Chapter 40 – Lin Yue’er’s Confession

Nottingham City.


Two beams of white light descended.

Chen Jun and Wu Sin had just used a Return Scroll from the wilderness to return to the city.

Chen Jun, who had narrowly escaped death in the Secret Realm, couldn’t help but let out a long sigh of relief.

“Damn it, that loser still wants to kill me!” Chen Jun was fuming with rage.

Wu Sin frowned and said in a deep voice, “We underestimated that kid. He actually used the Secret Realm to set a trap and ambush us!”

Chen Jun clearly couldn’t swallow this insult. Clenching his fists, his face bulging with veins, he said angrily, “If I don’t kill Zhang Yue, I swear I’m not a man!”

“But his strength is indeed too formidable!” Wu Sin said, “And now he has the support of the Supreme Guild. With our power, it’s too difficult to kill him!”

“Hmph!” Chen Jun snorted coldly, “If we can’t kill him, we’ll find some veteran Professionals from the higher worlds to do it!”

Wu Sin pondered, “But Brother Chen, don’t forget, the Otherworld has a newbie protection period: when Professionals under level 100 engage in PK, if the level difference exceeds 10, they can’t harm each other.”

“Finding Professionals of one or two hundred levels is easy, but they can’t hurt Zhang Yue, who’s only a dozen levels. It’s useless.”

“Do I need you to remind me?” Chen Jun obviously knew about the newbie protection period, but he didn’t care, “You also know that the newbie protection only works for level differences above 10.”

“In that case, we’ll target those within the 10-level range!”

Wu Sin was momentarily stunned and said blankly, “Even the new Professionals from the last batch have been around for a year. It’s impossible for any veteran Professional’s level to still be in the twenties, right?”

Chen Jun seemed to have a target in mind already. He sneered and said, “Of course there are!”

“And they are in the Third World!”

Reminded by Chen Jun, Wu Sin seemed to recall something and suddenly understood, “Brother Chen, you mean…”

“The Chen family’s face is something they won’t ignore. I’ll go find them right away!” Chen Jun’s eyes burned with intense killing intent, “Zhang Yue, just wait! If you can survive the Third World, I’ll eat shit standing on my head!”

With that, Chen Jun immediately went offline.

On the other side, Zhang Yue was still slaughtering zombies in the Violent Zombie Forest.

Unknowingly, the progress of the [Zombie Crisis] had reached 195/500!

By this time, Zhang Yue had also leveled up to 18.

Checking the time, it was nearing noon.

He planned to return to the city, go offline for lunch, and then come back to continue killing zombies.

“But this Zombie Tide… is coming too slowly!”

Just as Zhang Yue was thinking this, a sudden System Notification descended from the sky—

[Area Announcement] (Nottingham City): “Ding~ All Professionals in Nottingham City, please be aware: the Zombie Tide will invade Nottingham City in thirty minutes. This wave of the Zombie Tide is level 15. Please prepare to defend Nottingham City!”

Speak of the devil?

Zhang Yue was a bit excited.

So, he spent ten minutes returning to Nottingham City, went offline, and had a bowl of green pepper shredded pork rice at a fast-food restaurant downstairs.

When he returned online.

He saw that the sky above Nottingham City was filled with dark clouds, lightning, and thunder.

The Zombie Tide had arrived!

Inside the city, countless Professionals were in a frantic rush.

Only Zhang Yue remained calm and composed.

Before long, countless zombies attacked from outside the city!

Killing level 15 zombies was too easy for Zhang Yue.

In ten minutes, Zhang Yue had killed 50 zombies.

With the remaining time, Zhang Yue wandered around the city.

He wanted to see if he could find Chen Jun!

But this time, that guy had wised up. To avoid Zhang Yue’s pursuit, he had directly given up on resisting this wave of the Zombie Tide and hadn’t come online!

An hour later, the Zombie Tide retreated.

Zhang Yue left the city with a bit of disappointment.

On his way back to the Violent Zombie Forest.

He suddenly received a Feixin message from Liu Yao: “I almost forgot something!”

Just as Zhang Yue was wondering what it was, the next second, he received a transfer.

A 1 followed by six zeros.

One million!

Zhang Yue then remembered: in the morning, in the Secret Realm, Liu Yao had promised to compensate Zhang Yue with a million for ruining his plan to kill Chen Jun.

He had thought Liu Yao was just saying it casually, but he actually meant it!

