Chapter 23 – Guild Action, Against the Zombie King

Today’s target is 100 Toxic Zombie Cores.

Zhang Yue and Su Jinyan arrived at the defense camp, bypassing the Flame Zombies and Ice Zombies, and entered the territory of the Level 17-19 Toxic Zombies.

It seemed like Toxic Zombies were easier to deal with compared to Flame and Ice Zombies, as they didn’t have Fire Shield or Ice Shield.

But in reality, Toxic Zombies were much harder to handle!

They possessed a terrifying skill:

[Toxic Constitution]: The toxic constitution of the Toxic Zombie causes anyone it hits, or anyone who hits it, to enter a 5-second unpurifiable poisoned state, losing 6% of their maximum Health Points per second (triggered only once per target).

This meant that killing a single Toxic Zombie would cost at least 30% of one’s health!

Additionally, the attributes of Toxic Zombies were extremely high:

[Mutant · Toxic Zombie] (Magic Type · Common Monster)

[Level: 17]

[Magic Attack Power: 245]

[Physical Defense: 170]

[Magic Defense: 180]

[Health Points: 1720]

[Skills: Toxic Constitution, Poison Throw]

[Description: A zombie exuding poison all over its body. Be cautious when approaching it, or you might die from the poison…]

Zhang Yue checked his own stats: 310 attack power, combined with the 20 penetration from the Lord’s Battle Ring, should still deal considerable damage.

He then said to Su Jinyan, “Let’s start.”

“Alright!” Su Jinyan nodded.

Just as they were about to take action, a Feixin message popped up in front of Su Jinyan:

Mist Rain Pavilion, General (Chen Jun): “Jinyan, where are you? Let’s team up and level up together! It’s not safe to act alone. Come to me, I’ll protect you.”

“Thanks, but no need.” Su Jinyan replied briefly and closed Feixin.


A Fireball spell was cast, dealing 132 damage to the Toxic Zombie.

Su Jinyan stuck out her tongue, seemingly embarrassed by her damage.

But in reality, it wasn’t that bad.

Su Jinyan was only Level 13, a full four levels lower than the Toxic Zombie!

As she attacked the Toxic Zombie, Su Jinyan herself entered a poisoned state, taking 32 damage per second!

Taking advantage of the Toxic Zombie being immobilized by Su Jinyan, Zhang Yue swung his Frost Staff and launched an attack.

Fireball + Ice Spike + Flame Missile.

Triple hit!

-420! -50 burn! -50 ice damage!

-563 critical hit! -50 ice damage!

-248 critical hit! -165! -165! -50 ice damage!

Three skills, totaling over 1700 damage, instantly emptied the Toxic Zombie’s health bar!

One-shot kill on Flame Zombies.

One-shot kill on Ice Zombies.

One-shot kill on Toxic Zombies!

Su Jinyan was already numb to it.

She began to doubt her own life: “Oh my god! How high is his attack power!!”

After taking down the Toxic Zombie, they gained 100 experience points.

Picking up the 7 Copper Coins on the ground, they locked onto the next Toxic Zombie.

Due to the Toxic Constitution of the Toxic Zombies, even if they weren’t touched by the zombies, Zhang Yue and Su Jinyan would still lose 30% of their health after each battle!

But it wasn’t a big problem.

At worst, they just had to use a Level 3 Health Potion after every two zombies, consuming a bit more resources.

They grinded there for the entire morning!

Before they knew it, it was 11 o’clock.

Zhang Yue counted the Toxic Zombie Cores in his bag and found they were still over 60 short of the target of 100!

At this point, Su Jinyan said to Zhang Yue, “It’s almost lunchtime. How about we go offline and eat? My treat.”

“No need.” Zhang Yue took out a Health Potion from his storage space, drank it, and said, “I’m in the outskirts of Coastal City, far from the city center.”

“Alright then~” Su Jinyan said, “Next time, I’ll treat you when we have time.”

As they were talking, a Feixin message suddenly popped up in front of both of them!

[Mist Rain Pavilion Guild Group] (Group 194):

[Mist Rain Pavilion, General/Level 12 Elite Grade Royal Archer] (Group Leader): “@everyone, gather at Zombie City within ten minutes! Latecomers will be penalized!”

[Mist Rain Pavilion, General]: “@everyone, reiterating, this is a major guild operation. Everyone must gather at Zombie City within ten minutes!”

Seeing the guild message, Su Jinyan frowned slightly: “What’s Chen Jun up to again? He doesn’t explain anything, just calls for a gathering. Seriously!”

“Since it’s a guild operation, let’s go.”

So, the two left the defense camp and followed the map’s guidance to the Level 15 Zombie City north of Nottingham City.


Northern Nottingham City, wilderness, Level 15 Zombie City.

Outside the city, about a hundred Professionals had already gathered.

Their IDs all had the prefix “Mist Rain Pavilion,” clearly indicating they were members of the Mist Rain Pavilion guild!

