of course, don’t forget, General Sheng has two famous poems to his name. He was once a scholar too.”

“Indeed, General Sheng’s ‘With ambitions, I feast on the flesh of Huns, and drink their blood with laughter. Pity the bones by the Unfixed River, still dreaming of the spring boudoir,’ has spread across the land. Such a masterpiece must be his work.”

“Clouds think of clothes, flowers think of beauty. Spring breeze brushes the rail, dew glistens richly.

Had we not met atop the Jade Mountain, we would have encountered each other beneath the moon at Yao Terrace.”

“What a poem, how beautiful…”

“Let’s drink to celebrate. Seeing this poem, we must drink a large cup.”

“Not a wasted trip, not a wasted trip, hahaha…”

Tonight, Misty Willow House was in an uproar.

In the elegant room on the second floor, Isla Qin’s gaze towards Oliver Sheng changed. Such talent, handsome and elegant, he was indeed a fine choice for a husband.

“General Sheng’s talent, Isla Qin admires. Thank you, General Sheng, for writing this poem for me. I have nothing to repay you with.”

Oliver Sheng looked at Isla Qin, what did she mean, a lifetime commitment?

“I will repay you in the future!” After a pause, Isla Qin slowly spoke.

“Fairy Qin, next time you speak, don’t pause. Promise me, okay?” Oliver Sheng was speechless.

How was he supposed to interpret this “repay in the future”?

“What a poem, what a poem,” Magistrate Chen said excitedly.

“It’s alright, just average,” Oliver Sheng said indifferently.

At this, Magistrate Chen almost choked on his own saliva.

This pretense caught him off guard, almost straining his back.

“General Sheng, saying things like that will get you beaten,” Magistrate Chen glared at Oliver Sheng. What did he mean by average, was he mocking his inability to write poetry?

“You can’t beat me!” Oliver Sheng said disdainfully.

Magistrate Chen clenched and unclenched his fists. In front of a beauty, he couldn’t lose his composure. He had to endure.

Isla Qin smiled lightly. This Oliver Sheng was quite interesting.

That smile almost bewitched Magistrate Chen, and even Oliver Sheng’s heart couldn’t help but race. This alluring Isla was too tempting.

If it weren’t for cultivating the Great Sun Heart Sutra and needing to maintain his pure yang, he would have taken this enchanting demoness today.

Truly, a smile that could launch a thousand ships, making all other beauties pale in comparison!

“Fairy Qin, why have you fallen into such a life?” Oliver Sheng asked curiously.

Such a peerless beauty, how could she be a woman of the dust?

“General Sheng doesn’t know. When I was young, my father died, and my mother remarried…” Isla Qin began to recount her tragic past.

“Fairy’s story is truly pitiful,” Magistrate Chen looked at Isla Qin’s sorrowful appearance, feeling an overwhelming urge to protect her.

Oliver Sheng was stunned. Why did these lines sound so familiar?

He seemed to have heard them somewhere before.

“Tonight, let me serve General Sheng in bed. General Sheng gave me such a magnificent poem,” Isla Qin said, her eyes filled with longing.

Oliver Sheng almost couldn’t resist agreeing. It was like a goddess asking you to stay the night; who could refuse?

But, but he had cultivated that damned virgin technique, and now he regretted it.

If heaven gave him another chance to choose…

But there was no chance.

“Fairy Qin, you misunderstand. I, Oliver, am not that kind of person. I wrote the poem for you because I thought it suited you,” Oliver Sheng said righteously.

He might as well have written “upright gentleman” on his forehead.

Isla Qin looked at Oliver Sheng’s righteous expression, a strange light flashing in her eyes. She didn’t know if he was telling the truth.

But from beginning to end, Oliver Sheng had not been captivated by her beauty, unlike other men who were bewitched at the sight of her, looking like pigs ready to devour her.

“I see Magistrate Chen is quite fond of Fairy Qin. Why not let him spend the night with her?” Oliver Sheng cursed himself.

In ancient times, Han Runaway gave up his pillar, and now he, Oliver Sheng, was giving up a beauty.

He envied that Xu fellow, who could dual cultivate to enhance his power and enjoy it immensely.

“Sure, sure!” Magistrate Chen immediately nodded.

He looked at Oliver Sheng with newfound friendliness. Truly a good brother.

