Chapter 20 – New skill, Super Flame Missile!

The girl glanced at Zhang Yue and said, “I’ll handle the control, you focus on the damage!”

The soft, gentle voice made Zhang Yue certain: she was the one with the forty thousand!

Seeing the zombie leader recover from its immobilized state and charge at them with an ice spear, Su Jinyan raised her staff. With a “boom,” a Fireball spell hit the zombie leader’s chest, dealing 71 damage after being halved by the Fire Shield.

At the same time, the zombie leader was immobilized again!

“Fireball can immobilize?” Zhang Yue glanced at Su Jinyan, deep in thought. “Is this the effect of the Epic Grade profession, Forbidden Mage?”

Taking advantage of the immobilized state, Zhang Yue launched his attack.

With Fireball and Ice Spike just off cooldown, he hit the zombie leader, dealing two hits of around 150 damage each.

As soon as the zombie leader broke free from immobilization, it was frozen again by Zhang Yue’s Ice Spike.

Zhang Yue continued to wear down the zombie leader with basic attacks.

Meanwhile, Su Jinyan used the Mage-exclusive skill, Radiant Strike, hitting the zombie leader.

Immobilized again!

Seamless control!

“Three skills?” Zhang Yue was slightly surprised. Up until now, he only had Fireball and Ice Spike.

But it made sense. Her sister was the Vice President of the Mist Rain Pavilion guild, with a strong background. Skill books that cost thousands on the market were easily accessible to her.

Taking advantage of Su Jinyan’s control, Zhang Yue continued to chip away with basic attacks.

Three seconds later, Fireball was off cooldown, and he cast it again!




-168! Burn!

-180 Critical!

-71! Immobilized!

-150! Frozen!

Zhang Yue and Su Jinyan, a Mythic Grade Necromancer and an Epic Grade Forbidden Mage, teamed up to rapidly deplete the zombie leader’s health bar!

Mainly because the control abilities of the Forbidden Mage were just too strong!

Su Jinyan’s immobilization constantly interrupted the zombie leader’s actions.

The high frequency of control gave Zhang Yue many opportunities to attack!

With Su Jinyan’s assistance, Zhang Yue defeated the zombie leader in just a few minutes!

“Ding~ Congratulations on teaming up with the Professional ‘Su Ya’ to kill the level 14 lord monster, Zombie Leader. Experience Points +3000 (80% for duo, 20% for final hit), Psionic Energy +!”

Zhang Yue approached the zombie leader’s corpse and picked up the loot.

482 Copper Coins, two pieces of equipment, a skill book, and some level 2 Meat Chunks and Magic Crystals.

At this moment, Su Jinyan’s voice came from behind, “How did you know it was me earlier?”

Although they had met before, Su Jinyan had always worn a cloak and never revealed herself to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue turned to look at Su Jinyan and said, “Your damage clearly belongs to a new Professional. Currently, the only new Professionals entering the Second World are you and me.”

Su Jinyan suddenly realized, “Oh, right!”

“Thanks for earlier,” Zhang Yue continued. “Let’s split the loot from the zombie leader fifty-fifty.”

“No need!” Su Jinyan said happily. “I was just here to do a task and heard the commotion. I didn’t expect to run into you!”

“You helped me clear the First World this afternoon, and I haven’t had a chance to thank you properly!”

“Your sister already paid me,” Zhang Yue said.

“Are you also doing a material collection task?” Su Jinyan asked, looking at the bodies of some Flame Zombies that hadn’t despawned yet. “Can I join your team?”

“Sure,” Zhang Yue said. “But I need to eat first. I’ll come back after I finish.”

Seeing Zhang Yue agree to team up, Su Jinyan was delighted and made an OK gesture. “No problem, go eat. I’ll wait for you!”

Zhang Yue then headed towards Nottingham City.

Suddenly, Su Jinyan called out, “By the way, my name is Su Jinyan. What’s yours?”

“Zhang Yue,” he replied before turning and leaving.

Watching Zhang Yue’s back, Su Jinyan smiled to herself, “I once promised that whoever could help me break the Plague Body, I would marry them…”

She blushed, “Oh no! So embarrassing!”

With Zhang Yue gone, Su Jinyan started soloing the lower-level Flame Zombies around the area.


On his way back to Nottingham City, Zhang Yue checked his loot.

