Chapter 37 – Rampage, 3-star BOSS!

The sudden onslaught of the Supreme Guild’s army of Professionals caught Mist Rain Pavilion completely off guard.

The members of Mist Rain Pavilion couldn’t withstand the fierce attack from the Supreme Guild and suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

They were even driven to question their own existence:

“Damn! Are the Supreme Guild people on steroids or something? They’re so fierce!”

“Didn’t you hear their Guild Leader, Liu Yao, say that killing one of us from Mist Rain Pavilion earns a reward of twenty thousand dollars?”

“Holy crap, twenty thousand? Our Guild Leader only offers five thousand!”

“Is it too late to switch guilds to Supreme now?”

Mist Rain Pavilion was instantly crushed.

Seeing the unfavorable situation, Chen Jun decided to retreat.

After all, if it came down to choosing between the Secret Realm Scroll and his life, Chen Jun would definitely choose the latter.

However, just as he was about to withdraw, he saw Liu Yao leading a group of Supreme Guild members blocking his way!

Chen Jun pointed at Liu Yao and shouted angrily, “Liu Yao! I haven’t targeted your Supreme Guild, have I? What do you mean by this?!”

“Ah, nothing much,” Liu Yao said. “I just heard that you like to use money to get things done, right?”

“I just want to see if your money is more than mine.”

With that, Liu Yao turned to the dozen or so Mist Rain Pavilion Professionals beside Chen Jun and said, “Here’s a chance to get rich quick. Whoever kills your Guild Leader, I’ll give them fifty thousand… no, one hundred thousand.”

“I, Liu Yao, always keep my word!”

Immediately, the people around Chen Jun were stunned.

One hundred thousand!

Who wouldn’t be tempted?

Seeing his subordinates actually hesitating, Chen Jun became furious and humiliated, “Are you rebelling? Think carefully about the consequences of crossing me!”

“Opposing me means opposing the entire Chen Family and the Su Family!”

Just as Chen Jun was panicking.

The ground suddenly shook violently!


Accompanied by a loud roar.

In the rear, the Dark Zombie Lord, which originally had just 10% health left, was shot by someone, causing its health to drop below 10%. Suddenly, a burst of dark red light erupted from its body!

Everyone present was shocked.

“Not good! The Zombie Lord is about to go berserk!”

In the Otherworld, Lords and BOSS-level monsters have a very small chance of going berserk when their health drops below 10%.

A berserk Lord monster evolves into a BOSS.

A berserk BOSS evolves into an even higher-grade BOSS!

In a moment, the Zombie Lord had completed its berserk transformation.


A powerful shockwave radiated from the Zombie Lord’s feet, instantly knocking all the Professionals within a hundred meters to the ground!

[Map Announcement] (Dark Zombie Nest): Ding~ All Professionals in the Dark Zombie Nest Secret Realm, please note: The Dark Zombie Lord has gone berserk and evolved into a Level 17 3-star BOSS—Dark Zombie Tyrant King!”

Looking around.

The Zombie Lord, originally only two heads taller than a regular zombie, had instantly evolved into a super zombie standing seven or eight meters tall, clad in crimson armor, holding a round shield in its left hand and a large cleaver in its right!


The Dark Zombie Tyrant King let out a long howl, its powerful aura forcing all the Professionals from both Mist Rain Pavilion and Supreme Guild to crouch and cover their heads.

Liu Yao looked up at the BOSS and was stunned: “Holy crap!”

“A 3-star BOSS!”

At this moment, another map announcement fell—

“Ding~ Due to the berserk state of the Secret Realm Guardian, the difficulty of the Secret Realm has increased. The exit of the Dark Zombie Nest Secret Realm has been forcibly opened. All Professionals can leave the Secret Realm through the exit at any time!”

With the system notification.


A circular light screen about five meters high refreshed on the field.

And its refresh location was just behind Chen Jun, less than a hundred meters away!

At this moment, Chen Jun saw an opportunity.

He immediately withdrew and ran madly towards the Secret Realm exit.

Seeing Chen Jun trying to escape, Zhang Yue was about to chase after him.

But at that moment, a scream came from Liu Yao’s side.

Turning his head, Zhang Yue saw that Liu Yao had somehow been targeted by the Dark Zombie Tyrant King. Along with several other Supreme Guild Knights, Liu Yao was sent flying by a single swing of the Tyrant King’s cleaver!

Massive damage numbers ranging from 500 to 700 floated above their heads.

Upon landing, four Level 14 Knights from the Supreme Guild were instantly killed, turning into white light and flying away.

Liu Yao, however, survived with less than a third of his health left, thanks to his elite Sword and Shield Warrior’s high health growth and the top-tier equipment he had spent millions on in the black market, which included a full set of Level 10 2-star orange-red attributes gear.



Each step of the Dark Zombie Tyrant King caused the ground to shake.

Its explosive killing power instantly wiped out a group of Supreme Guild Professionals trying to block it!

It rampaged forward, unstoppable!

Having been pampered since childhood, Liu Yao had never seen such a scene and was already trembling, unable to run!

