Chapter 33 – Money can indeed make the devil turn millstones

“Ding~ Welcome to the Second World of the Otherworld: Zombie Siege!”


A white light descended, and Zhang Yue was born in Nottingham City.

Previously, he thought: Since the Mist Rain Pavilion doesn’t interfere with my daily activities and I can earn a monthly salary of thirty thousand, joining them to make some quick money isn’t a bad idea.

Even if he left the Mist Rain Pavilion now, with Zhang Yue’s skills, making money in the Otherworld wouldn’t be difficult.

Covering his brother Zhang Zhao’s monthly medical expenses of fifty thousand should be manageable!

So, Zhang Yue opened the Otherworld Marketplace and listed all the 1-2 level equipment blueprints, meat chunks, and magic crystals he had collected over the past two days at market prices.

The total value wasn’t much, just three thousand for over a hundred pieces of materials.

After all, they were low-level materials, and Zhang Yue had gathered them in just two days.

When he reaches higher-level worlds and collects more advanced materials, their value will surely be higher!

Next, Zhang Yue planned to quickly finish the Second World and head to the Third World!

Just then, Su Jinyan sent a Feixin message: “Zhang Yue, want to level up together?”

“No,” Zhang Yue replied, “I have something to do.”

“Alright…” Su Jinyan seemed a bit disappointed.

Zhang Yue casually closed Feixin.

“Two more waves of the Zombie Tide and breaking through one Secret Realm, and I’ll complete the Second World mission.”

Checking his level and status, Zhang Yue murmured, “There are three ordinary Secret Realms in the Second World: the level 15 Dark Zombie Nest, the level 17 Zombie Hospital, and the level 20 Death Zombie Land.”

“With my current level 17, soloing the level 20 Death Zombie Land should be no problem.”

“Let’s clear the Secret Realm first.”

So, Zhang Yue opened the map, locked onto the level 20 ordinary Secret Realm Death Zombie Land in the western part of Nottingham City, and headed there.

As soon as Zhang Yue stepped out of Nottingham City, a group of Professionals quietly followed him…

Relying on the powerful awareness of Xiu Luo, the strongest warrior of the Dragon Kingdom from a hundred years ago, Zhang Yue had already sensed the trackers behind him.

“Still not giving up?”

As soon as he finished speaking, a large group of scattered Professionals suddenly overtook Zhang Yue from both sides, blocking his path!

Thinking it was another group of people coming to die, Zhang Yue was ready for them to attack him, so he could kill them all once they turned into Gray Names!

However, they didn’t attack Zhang Yue. Instead, they formed a human wall to block his way.

Wherever Zhang Yue tried to go, they blocked him!

Zhang Yue understood: They were trying to hinder his actions and limit his development!

These scattered players were low-level Professionals, around level 11-12.

With Zhang Yue’s strength, killing them would be a piece of cake.

But the cost of over a thousand Sin points was something Zhang Yue couldn’t afford!

He would have to kill over a thousand monsters to clear these Sin points, and until then, he wouldn’t be able to enter the Safe Zone as a Red Name, meaning he couldn’t even go offline!

He wouldn’t be able to activate BOSS challenges either and would be stuck in the Second World.

At this moment, the scattered Professionals in front of Zhang Yue, whom he didn’t even know, started taunting him:

“Coward, are you afraid to make a move?”

“Come on, kill us if you dare!”

“Hit me! Useless trash!”

Zhang Yue wasn’t swayed by their bluffing strategy and calmly asked, “How much did Chen Jun pay you to act like this?”

A short Assassin youth bluntly replied, “Five thousand each plus a Resurrection Scroll. If you kill us once, we get an extra five thousand!”

“Ten thousand per head,” Zhang Yue said with a faint smile, “You really think highly of me.”

Money can indeed make the devil turn millstones.

Just as Zhang Yue was thinking of how to get rid of these people, a young Warrior with a refined appearance and noble demeanor, looking like a rich young master, approached Zhang Yue, flanked by a group of level 14 Iron Armor Knights.

He addressed the scattered Professionals blocking the way, “How much did the Mist Rain Pavilion’s Guild Leader pay you? I’ll pay double!”

Zhang Yue turned to see that it was Liu Yao!

None of the scattered players recognized Liu Yao.

They didn’t know that Liu Yao was the Young Master of the richest family in Coastal City.

The short Assassin pointed at Liu Yao and said, “He gave us five thousand each. Can you afford that?”

Hearing this, Liu Yao gave a signal to his assistant, the Mage Supreme Carefree.

The scholarly-looking Supreme Carefree, wearing silver-framed glasses, walked up to the scattered players and said to the short Assassin, “Show me your Feixin payment code.”

The short Assassin hesitated for a moment but then, as if possessed, opened the Feixin interface and displayed the payment code.

Supreme Carefree scanned the code with his Feixin.

Moments later.

“Feixin payment received: two thousand!”

The short Assassin was stunned by the Feixin transfer notification.

Supreme Carefree then asked the others to show their payment codes and transferred twenty thousand to each of them!

Liu Yao then said to them, “Go kill the Mist Rain Pavilion’s Guild Leader. If you die once, I’ll compensate you fifty thousand. If anyone kills the Guild Leader, I’ll give them five hundred thousand!”

The scattered Professionals were dumbfounded, their eyes wide open!

Seeing them still frozen in place, Liu Yao continued, “What, afraid I can’t afford it?”

“Relax, it’s just my pocket money for an hour.”

“Holy crap! He’s the Young Master of the richest family in Coastal City… Liu Yao?!”

Realizing Liu Yao’s identity, the scattered players were once again stunned.

In the next second, they all sprinted away from Zhang Yue at top speed.

“Brothers, kill the Mist Rain Pavilion’s Guild Leader!”

“He’s mine! Don’t even think about it!”

“Five hundred thousand, here I come!!”

Liu Yao looked at Zhang Yue, clearly trying to contain his excitement, and said, “Brother, I heard you got kicked out of the Mist Rain Pavilion?”

“Mist Rain Pavilion is blind to talent. Our Supreme Guild values talent the most!”

“Join our Supreme Guild! You’ll have all the delicacies you want, and you can pick any model you like!”

Having just been betrayed by the Mist Rain Pavilion, Zhang Yue felt a strong aversion to guilds.

He replied, “Let’s talk later.”

With that, Zhang Yue walked away.

“This kid! So ungrateful!” Supreme Carefree, Liu Yao’s assistant, said angrily, “Didn’t even thank you, Brother Yao. All that money for nothing!”

“It’s fine. He just got betrayed by the Mist Rain Pavilion, so he doesn’t want to join any guild for now. I understand his feelings.” Liu Yao wasn’t bothered and felt even more interested in Zhang Yue. “The Mist Rain Pavilion is full of blind fools. They couldn’t see the potential in such a skilled player and tried to drive him away!”

“They even appointed an idiot as their Guild Leader. No wonder their guild ranking is always at the bottom!”

“Give him some time to cool off.”

“I must bring him into our Supreme Guild!”

Meanwhile, on the way to the Secret Realm, Zhang Yue recalled Chen Jun’s actions.

A hint of killing intent appeared in his eyes.

“It seems that if I don’t eliminate Chen Jun, there will be endless trouble.”

With that, Zhang Yue seemed to have thought of something.

He suddenly changed direction and headed southwest of Nottingham City.




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