The zombie leader dropped two pieces of equipment, one 2-star and one 1-star.

Fortunately, the 2-star item was useful for Zhang Yue!

[Swift Boots] (Level 12)

[Quality: 2-star]

[Attributes: ?]

[Profession: Mage, Beast Tamer]

[Physical Defense: ?]

[Magic Defense: ?]

[Description: Boots that significantly increase your speed. Wear them, and you’ll be the fastest man in the world…]


In the Otherworld, there are two ways to identify equipment. One is to pay Silver Coins at the appraisal center, and the other is to find a Life Profession Practitioner, an Appraiser.

The former is just a formality.

The latter, the higher the grade of the Appraiser, the better the attributes identified, and it might even improve the equipment’s quality!

But finding an Appraiser can be costly.

Zhang Yue didn’t want the hassle, so he returned to Nottingham City and spent 1.2 Silver Coins at the appraisal center to identify the Swift Boots.

Then, he used nearly 30,000 Psionic Energy to refine them into golden [Icefire Swift Boots]!

Physical Defense +55, Magic Defense +50.

Additional: Agility +5, Agility +5.

Trait: Swift (When the wearer hits an enemy, increases their Agility by 10 for 5 seconds, non-stackable).

This effectively adds 20 Agility, greatly enhancing Zhang Yue’s maneuverability.

If he had these boots while fighting the zombie leader earlier, Zhang Yue could have ensured the leader wouldn’t even touch him!

Currently at level 11, Zhang Yue stored the level 12 boots in his inventory.

He also had a level 13 1-star Priest robe, which he planned to sell at the marketplace.

A 1-star basic item should fetch around two to three hundred.

The skill book was just what Zhang Yue could use.

[Flame Missile] (D-grade, summons two fire missiles to attack the enemy, each dealing 55% magic damage, consumes 11 Mana, cooldown 5 seconds).

After spending 1 million Psionic Energy, Zhang Yue’s third skill was born!

[Super Flame Missile] (A-grade, summons three fire missiles to attack the enemy, each dealing 110% magic damage, consumes 72 Mana, cooldown 5 seconds).

After learning Flame Missile, Zhang Yue exited the Otherworld.

The time was 7:30 PM. Zhang Yue picked up his phone and ordered some takeout.

He then noticed a “Feixin Friend Request” from two hours ago.

Opening Feixin.

“Su Ya has requested to add you as a friend by searching your phone number!”

“Su Ya, Su Jinyan…” Zhang Yue seemed to understand who it was and accepted the friend request.

Soon, the profile with a seaside avatar, [Su Ya], sent a group link with a note: “Hi, please join the guild group.”

Zhang Yue clicked the link and entered the Feixin group named [Mist Rain Pavilion Guild Group (Group 194)].

As expected of the fifth-ranked guild in Zhening Province, Dragon Kingdom, they had 194 guild groups!

Ding ding~

Ding ding~

As soon as he joined, group messages started popping up.

[Mist Rain Pavilion, Sin/Level 8 Elite Grade Holy Assassin] (Admin): “New members, change your nickname to your profession and level, and bind your Feixin to the Otherworld.”

[Mist Rain Pavilion, Handsome/Level 7 Common Grade Archer]: “Buddy, you’re from our Doomsday Town, right? Don’t join the wrong group!”

With 125 people in the group, the topic of new members quickly moved on.

[Mist Rain Pavilion, Shuangshuang/Level 6 Common Grade Priest]: “Anyone available to help me with the level 7 scorpion task? I’m a level 6 Priest, and it’s so hard! (Sad)”

[Mist Rain Pavilion, Mouse/Level 7 Common Grade Warrior]: “Shuangshuang, I’ll help you! Just treat me to a late-night snack afterward (Smirk).”

[Mist Rain Pavilion, Clear Sky/Level 7 Common Grade Knight]: “Stop slacking off in the group. I heard Jinyan has already reached the Second World. We need to step up our game too!”

Zhang Yue didn’t change his group name but bound his Feixin to his Otherworld character.

This way, he could receive Feixin messages even while in the Otherworld.

While waiting for his takeout, Zhang Yue took a shower.

Just as he finished, his takeout arrived.

After quickly eating, he listed the Priest robe from the zombie leader for 300 in the Otherworld Marketplace, then logged back into the Otherworld.




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