Sitting on the ground, watching the approaching Dark Zombie Tyrant King, Liu Yao was terrified: “Help… help… help me!”

Lin Yue’er, who was nearby, had already run far away, not caring about Liu Yao at all.

Seeing this, Zhang Yue hesitated.

On one side was Chen Jun, who was nearing the exit.

On the other was Liu Yao, who was about to fall into the jaws of death.

Both of them had died twice before and couldn’t use Resurrection Scrolls again.

Once dead, they would face true death!

But neither was within his attack range.

Zhang Yue only had one Blink.

Using it to chase Chen Jun meant Liu Yao would die.

Using it to save Liu Yao meant letting Chen Jun escape.

After a half-second of hesitation, Zhang Yue made his decision.



Just as the Dark Zombie Tyrant King was about to cleave Liu Yao in half, Zhang Yue blinked into range and cast an A-rank Ice Spike spell, hitting the Tyrant King.

The spell dealt 173 damage and froze the Tyrant King!


With Zhang Yue’s shout, Liu Yao scrambled out of the Tyrant King’s attack range.

The next moment, the Tyrant King broke free from the freeze and slashed, creating a huge crack where Liu Yao had just been!

Feeling incredibly lucky, Liu Yao was still in shock.

Zhang Yue turned around to see Chen Jun already at the Secret Realm exit.

However, Chen Jun didn’t leave immediately. Instead, he stood at the exit, raised his middle finger towards Zhang Yue, and shouted, “Loser, you want to kill me? Try again in a million years!”

“Have fun, I’m outta here, bye-bye!”

With that, Chen Jun dove into the light screen and disappeared.

Following him, the Professionals from Mist Rain Pavilion also left the Secret Realm.

Zhang Yue clenched his fists.

His attention shifted back to the Dark Zombie Tyrant King.

A Level 17 3-star BOSS was not easy to deal with, even for someone of Zhang Yue’s strength.

From the 100-plus damage dealt by his A-rank Ice Spike spell earlier, it was clear.

At this moment, the Tyrant King saw Zhang Yue and became extremely excited.

It brandished its cleaver and chased after Zhang Yue, slashing wildly!

Zhang Yue dodged and counterattacked while casting spells.


Flame Missile!

Boom! Boom!


-79! -79! -119 Critical!

Around them, the Supreme Guild members didn’t dare to approach.

The Tyrant King’s damage was too high; they would only be cannon fodder.

Fortunately, the Tyrant King didn’t attack them and focused solely on Zhang Yue.

Everyone was puzzled:

“Why does the BOSS keep chasing him?”

“If you were stomped on, wouldn’t you chase after the person who did it?”

Luckily, Zhang Yue had high Agility and the Frost Staff’s slow effect, which reduced the BOSS’s speed by 10%.

As a result, Zhang Yue dodged most of the Tyrant King’s attacks!

But mistakes were inevitable.


Just as Zhang Yue dodged a heavy slash, he was hit by the Tyrant King’s follow-up shield bash!

A damage number of 688 floated above his head, instantly taking away three-fifths of his health!

Seeing Zhang Yue struggling against the BOSS, Liu Yao quickly called out to the nearby Supreme Guild Professionals who were “watching the show”: “What are you standing there for? Go help!”

A dozen Supreme Guild Warriors and Knights rushed forward.

The next second, the Tyrant King swung its cleaver, sending them all flying.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A dozen white lights shot into the sky.

Assistant Supreme Carefree adjusted his silver-framed glasses and said to Liu Yao, “Brother Yao, maybe we should wait and see.”

On the field.

The Tyrant King locked onto Zhang Yue and slashed.


A sudden slash was blocked by a Silver Armored Scorpion that appeared in front of Zhang Yue, using its pincers to defend.


With two equipment attributes (Damage Reduction +50, Double Effect Against Zombies) and the A-rank skill Iron Body (Damage Reduction +30%), the Silver Armored Scorpion took significantly less damage!

It also triggered the A-rank skill Deadly Thorns (Thorns +30%), dealing 100 thorns damage to the Tyrant King!

However, the Silver Armored Scorpion, with a total health of 910, couldn’t withstand many hits from the Tyrant King.

Just as the Tyrant King was about to continue attacking the Silver Armored Scorpion.

Suddenly, a silver streak of light descended from the sky, hitting the Tyrant King.



The Forbidden Mage’s skill effect!

Zhang Yue turned to see Su Jinyan wielding an amethyst staff, casting spells at the BOSS.

At this moment, Su Jinyan glanced at Zhang Yue and said, “Same as always, I’ll support, you attack!”

“Got it.”

Zhang Yue responded and began attacking the BOSS.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Damage numbers in the hundreds kept appearing on the Tyrant King’s body.

And every move of the Tyrant King was precisely interrupted by Su Jinyan’s Forbidden Mage skills!

This provided Zhang Yue with a lot of room to maneuver!

Fortunately, the Dark Zombie Tyrant King, which had gone berserk from the Dark Zombie Lord’s 10% health, hadn’t regained much health after going berserk.

With less than 30% health, it was slowly being whittled down by Zhang Yue’s continuous attacks.




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