No reason not to take the money, especially when Zhang Yue urgently needed it to treat his brother Zhang Zhao’s illness. He accepted the payment.

At this moment, Liu Yao sent another Feixin message: “Brother, I don’t have much else, but I have money!”

“Remember, if you need money in the future, just let me know!”

How rich must he be!

Zhang Yue closed Feixin.

Just then, a soft voice called from behind, “Zhang Yue!”

As Zhang Yue turned around, a slender figure suddenly leaped into his arms!

Looking at the girl in his arms, Zhang Yue was a bit surprised.

Because it was none other than his original self’s ex-girlfriend: Lin Yue’er!

Zhang Yue pushed Lin Yue’er away in disgust, “What do you want?”

Lin Yue’er looked up at Zhang Yue, deliberately showing a pitiful look, with a hint of a sob in her voice, “Zhang Yue, I was wrong! I really know I was wrong!”

“Please forgive me, okay?” Lin Yue’er cried, “Liu Yao… Liu Yao doesn’t want me anymore!”

“I admit I despised you for being poor before, but which girl doesn’t want to live a good life with money! Liu Yao values you so much now. As long as you join the Supreme Guild, your future will be bright! We won’t have any more conflicts over money!”

Zhang Yue smiled indifferently and said, “You said it yourself. Since my future is bright, why would I want you, a pair of worn-out shoes? With my current conditions, can’t I find someone better?”

Lin Yue’er was stunned.

She only knew that in the past, Zhang Yue would never have said such things to her!

Lin Yue’er hurriedly ran to Zhang Yue, grabbing his arm, crying and begging, “I’m begging you, Zhang Yue, give me another chance! Let’s start over, okay?”

Around them, more and more people gathered to watch.

Voices of discussion followed:

“This girl is so pitiful. Where can you find such a beautiful and affectionate girl!”

“Yeah, this guy doesn’t even know how to cherish her!”

“I hate men who bully girls the most!”

Among the onlookers, a few young men rolled up their sleeves, angrily walking towards Zhang Yue, looking like they were about to stand up for Lin Yue’er and teach Zhang Yue a lesson.

At this moment, Zhang Yue suddenly raised his Frost Staff and cast a Fireball spell, knocking Lin Yue’er to the ground!

In lock-blood mode, Lin Yue’er’s health bar above her head instantly dropped to just 1 point.

And Zhang Yue, who attacked a White Name Professional, had his originally hidden ID forcibly displayed in gray font—

lv18 Necromancer · [Zero]!

“Holy crap! Level 18? How is his level so high!”

“[Zero]… He’s the one who cleared the First World in just half a day!!”

The surrounding crowd was astonished.

The moment the ID appeared, those young men immediately rolled down their sleeves and silently retreated…

At this moment, even Lin Yue’er was stunned when she saw the ID above Zhang Yue’s head, “Zhang Yue, you… you’re [Zero]?!”

At this moment, Lin Yue’er regretted deeply. Why did she leave Zhang Yue back then!

But now, it was too late for regrets.

Zhang Yue turned and left.

Lin Yue’er, on the other hand, was surrounded by a few zombies crawling out of the ruins nearby.

No one went to save her because no one dared to offend [Zero].

Helplessness, fear, panic, and regret gnawed at Lin Yue’er’s heart.

Gradually, as a level 13 Priest, Lin Yue’er, unable to resist, was devoured and torn apart by the zombie horde.

Her body turned into specks of white starlight, dispersing and disappearing.

Starlight was a symbol of permanent death!

Having died once in the Secret Realm of Doomsday City and killed once by Su Jinyan, Lin Yue’er no longer had the ability to revive.

When Zhang Yue spent ten minutes returning to the Violent Zombie Forest, the gray ID above his head had automatically reverted to white.

After hiding his ID, Zhang Yue continued hunting zombies!

He spent the entire afternoon finally dealing with the remaining three hundred zombies.

As evening approached, the System Notification sounded once again—

[Area Announcement] (Nottingham City): “Ding~ All Professionals in Nottingham City, please be aware: the Zombie Tide will invade Nottingham City in thirty minutes. This wave of the Zombie Tide is level 15. Please prepare to defend Nottingham City!”

In the Second World, one must be prepared to fend off the Zombie Tide twice a day, once at noon and once at night.

For Zhang Yue, it also meant it was time to end his journey in the Second World!




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