Chapter 32 – Resign, withdraw from Mist Rain Pavilion

Nottingham City, Revival Spring.


A white light descended, and Chen Jun appeared in the spring.

The level indicator above his head dropped from lv14 to lv12.

At this moment, he was so furious that veins bulged on his forehead, and his eyes were bloodshot!

“Damn you, Zhang Yue! I swear I’ll never forgive you!!”

Almost simultaneously, Wu Sin, who had also revived in the spring, quickly said to Chen Jun, “Brother Chen, you died once in Zombie City before, and now you’ve died again. You can’t afford to die a third time within seven days!”

“To avoid Zhang Yue finding us here, we need to leave quickly and find a safe place to hide!”

Despite his tough talk, Chen Jun feared death more than anyone.

He hurriedly fled the Revival Spring with Wu Sin…

On the other side.

Zhang Yue, now marked with a red name, arrived outside the city.

Professionals could only clear their sin value by killing monsters of a level not lower than their own.

The level 13 Zombie Tide wasn’t enough for Zhang Yue to clear his red name status.

He went to a random level 17 wild area outside the city and began to slay zombies.

As time passed by the minute.

While countless professionals inside and outside Nottingham City were still fighting the zombies to the death, a system announcement suddenly descended from the sky—

【Area Announcement】(Nottingham City): “Ding~ All professionals in Nottingham City, please be aware: the Zombie Tide is about to recede. Congratulations on your successful defense!”

“Nottingham City has restored its protection mechanism, and the Otherworld Portal has resumed teleportation!”

In the next moment, all the zombies inside and outside the city began to retreat away from Nottingham City.

Inside the city, cheers erupted from the professionals:

“Yeah! I killed 50 zombies, completed the world quest challenge!”

“Damn! I killed 49, just one short! Zombie, don’t run, let me kill one more! Just one! I’m begging you!”

Meanwhile, Zhang Yue received a Feixin message from Su Jinyan: “Zhang Yue, where are you?”

“Killing zombies to clear my red name.” Zhang Yue replied while continuing to slay zombies.

Su Jinyan was surprised: “Red name? Did you kill someone?”

Just at that moment.

A message came through the guild chat.

【Mist Rain Pavilion, General】: “@Zhang Yue, you bastard, you’re fired! From this moment on, you are no longer part of Mist Rain Pavilion!”

【Mist Rain Pavilion, General】: “@Zhang Yue, you dog, remember this, one day I’ll make you pay tenfold!”

Seeing the messages in the guild chat, Su Jinyan was puzzled.

She privately messaged Zhang Yue: “What happened exactly?”

Recalling Zhang Yue’s mention of the red name, Su Jinyan seemed to guess: “Did you… kill Chen Jun?”

Zhang Yue replied with one word: “Yes.”

Su Jinyan, contrary to Zhang Yue’s expectations, didn’t bombard him with questions about why he killed Chen Jun. Instead, she sent a message: “Hahaha! Well done! Zhang Yue, you did what I’ve always wanted to do!”

“No wonder Chen Jun is barking in the guild chat; he must be furious, hahaha! It’s so satisfying!”

Su Jinyan’s reaction amused Zhang Yue.

Then, Su Jinyan asked: “Chen Jun is cursing you in the guild chat, why don’t you retaliate?”

“If a dog bites you, would you bite back?”

“No! Hahaha!”

After spending over an hour, Zhang Yue cleared all 200 sin points and restored his white name status.

At ten o’clock in the evening, Zhang Yue returned to Nottingham City and logged off.

He took a shower and went to sleep.

The next morning, Zhang Yue woke up to a call from Su Jin Ya!

Zhang Yue had a rough idea of the purpose of this call.

He answered and put the phone to his ear.

“I quit, effective immediately. I’m leaving your guild.” Before the other party could speak, Zhang Yue spoke first.

On the other end, Su Jin Ya was stunned.

“Zhang Yue, what do you mean?”