Among the crowd.

A young Assassin in black tight-fitting battle attire, with a lean build, [Mist Rain Pavilion, Sin].

He said to a man beside him, who wore golden chainmail, a silver crown, had sharp eyes, and a chiseled face, [Mist Rain Pavilion, General]: “Guild Leader, almost everyone is here. Can we start now?”

“Wait a bit longer.” Mist Rain Pavilion, General crossed his arms and said unhurriedly, “Jinyan hasn’t arrived yet. She’s our main force! We need her, our Epic Grade Forbidden Mage, to hold off the Zombie King so we can fight.”

As he spoke, two figures approached from a distance.

“She’s here!”

As soon as Su Jinyan arrived, Chen Jun hurriedly greeted her with a smile: “Jinyan, you’re here!”

At this moment, Chen Jun noticed Zhang Yue, who was with Su Jinyan, and immediately looked wary: “Who is he?”

Su Jinyan, who had no fondness for Chen Jun, knew exactly what kind of person he was.

Su Jinyan calmly said, “He’s from the same guild. As the Guild Leader, you should know who our members are, right?”

Chen Jun questioned, “I mean, why is he alone with you?!”

“Do you need to question my actions?” Su Jinyan looked at Chen Jun and said indifferently, “Don’t forget, you’re just an outsider, not part of the Su family.”

Zhang Yue was surprised to see this strong side of Su Jinyan!

Chen Jun, not daring to offend the second young lady of the Su family, quickly smiled apologetically: “No, no, I was just worried that someone with ill intentions might approach you…”

“Don’t worry, I can tell right from wrong.” Su Jinyan asked, “What’s the operation this time?”

The skinny Assassin, Mist Rain Pavilion, Sin, pointed to the Zombie City behind them and said to Su Jinyan, “Second Miss, we’ve discovered a Zombie King BOSS in the city!”

“BOSS!” Su Jinyan was slightly surprised.

She knew that besides the world BOSS, each world in the Otherworld also had other BOSSes.

However, the spawn rate of these BOSSes was extremely low.

At this point, Chen Jun said, “If our Mist Rain Pavilion takes down this BOSS, the guild’s reputation and overall strength will greatly improve!”

Su Jinyan nodded, “Alright, let’s go in and take down the BOSS.”

Just then, Chen Jun suddenly stopped Zhang Yue, staring at him coldly, and said, “You don’t need to go in.”

“Why?” Zhang Yue asked.

“Because you’re a Beast Tamer!” Chen Jun looked Zhang Yue up and down with disdain and said, “I don’t know how you got through the upper-level review and into our Mist Rain Pavilion, but I can tell you this: you don’t belong in our top 5 guild!”

Chen Jun was clearly using his position for personal vendetta.

Seeing Zhang Yue with Su Jinyan made him unhappy.

Chen Jun’s feelings for Su Jinyan were practically written on his face!

Because Chen Jun was the Guild Leader, other guild members, eager to curry favor with him, began to turn against Zhang Yue:

“Beast Tamers have low attribute growth in all aspects and are extremely difficult to develop. Are you sure he’s here to benefit the guild and not just burn our resources?”

“Just look at his equipment. He doesn’t even have a hat or leg guards, and the rest of his gear is all white trash. How poor can he be!”

“People like him will only drag us down! I also suggest not letting him in, to avoid wasting Resurrection Scrolls and guild resources!”

Seeing Zhang Yue in such a predicament, Chen Jun’s face was filled with a smug smile.

At this moment, Su Jinyan stood up.

She stood by Zhang Yue’s side and pointed at Chen Jun, saying, “Do you know who he is? He is…”

Before Su Jinyan could finish, Zhang Yue interrupted her: “You’re the Guild Leader, you make the call. I’ll stay out.”

With that, Zhang Yue turned to leave.

At this moment, Su Jinyan suddenly said to Chen Jun, “If you don’t let him in, then I won’t go either!”

Su Jinyan was considering the high experience and psionic energy gains from the BOSS, and the guaranteed 30% base reward just for participating.

She wanted Zhang Yue to share in these gains with the guild!

Reluctantly, Chen Jun agreed: “Alright, Jinyan, don’t be mad. I was just worried he might be too weak and die inside, that’s why I didn’t want him to go in!”

Chen Jun then looked at Zhang Yue and said coldly, “Bring your own Resurrection Scroll, understood?”

“Let’s go, into the city, kill the BOSS!”

With Chen Jun’s command, a hundred members of the Mist Rain Pavilion guild marched into Zombie City.

At this moment, Su Jinyan took out a Resurrection Scroll and handed it to Zhang Yue, feeling a bit guilty due to Chen Jun’s targeting: “Use mine. I have two.”

“It’s fine.” Zhang Yue said, “I have my own.”

The next moment, the two of them followed the main group into Zombie City.




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