Chapter 2 – Mythic Grade Profession: Necromancer

“Ding~ Welcome to [Otherworld First World: Nightmare Source]. Based on your login location, you have been assigned to the Safe Zone: [Doomsday Town]. Combat is prohibited within the Safe Zone!”

“Would you like to continue using the ID [Xiu Luo]?”

After Xiu Luo died defending the Dragon Kingdom a hundred years ago, no one has dared to use this ID since!

To all citizens of the Dragon Kingdom, using this ID is akin to blasphemy!

“This life, I am destined to surpass Xiu Luo.”

Zhang Yue rejected “Xiu Luo” and confirmed a new ID: “Zero.”

To surpass one, you must become zero!

“Ding~ ID established! First World mission released. You can check the mission interface!”

“You have received [Beginner’s Pack] x1!”

As the system notification ended, Zhang Yue waved his hand to open the mission interface.

[First World: Nightmare Source]

[Background: When darkness shrouds the land, monsters sleeping underground awaken, bringing disaster to the world. As a survivor, you must break the apocalyptic pattern, overcome numerous disasters, and shatter the darkness!]

[World Mission 1: Accumulate 1000 monster kills in the First World (Progress: 0/1000)]

[World Mission 2: Collect 10 Silver Coins by killing monsters or completing tasks in the First World (Progress: 0/10)]

[Note: Completing the above world missions will activate the First World BOSS dungeon teleport channel. Defeat the BOSS to enter the Second World.]

At this moment, beams of white light fell around him.

More and more new Professionals entered the Otherworld!

As they first stepped into the Otherworld, they were filled with curiosity about their surroundings.

“So this is the Otherworld? It feels just like the real world, how amazing!”

“Aren’t there supposed to be monsters everywhere in the Otherworld? Where are they?”

“This is the Safe Zone, bro. The monsters are outside!”

“Common Grade Warrior with 29-star initial growth, looking for a team to kill monsters outside!”

“Any Priests? We need a healer and some DPS, come join our team!”

“I’m an Elite Grade Fire Mage with 40-star initial growth! Any girls need a carry?”

Around the blond youth who claimed to be an Elite Grade Fire Mage, a crowd of newbie Professionals quickly gathered.

“Big brother, can you carry me? I’m a Priest, I can heal you!”

“Do you have a girlfriend? Can I team up with you to kill monsters?”

In this world, profession is king!

With a Mythic Grade profession and a hundred years of AFK gains, Zhang Yue had no interest in teaming up with these new Professionals.

In his previous life, he reached the Seventieth World in just ten years.

Naturally, he was well-versed in the common layouts of the earlier worlds.

Zhang Yue opened his storage space and took out the Beginner’s Pack gifted by the system, obtaining 100 Copper Coins (in the Otherworld, 1 Gold = 100 Silver = 10,000 Copper).

He also received 5 bottles of Level 1 Health Potions (restores 40 Health Points on use, and 2 Health Points per second for 30 seconds, interrupted by attacks, 60-second cooldown).

Then, Zhang Yue headed to the Gear Shop in Doomsday Town.

The system’s Gear Shop only offered basic crude items and 1-star quality equipment.

Crude items had very low attributes, like a crude weapon adding 1 point of attack, and armor adding 1 point of defense, but they were cheap, costing just 10 Copper Coins each.

Generally, newbie Professionals could use the 100 Copper Coins gifted by the system to buy a full set of crude equipment!

However, Zhang Yue spent all 100 Copper Coins on a single 1-star quality staff!

Other Professionals in the Gear Shop advised Zhang Yue:

“Brother, buying a 1-star weapon isn’t worth it compared to a full set of crude items! Just for a bit more attack, it’s not cost-effective!”

“Thanks for the advice,” Zhang Yue replied to the well-meaning Professional, then left the Gear Shop with his staff.

For an average new Professional, this wouldn’t be cost-effective.

But for Zhang Yue, it was different!

In the Otherworld, only equipment of 1-star quality or higher could be refined using Psionic Energy!

Zhang Yue looked at the unremarkable magic staff in his hand.

[Flame Staff] (lv0):

[Quality: 1-star]

[Attributes: White] (refinable)

[Profession: Mage, Beast Tamer]

[Magic Attack Power: +5]

[Description: An unremarkable magic staff that can slightly increase your damage…]

Zhang Yue clicked the “Refine” option next to the attributes.

“Ding~ Refining this time will consume 1 point of Psionic Energy and has a 10% chance to upgrade to Green Attributes. Do you wish to refine? (Higher attributes consume more energy and have lower success rates)”

Without hesitation, Zhang Yue activated one-click refinement!