Seeing Isla Qin’s enchanting eyes and face, every move filled with allure, Oliver Sheng felt he couldn’t take it any longer. If he stayed any longer, he feared he would lose control.

To stand at the pinnacle of the world in the future, Oliver Sheng had to bid farewell.

“Fairy Qin, Magistrate Chen, I have military duties to attend to. I’ll take my leave. Enjoy your time.” Oliver Sheng turned and left.

If he didn’t leave, he really couldn’t suppress his desire!

This demoness was truly deadly.

Watching Oliver Sheng leave, Isla Qin couldn’t figure out his thoughts. Was he really not affected by her charm, an upright gentleman, or…

Could it be that he couldn’t perform?

Magistrate Chen, on the other hand, felt Oliver Sheng was a true brother, giving him such a beauty.

Oliver Sheng left the building, his boiling blood gradually calming down.

He glanced back at the elegant room on the second floor, thinking, she must be a demoness, able to make his blood boil and ignite evil thoughts.

“Oh, General Sheng, are you leaving?” The Brothel Keeper looked at Oliver Sheng, smiling.

Oliver Sheng nodded.

“General Sheng!”

Many people on the first floor greeted Oliver Sheng with smiles, and he nodded back with a smile.

Leaving Misty Willow House, Oliver Sheng headed towards the military camp, leaving the night’s expenses to Magistrate Chen.

“Why did General Sheng leave?” Many were puzzled by Oliver Sheng’s departure.

“After writing such a masterpiece, he should have stayed with Fairy Qin.”

“Could it be that the poem was written by the County Magistrate, and we guessed wrong?”

“I told you, only a scholar like the County Magistrate could write such an eternal masterpiece.”


After Oliver Sheng left, Isla Qin looked at Magistrate Chen. Compared to Oliver Sheng, Magistrate Chen was far inferior, whether in talent or cultivation.

Or appearance!

“Magistrate Chen, General Sheng has left. Aren’t you leaving?” Isla Qin’s voice was cold and enchanting.

“Huh? Oh, oh, I’m leaving!” Magistrate Chen got up and left.

Walking out of the elegant room, Magistrate Chen suddenly realized, wasn’t he supposed to spend the night with Fairy Qin? Why did he leave so obediently?

It shouldn’t be like this!

Wasn’t he supposed to win the beauty tonight?

Walking downstairs, everyone saw Magistrate Chen again.

“Oh, County Magistrate, are you leaving? Not staying a bit longer?” The Brothel Keeper asked.

Magistrate Chen shook his head, “No!”

“County Magistrate, was that poem written by you?” someone asked.



“It was written by General Sheng.” Magistrate Chen said as he walked out of Misty Willow House.

The cold wind outside sobered him up instantly.

“What happened to me?”

“Was I bewitched? Damn, could Fairy Qin have learned some enchantment technique?”

“How embarrassing.”

Thinking back to his behavior in the elegant room, he felt utterly humiliated.

He, Finn Chen, a righteous scholar, had behaved so disgracefully in front of a woman, like a simp who hadn’t seen a woman in three hundred years.

The key was that Oliver Sheng had given Fairy Qin to him, and he thought it was great, such a good thing falling into his lap.

Magistrate Chen couldn’t help but shiver, almost dying of laughter at himself.

“Truly a demoness who brings disaster to the country. This place is cursed, I won’t come again.” Magistrate Chen quickened his pace to leave.

Isla Qin took the poem written by Oliver Sheng and returned to her room on the third floor.

“Unexpectedly, in this remote border area of Great Wei, I encountered such a talented person.”

“It seems his cultivation is quite profound too…”


Oliver Sheng returned to the military camp and encountered Zane Wang.

“Back so late, Brother Oliver.” Zane Wang looked at Oliver Sheng and spoke.

“Yes, is Brother Zane on duty tonight?” Oliver Sheng nodded.

“Wait, why do you smell like perfume? Did you go to Misty Willow House?” Zane Wang, like a dog, sniffed out the scent of a woman on Oliver Sheng.

“No, are you a dog? How can you smell that?” Oliver Sheng looked at Zane Wang in surprise.

“Well, Brother Oliver, you’ve changed. You went to Misty Willow House without me. I thought we were brothers who shared life and death. Our bond has faded, it’s meaningless.” Zane Wang said, looking betrayed.

“No, you misunderstood. Magistrate Chen invited me.” Oliver Sheng explained.

“I don’t want to hear it, I don’t want to hear it…”




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