Chapter 1 – AFK for a million years, I’m awake!

“Latest news: According to statistics, this year, 12.35 million people in our country participated in the Awakening, an increase of 11.3% compared to last year. Among them, about 3.952 million successfully awakened as Professionals, setting a new record since the Otherworld descended on Earth 110 years ago!”

“This year marks the 100th anniversary of the death of Dragon Kingdom’s strongest warrior, Xiu Luo, who died in the Otherworld defending our nation. At the memorial service held in Dragon City, top-tier Professionals such as Seraph, Moonmark, and Ice Emperor attended.”

“On Awakening Day yesterday, Japan saw the birth of a Legendary core Professional, the Jedi Knight. At the profession announcement conference, Prime Minister Kudo Kai stated that 10% of the nation’s resources would be allocated to cultivate the Jedi Knight, aiming to sprint to the global Tier 0 Professional rankings within the year!”

“International news: Beacon Country broke through the Otherworld’s 95th World, Nightfall, early this morning. Currently, their strategy progress in the Otherworld remains number one globally…”

Zhang Yue sat on the sofa, watching the news on TV, feeling indifferent.

One hundred and ten years ago, the Otherworld descended on Earth.

Countless monsters poured into the real world from the Otherworld, launching frenzied attacks on human cities, bringing immense disaster to humanity!

At the same time, marks appeared on the backs of all humans’ hands.

Those who turned 18 could awaken their marks on the annual Awakening Day, becoming Professionals. They could then enter the Otherworld, gaining power by killing monsters, completing tasks, and challenging dungeon secret realms to fight against the Otherworld!

Thus began the era of nationwide job change!

In the Otherworld, Professionals are graded into Common, Elite, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Mythic.

Statistics show that the probability of humans awakening as core Professionals like Warriors, Mages, Knights, Priests, Archers, Assassins, and Beast Tamers is only 10%!

The awakening probability for Life Professions like Alchemists, Blacksmiths, Appraisers, and Chefs is 20%.

Seventy percent of the world’s population cannot awaken a profession and are relegated to being commoners at the bottom of society.

Professionals are revered by millions and hold extremely high social status in contemporary society!

On Awakening Day yesterday, Zhang Yue awakened as a Common Grade core Professional: Beast Tamer.

Today at eight o’clock, the Otherworld opens to new Professionals!

Zhang Yue checked the time: “Eight o’clock, right on time.”

Following the method for entering the Otherworld, Zhang Yue placed his left hand on the mark on the back of his right hand.

Three seconds later.


A three-meter-high Dimensional Portal appeared in front of Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue stepped into the portal and disappeared from the living room.


In a blink of an eye, Zhang Yue found himself in a dilapidated small town.

Before he could take in his surroundings, a mechanical voice echoed in his ear—

“Ding~ Dear Professional Xiu Luo, hello. The system detects that you have been offline for days. Based on your last strategy progress in the Otherworld: Seventieth World, you will receive 70 points of Psionic Energy per second as offline AFK rewards. You have gained AFK rewards: Psionic Energy + points!”

The sudden system notification jolted Zhang Yue.

“I wanted to start anew as a newbie, but the system exposed me,” Zhang Yue muttered. “No more pretending. I admit it, I am the strongest warrior of Dragon Kingdom who died in the Otherworld a hundred years ago: Xiu Luo!”

A hundred years ago, a prehistoric Tier 9 Dimensional Rift appeared in Dragon Kingdom, and countless monsters were about to cross the rift from the Otherworld to invade Dragon Kingdom!

To defend his nation, Zhang Yue single-handedly held the rift, ultimately sacrificing himself to repel the Beast Tide!

But fate did not abandon Zhang Yue.

He was reborn a hundred years later, in the body of another Zhang Yue with the same name!

And he could still collect the offline rewards from his past life!