“Ding~ One-click refinement used 132 times, consuming a total of 985 points of Psionic Energy. Congratulations, you have obtained the Golden Attribute [Flame Pioneer Staff]!”

[Flame Pioneer Staff] (lv0):

[Quality: 1-star]

[Attributes: Golden]

[Profession: Mage, Beast Tamer]

[Magic Attack Power: +26]

[Additional Attribute: Intelligence +2]

[Effect: Burn (Each attack puts the enemy in a burning state for 3 seconds, losing 20 Health Points per second)]

[Description: A staff born from flames, all enemies will be reduced to ashes…]


The originally unremarkable wooden staff in his hand burst into flames!

With the attributes upgraded to the highest Golden level, the special effects were fully activated!

The 985 points of Psionic Energy consumed for refinement would take any new Professional two to three days to gather.

Professionals could only harvest Psionic Energy offline after clearing the Fiftieth World.

Before that, they could only obtain small amounts by killing monsters and completing tasks.

But for Zhang Yue, who had 2.21 trillion points of Psionic Energy, it was just a drop in the ocean!

Zhang Yue equipped the staff and opened his status panel.

[ID: Zero] (First-rank Necromancer/Mythic Grade Core Profession)

[Level: 0] (Experience Points: 0/100)

[Intelligence: 12] (affects Magic Attack)

[Agility: 10] (affects Speed, Critical Hit)

[Spirit: 10] (affects Mana)

[Endurance: 10] (affects Defense)

[Constitution: 10] (affects Health Points)

[Magic Attack Power: 56]

[Physical Defense: 18]

[Magic Defense: 19]

[Health Points: 200]

[Mana: 180]

[Money: 0]

[Psionic Energy: 2.21 trillion]

[Description: A rookie with weak combat power, you need to work hard to survive in the Otherworld]

Depending on the strength of their profession, new Professionals’ initial Five Attributes would range between 0-10.

Mythic Grade professions maxed out all Five Attributes at 10 points!

While other new Professionals had single-digit attack power, Zhang Yue already had 56 points of attack power as he stepped out of Doomsday Town!

Outside the town.

The sky was dark, the land gloomy, and the air filled with the scent of death!

Giant rats the size of adult sows scurried through the ruins of the city.

They looked terrifying, but they were the lowest-level monsters in the First World—

[Mutant Giant Rat] (Physical Type, Common Monster):

[Level: 1]

[Physical Attack Power: 7]

[Physical Defense: 1]

[Magic Defense: 1]

[Health Points: 80]

[Description: Rats mutated by infection, beware of their sharp teeth…]

At this moment, many Professionals had gathered at the town gate.

Despite having seen many Otherworld monsters in books, on TV, and in high-level Professionals’ live broadcasts, facing these terrifying monsters in person, the newcomers were still afraid!

The scariest thing about the Otherworld is that if a Professional dies here, they die in the real world too!

Some girls even had weak knees and started crying.

“Such… such scary monsters! I don’t want to go out, I want to go home! Boohoo…”

At this moment, a few brave boys wielding newbie weapons from the Gear Shop charged at a Mutant Giant Rat!

The Warriors and Knights engaged the rat in close combat.

An Archer in the back drew his bow and fired arrows.



Whoosh! Whoosh!

The three of them attacked the Mutant Giant Rat, dealing 5 or 6 points of damage each time.

The rat retaliated against the Warriors and Knights.

But as a Level 1 monster, its damage was limited and posed no lethal threat to the newbies.

After a few seconds.


With a final wail, the Mutant Giant Rat fell under the combined assault of the three Professionals!

“Wow! Amazing!” the girls behind them cheered.

With someone leading the charge, the other Professionals mustered their courage and started attacking the Mutant Giant Rats!

Zhang Yue shook his head at the sight of the Mutant Giant Rats.

Level 1 monsters didn’t interest him.

He was about to bypass the rat zone to hunt higher-level monsters.

Just then, a Mutant Giant Rat suddenly targeted Zhang Yue and charged at him!

Since it came to him, Zhang Yue didn’t hold back.

Roar! Roar!

The rat roared as it charged at Zhang Yue.

As it entered the effective attack range of 30 yards for ranged Professionals, Zhang Yue raised his staff.


A red fireball hit the Mutant Giant Rat.

The next second, a blood-red damage number appeared above the rat’s head—


The [Flame Pioneer Staff]’s burn effect triggered.

The rat’s head showed a burning damage of 20 points per second!

Before it could reach Zhang Yue, it was burned to death by the 3-second burn effect!

“Ding~ You killed a Level 1 Mutant Giant Rat, Experience Points +2! Psionic Energy + (with Ten Thousand Times Psionic Energy buff)!”




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