“Exactly what I said.”

With that, Zhang Yue hung up the phone.

From the moment Su Jinyan told Zhang Yue that Chen Jun was backed by Su Family’s big boss Su Chen, Zhang Yue knew that explaining himself was pointless.

Since that was the case, he decided not to explain at all.

With someone like Chen Jun in charge of Mist Rain Pavilion, it was only a matter of time before Zhang Yue was kicked out of the guild.

Meanwhile, in the chairman’s office at Su Family Building.

Su Jin Ya’s phone emitted a “beep beep” sound.

Chairman Su Chen said, “Is this the person you vouched for?”

Su Jin Ya frowned slightly, “Chairman, Zhang Yue would never maliciously attack guild members for no reason! No one would do that!”

Su Chen said solemnly, “But the fact is, he killed Chen Jun and four other members of our Mist Rain Pavilion guild!”

“What I’m saying is, there might be some compelling reason, Zhang Yue might have been forced to defend himself…”

Su Chen asked, “Do you have any evidence to prove that?”

“This…” Su Jin Ya was speechless.

At this moment, Su Jinyan suddenly knocked and entered.

“Uncle, here’s the evidence!”

Su Jinyan played a recording: “Second… Second Miss, I didn’t maliciously attack your friend. It was your guild leader who paid me ten thousand dollars to do it…”

“I found the people who first attacked Zhang Yue last night and got this information from them!”

“Chen Jun paid people to attack Zhang Yue first, and Zhang Yue killed them in self-defense!”

Hearing the recording and Su Jinyan’s explanation, Su Chen frowned and fell into silence.

After a long while, he finally spoke to Su Jinyan and Su Jin Ya: “A newcomer who just joined the guild versus the Chen family, who has always supported our Mist Rain Pavilion.”

“You should know which is more important.”

Su Jinyan was incredulous: “But Uncle, we can’t just turn black into white and let an innocent person take the blame, can we? How can people trust our Mist Rain Pavilion in the future?”

Su Chen fell silent again and said, “Let Zhang Yue come back. This matter ends here, and no one needs to be held accountable.”

Su Jinyan asked, “What if Chen Jun continues to target Zhang Yue in the future?”

Su Chen said, “I will warn Chen Jun.”

So, Su Jinyan immediately sent a Feixin message to Zhang Yue: “Zhang Yue, come back! I’ve proven your innocence to Chairman Su!”

She thought Zhang Yue would return now that the misunderstanding was cleared up.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yue replied: “I’m not coming back.”

“Why?” Su Jinyan tried to persuade Zhang Yue, not wanting him to leave Mist Rain Pavilion: “Are you worried that Chen Jun will continue to target you?”

“Chairman Su just said he would warn Chen Jun!”

Zhang Yue was firm: “Let’s leave it at that.”

Su Jinyan looked at the chat window with Zhang Yue, feeling a sudden emptiness in her heart.


In a high-end residential area of Coastal City.

In the bedroom, Chen Jun had just gotten up from bed, put on a robe, opened the curtains, and stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, lighting a cigarette.

He glanced back at the naked girl lying on the bed, a lewd smile appearing on his face.

At this moment, the phone rang.

Chen Jun answered the call.

“Brother Chen, that Zhang Yue has left our guild!”

The voice was familiar; it was Wu Sin.

Chen Jun sneered, “The Beast Tamer profession is extremely costly. Without the high-paying job at Mist Rain Pavilion, let’s see how that penniless waste can develop himself!”

“But, do you think leaving Mist Rain Pavilion means I’ll let him go?”

On the other end, Wu Sin asked, “That guy is too strong, Brother Chen. How can we deal with him?”

Chen Jun smiled calmly, as if he had a plan in mind: “Don’t worry, I have my ways to deal with him.”

“Even if I can’t kill him for now, I have ways to make his life miserable, making it impossible for him to move an inch in the Otherworld!”




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