Chapter 60 – Hello, Xiu Luo

Chen Jun’s death had already spread throughout the Mist Rain Pavilion.

Upon hearing the news, Su Jinyan messaged Zhang Yue on Feixin: “Did you kill Chen Jun?”

“I wish I did, but I didn’t get the chance,” Zhang Yue replied. “Peppa did it.”

Seeing this, Su Jinyan breathed a sigh of relief. “Good thing it wasn’t you.”


“Chen Tianqiang only has one son, Chen Jun. He’ll definitely pursue whoever killed him to the end!”

At this moment, Zhang Yue said, “I didn’t expect you to risk your life to help me…”

“Are you crying?”

“Crying? Why?”

Su Jinyan said, “I thought you’d be touched!”

“I sacrificed a resurrection for you and even lost a level!” Su Jinyan messaged. “So, how are you going to compensate me?”

Zhang Yue thought for a moment and said, “Get some rest first. When you wake up, I’ll take you through the Third World tomorrow.”


Just as Zhang Yue finished his conversation with Su Jinyan, he suddenly received an invitation to the [Supreme Guild] group from Liu Yao.

“What’s up?” Zhang Yue asked.

Liu Yao sent an emoji of someone looking up in admiration and said, “From today on, you’re my big brother!”

“Join my guild, bro. I’ll give you the whole guild! From now on, your dad is my dad, your mom is my mom, and your wife is my wife!”

Zhang Yue: “Get lost.”

Liu Yao: “Sure thing, bro!”

The high-level Professionals from the Killer Mercenary Group immediately led the Supreme Guild members to the high-level wild zones above level 25 to train.

Having stayed up for two consecutive nights, Zhang Yue was feeling exhausted and decided to go offline for some rest.

On his way back to the Holy Light Cemetery, the Skeleton King followed closely behind him.

The dark aura emanating from the king drew the attention of many passersby.

“Wow! That Beast Tamer guy’s skeleton looks so cool. Could it be his pet?”

“Isn’t that the Skeleton King BOSS from the Capital of Death map? It’s become someone’s minion? Goodness!”

From the recent battle, Zhang Yue could tell that the Dark Skeleton King was indeed powerful!

He opened the main stats of the Dark Skeleton King to take a look.

[Dark Skeleton King] (Rare Grade, Evolution 0/10)

[Physical Attack: 640] (Growth 14 stars)

[Physical Defense: 555] (12 stars)

[Magic Defense: 533] (12 stars)

[Health Points: 6088] (18 stars)

[Mana: 511] (5 stars)

[Rare Grade Pet Special Effect 1: Divine Might (Increases Dark Skeleton King’s attack by 20% and defense by 10%)]

[Special Effect 2: Dominance (Increases Dark Skeleton King’s health by 20%)]

A total growth of 61 stars, about 10 stars higher than the average Rare Grade Professional!

Besides [Charge Assault], the Dark Skeleton King had also learned two skills upon leveling up, which Zhang Yue upgraded to Grade A using Psionic Energy:

[Shadow Supreme] (Passive, Grade A, reduces damage taken by the Dark Skeleton King by 20% and increases its damage by 20%)

[Shadow Sword Array] (Grade A, summons ten giant swords from the sky to trap enemies, preventing them from leaving and dealing 120% of the Skeleton King’s damage per second for 3 seconds, with a 10-second cooldown)

Skills learned by pets themselves are far stronger than those learned through skill books!

Hence, the chance of pets learning skills on their own is extremely low.

The output skills were still lacking.

So, Zhang Yue took out the two self-select skill books rewarded from the [Hunt the Skeleton King] quest, chose the Warrior profession, and obtained [Light Slash] and [Taunt], both Grade D skills.

As usual, he upgraded them with one click.

[Lethal Taunt] (Grade A): Taunts up to three monsters within 30 yards, forcing them to attack you and reducing their damage to you by 30% for 10 seconds, with a 20-second cooldown (does not force Professionals to attack, only reduces their damage)

[Super Light Slash] (Grade A): Launches a super-fast slash at the enemy, dealing 270% physical damage and ignoring 40% of the target’s physical defense, with a 5-second cooldown.

He taught these skills to the Dark Skeleton King.

After returning to the Holy Light Cemetery, Zhang Yue logged off.

He took a shower, went downstairs to a restaurant, and spent over two hundred yuan on a hot pot meal before heading back to sleep.

Just then, Zhang Yue received a phone call: “Thank you, brother.”

Recognizing the familiar voice, Zhang Yue pondered, “Peppa?”

“How did you get my number?”

“I asked Miss Su,” Killer Peppa said on the other end. “I just wanted to thank you for giving us a chance to start over.”

“Qiqi is my everything. For her, I’m willing to do anything, even if it means losing my way.”

“I’ve decided to turn over a new leaf. After helping the Supreme Guild clear the Third World as you instructed, we’ll continue to climb higher and stop doing those petty thefts in the Third World!”

Zhang Yue said, “It’s good that you’ve come to this realization.”

At this moment, another voice came through the phone: “Bro! Can you return my ring? I’m begging you, I spent four months refining it! I’ll pay for it, okay?”

“I already told you,” Zhang Yue said. “I sold it.”

Killer Not So Cold was devastated: “No way… You really sold it? My Brutal Ring…”

“That’s it then, I won’t disturb your rest.” Before Killer Not So Cold could finish, Killer Peppa hung up the phone.

Zhang Yue didn’t think much of it and fell asleep immediately.

When he woke up, it was already seven in the morning.

He picked up his phone and saw three unread messages from Su Jinyan!

“Zhang Yue!”

“Something happened!”

“Check the news trending in Coastal City!!”

Puzzled, Zhang Yue opened the webpage and clicked on the Coastal City page, where the top trending news read: The 100th Professional Glory Tournament is about to begin. How many strong Professionals will emerge from Coastal City this year? Stay tuned!

Following closely was the second headline: Professional Guild Headquarters Massacred, Forty-two Professionals and a Nine-Year-Old Girl Brutally Murdered!

Seeing the second headline, Zhang Yue’s heart skipped a beat.

Clicking on the content, he found that it was the Killer Mercenary Group’s 42 Professionals, killed in their studio, including Killer Peppa’s daughter, Qiqi!

The incident happened early this morning.

The comments below were varied.

“So tragic! Who could be so heartless to even kill a nine-year-old child!”

“Don’t you think they deserved it? They were always robbing new Professionals in the Third World!”

“I heard the Killer Mercenary Group’s leader killed the Chen family’s son in the Otherworld yesterday. Could this be the Chen family’s revenge…”

“Shh, you can’t say things like that. Even the police haven’t found any evidence yet!”

Just as Zhang Yue found the news unbelievable.

Knock, knock~

There was a knock on the door.

Zhang Yue went to the living room and saw through the peephole that it was a delivery person, so he opened the door.

“Hello, please sign for your delivery!”

Zhang Yue was a bit puzzled: “I don’t recall ordering anything…”

Taking the package, he found it was an envelope.

When Zhang Yue opened the envelope and took out the note inside, the contents made his heart race with shock—

“Hello, Xiu Luo, looking forward to seeing you at the Professional Tournament.”




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