Just then, another system notification sounded in Zhang Yue’s ear:

“Ding~ Congratulations on defeating the Tier 9 Beast Tide for the first time, completing the Mythic Achievement ‘Unmatched in the Otherworld.’ You have received the reward: Mythic Treasure ‘Supreme Oracle’ x1!”

“Ding~ ‘Supreme Oracle’ has been automatically used. Congratulations, you have gained a permanent buff: Psionic Energy gains in the Otherworld, both online and offline, are increased by 10,000 times! This effect is now active. You have gained an additional 9999 times AFK rewards: 935,400,000 points of Psionic Energy!”

“Ding~ You have received a profession reset. Please choose one of the following seven Mythic core professions!”

[Knight · Undead Death Knight]

[Warrior · Dark Swordsman]

[Assassin · Shadow Reaper]

[Priest · Holy Priest]

[Mage · Inferno Mage]

[Archer · Nether Hunter]

[Beast Tamer · Necromancer]

“Is the reward for breaking the Tier 9 Beast Tide this generous?”

Zhang Yue found it hard to believe, but then he thought it was only right since he had earned it with his life!

After all, Tier 9 represents the highest level of Beast Tide in the Otherworld!

Normally, only Tier 9 Professionals could match it.

And when Zhang Yue repelled the Tier 9 Beast Tide, he was only a Tier 8 Professional!

“Beast Tamer is the strongest core profession in the Otherworld, but it requires too much Psionic Energy to enhance oneself and pets, making it hard to develop.”

“Since I have a million years’ worth of AFK Psionic Energy rewards, my first choice is naturally…”


“Ding~ Congratulations on becoming a Mythic core Professional: Necromancer (advanced profession of Beast Tamer)!”

Zhang Yue opened the profession interface:

[Necromancer] (Magic Type/Mythic core profession)

[Magic Attack Growth: 25 stars]

[Mana Growth: 18 stars]

[Health Points Growth: 20 stars]

[Physical Defense Growth: 18 stars]

[Magic Defense Growth: 19 stars]

[Profession Effect 1: Soul Harvest (When a Necromancer kills a monster in the Otherworld, there is a 1% chance to harvest its soul, making it a pet. Pets obtained this way cannot be traded and can only be used by the Necromancer or as materials for other pets to devour and upgrade)]

[Profession Effect 2: Undead Evolution (All of the Necromancer’s pets can evolve by devouring pets of the same grade, up to Mythic grade, and their loyalty is unlimited)]

[Profession Effect 3: Death Reduction (The experience points required for the Necromancer’s pets to level up are reduced by 50%)]

[Description: The emissary revived from Hell, the Necromancer, masters the power of the dead. Only death can excite the Necromancer…]

“100-star initial growth! Tsk, this power, truly worthy of a Mythic profession!”

In the Otherworld, pet eggs can generally only be obtained through extremely rare task rewards, and many Beast Tamers struggle to get even one.

Moreover, their pets cannot upgrade in quality; whatever quality they are born with, they remain for life.

But the Necromancer has broken this mold!

According to historical records, within the first hundred years of the Otherworld’s descent on Earth, there were only three Mythic Professionals globally!

Among them, Beacon Country’s Ghost Swordsman Alpha; Russia’s Hell Dragon Knight Rusty; and Frozen Land’s Frost Mage King Kwon Jihyun.

These three Mythic Professionals have reached a level of power in the Otherworld that can destroy the heavens and cover the earth with a single hand!

As a result, the Otherworld strategy progress of Beacon Country, Russia, and Frozen Land has always been far ahead of other countries globally.

In his past life, Zhang Yue was merely an Epic Warrior Professional.

Even with just an Epic profession, he became the number one warrior in Dragon Kingdom within ten years, and the unrivaled first warrior in the Otherworld of his time!

It is imaginable that starting with a Mythic profession in this life, coupled with a million years’ worth of AFK rewards…

Isn’t this a straight path to soaring success?




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