Chapter 63 – The Global Professionals Competition is about to set sail!

Seeing someone occupying his bed, Zhang Yue couldn’t help but frown slightly.

Could this be the “pink girl” who lives next door?

Zhang Yue was puzzled: “When did she come back?”

Besides, Zhang Yue could clearly smell a strong scent of alcohol!

She probably got drunk outside and stumbled into the wrong room?

Helpless, Zhang Yue could only leave and slam the door behind him.

He checked into a single room at a hotel outside the neighborhood.

This “home,” he didn’t want to return to anymore!

Lying on the bed in the hotel, Zhang Yue opened the trending news of Coastal City and found that the hottest topic was still about the [First Centennial Professionals Tournament]!

Every year on the opening day, the Professionals Tournament is a hot topic for professionals nationwide and even worldwide.

But Zhang Yue’s attention was focused on the second trending topic: The case of the massacre at the Professionals Guild has been successfully solved, and the culprit has been apprehended by Coastal City police!

Before Zhang Yue could click to read more, he received a Feixin message from Su Jinyan: “Zhang Yue, did you see the trending news? The murderer of the Killer Mercenary Group has been caught!”

“According to the current information released by the Coastal City police, it was said that a drunk accidentally set fire, burning them all to death in their studio.”

Zhang Yue replied, “Do you believe that?”

“Of course not! It’s too ridiculous!” Su Jinyan said, “They were all professionals; how could they have such little vigilance!”

“It feels like they just found a scapegoat to close the case forcefully,” Su Jinyan said. “So, this person must be extremely powerful. I still believe it was Chen Tianqiang who did it!”

“Zhang Yue, be very careful!”

“Yes, I know.”

Closing Feixin, Zhang Yue lay on the bed with his hands behind his head, pondering the envelope from this morning.

“Xiu Luo, Professionals Tournament…”

Zhang Yue picked up his phone again and searched for “National Professionals Tournament.”

He found that this topic had already topped the trending list in the Dragon Kingdom!

Since it started a hundred years ago, the Professionals Tournament has been held annually, and this year marks the centennial edition!

The tournament is divided into four rounds: City-level qualifiers, Provincial championships, National challenges, and the World finals.

Every year, the Professionals Tournament attracts the attention of countless professionals.

Because the rewards are high, it is said that as long as you make it into the top 100 of the city-level qualifiers, you get a cash reward of 100,000!

The rewards for the subsequent provincial and national competitions are even higher!

For many professionals from poor families, this is a quick way to get rich!

More importantly, professionals can use these competitions to make a name for themselves and elevate their status!

If they have the chance to stand out in the national challenges and enter the world finals, they can compete with foreign professionals in the [Slaughter World] and bring glory to their country!

Such people become the focus of the nation and are eventually valued by the country, with a promising future!

The strength of a country is primarily determined by their strategy progress in the Otherworld.

But more importantly, it depends on the performance of their professionals in the [World Finals]!

Currently, on the [World Glory List].

Beacon Country ranks first with a total of 275 gold medals.

Russia ranks second with 180 gold medals.

Frozen Land ranks third with 178 gold medals.

Dragon Kingdom… ranks fifth with only 160 gold medals!

Unfortunately, Zhang Yue died too early in his previous life.

Otherwise, by now, Dragon Kingdom could have had at least 100 more gold medals!

Zhang Yue looked at the registration rules and found that the First Centennial Professionals Tournament would start in half a month, and professionals must be above level 30 to register!

“Still 5 levels short,” Zhang Yue murmured, “I’ll go to the Fourth World to level up tomorrow.”

With that thought, Zhang Yue fell asleep.

He woke up the next morning at seven.

That “home,” Zhang Yue was too lazy to return to, so he directly logged in at the hotel.

“Ding~ Welcome to the Otherworld, please choose the world you will enter: [Third World: Grim Reaper’s Arrival] or [Fourth World: Dragon’s Valley]!”

Zhang Yue chose the second option without hesitation.

“Ding~ Welcome to the Otherworld, Fourth World: Dragon’s Valley! Based on your login location (Coastal City), your current safe zone is: Light Hall!”

“Ding~ Please note: This safe zone is a shared area between Coastal City and Ganyang City, and professionals logging in from both places will belong to Light Hall!”


White light fell, and Zhang Yue descended into a massive sacred hall!

Looking around, he saw ancient high-hall-style buildings, with armored NPC dragon knights marching orderly in the hall.

Above his head, countless dragons were flying!

[Fourth World: Dragon’s Valley]

[Background: A thousand years ago, after the battle between the Light Dragons and the Dark Dragons, the leaders of both sides signed a peace treaty, agreeing not to invade each other. However, the Dark Dragon clan has been secretly gathering strength and has been frequently invading the Light Dragon clan’s territory in recent centuries. The nine hundred years of peace have caused the Light Dragons to gradually lose their combat power. Adventurers, please assist the knights of the Light Dragon clan in defending the Light Hall.]

[World Task 1: Kill at least three different lord-level dragons, progress 0/3]

[World Task 2: Gain the level 5 trust of a dragon knight (progress 0/5)]

[Note: Completing the world tasks will activate the Fourth World BOSS challenge channel. Defeat the BOSS to enter the Fifth World.]

This is the world of dragons.

And Zhang Yue was about to reach level 30. Once he completed his second profession change, he could unlock a second pet battle slot.

“Getting a dragon as a pet wouldn’t be a bad choice,” Zhang Yue murmured.

With [Undead Evolution] in hand, even a crippled dragon could be evolved into a Mythic Grade Doomsday Dragon by Zhang Yue!

As for the strategy for the Fourth World, it was simply to keep taking tasks from the same NPC!

In the Fourth World, professionals gain “trust points” by completing tasks, and the world task requires a trust level of 5 with one NPC.

The tasks available are randomly refreshed, so strategies can’t be recorded!

The lower the task difficulty, the fewer the trust points rewarded, and vice versa.

All NPCs in the Fourth World can give tasks.

So, Zhang Yue randomly chose a silver-armored dragon knight named Lu Ji, who was training dragons in the Light Hall.

“The Light Dragon clan has fallen, and the Dark Dragon clan is becoming more rampant! Young man, go out and hunt 300 dark dragons for me to boost our morale!” Lu Ji casually gave Zhang Yue a task and continued training his dragons.

Zhang Yue’s first task was moderately difficult:

[Boost Morale 5] (Ordinary Task)

[Difficulty: 370]

[Description: Please go to the Dark Mountains north of the Light Hall and hunt the dark dragons there to boost the morale of the Light Dragon clan]

[Reward: Experience Points+, Psionic Energy+, Trust Points+20, Random 2-3 Star Equipment+1, Silver Coin+40]

[Time: 2 days]

Many professionals in the past had randomly received tasks with only one or two hundred difficulty when taking tasks in the Fourth World.

The trust points rewarded were low, and they had to run back and forth.

So, Zhang Yue’s luck was relatively good!

He went to the pharmacy and stocked up on 180 bottles of mana potions and 20 bottles of health potions.

Then Zhang Yue left the safe zone of the Light Hall and headed towards the [Dark Mountains].




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