Chapter 55 – All troops assemble, great battle at the Capital of Death!



A throwing knife suddenly flew towards a pile of rubble, landing precisely on a figure hidden within.

That figure was none other than Zhang Yue!

Taking a hit of over 1100 damage, Zhang Yue emerged from the rubble.

“Didn’t expect you to notice,” said Killer Not So Cold, holding a throwing knife and flashing a confident smile at Zhang Yue. “Playing tricks under an assassin’s nose? You must think very little of me!”

At the same time, Chen Jun and the people from Mist Rain Pavilion saw Zhang Yue suddenly appear, and they were all shocked.

“Zhang… Zhang Yue?!”

“Wasn’t he trapped in the Safe Zone? How is he here?”

Killer Not So Cold also noticed this, incredulously asking Zhang Yue, “Damn it… When did you get out?”

“Aren’t you an assassin?” Zhang Yue retorted. “Shouldn’t you know when I got out?”

Killer Not So Cold snorted coldly, “Whether you got out or not, it’s a dead end for you.”

“Give me back my Brutal Ring, and I’ll give you a quick death!”

“I already sold it,” Zhang Yue replied nonchalantly.

“Damn it! Do you need money for a coffin?” Killer Not So Cold exploded with rage. “I’ll stab you to death!”

With a flash of killing intent in his eyes, Killer Not So Cold, who had previously died at Zhang Yue’s hands and lost a priceless golden ring, redirected his attack towards Zhang Yue out of intense hatred.

In that instant, Zhang Yue became a bigger target than the BOSS in Killer Not So Cold’s eyes!

The speed of a Level 29 Elite Grade Brutal Assassin with full Agility points was incredibly fast!

Even with 75 Agility points, Zhang Yue couldn’t match it.

Before he could even use Blink, Killer Not So Cold was already in his face.


A sudden strike forced Zhang Yue back several steps, dealing a massive 1132 damage!

Seeing Zhang Yue’s health drop by two-thirds, Killer Not So Cold sneered, “Last time, that woman helped you. This time, she’s not here. What will you use to fight me?”

Zhang Yue smiled calmly, “How do you know she’s not here?”

As soon as he finished speaking, a silver beam of light descended from the sky, hitting Killer Not So Cold.

The next second, Killer Not So Cold was immobilized!

Taking this opportunity, Zhang Yue swung his staff.


Ice Spike!

Lightning Spell!

-796! -96 Burn!

-752! Frozen!


Killer Not So Cold was instantly crippled.

Just as he broke free from the frozen state, Zhang Yue seamlessly followed up with a normal attack, depleting the last bit of his health.

Killer Not So Cold’s pupils dilated in shock, “Damn! Miscalculated…”

Before he could finish, he collapsed to the ground and turned into a white light, leaving behind a black battle robe.

Seeing this, Killer Second and Killer Third finally reacted.

“Damn it! It’s that brat again!”

“He killed Cold Bro again!”

“Let’s take him down first!”

But as they were about to attack Zhang Yue, they were trapped by the Golden Skeleton King’s [Golden Sword Array], unable to move!

Taking this chance, Zhang Yue used Flame Missile and normal attacks to deplete their health from a distance.

On the other side, Killer Milk Overlord tried to heal Killer Second and Killer Third, but was immobilized by a descending Fireball, interrupting the spell!

At this moment, Su Jinyan also emerged from the rubble behind Zhang Yue.

With Zhang Yue and the Skeleton King joining forces, Zhang Yue’s powerful magic barrage weakened them significantly, allowing the Golden Skeleton King to easily finish them off with a sweeping strike, achieving a double kill!

Zhang Yue only gained a Gray Name.

Seeing this, Chen Jun was stunned.

Realizing his precarious situation, he quickly turned and ran!

With the main forces of the Killer Mercenary Group defeated, only he and the Mist Rain Pavilion members, along with a non-damaging Priest, were left to face Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue did not chase after Chen Jun.

He was protected by hundreds of Mist Rain Pavilion Professionals, so Zhang Yue couldn’t waste time on him.

More importantly, he needed to deal with the Skeleton King and complete the hidden quest!

So, Zhang Yue locked onto the Skeleton King and launched his attack!

With his skills off cooldown.

Boom! Boom!

Fireball + Ice Spike.

-469! -56 Burn!

-440! Frozen!

The Skeleton King’s defense was incredibly high, making it almost impossible for Zhang Yue to deal significant damage.

Fortunately, the Skeleton King had already been weakened by Killer Not So Cold and his group, leaving it with only about 16-17 thousand health.

Taking down the Skeleton King was still feasible.

Meanwhile, as Chen Jun fled, he opened Feixin and sent a message to [Killer Peppa]: “Hurry! Bring all your people to the Capital of Death! The BOSS and Zhang Yue are here!”

“Hurry up, the sooner the better! Complete this task, and I’ll release your daughter!!”

At the same time.

In the Safe Zone of the Third World, Holy Light Cemetery.

With only six hours left until Grim Reaper Caesar’s arrival at midnight.

Unable to use the Resurrection Scroll within the cycle and with only 44 defense points left on the tomb, which couldn’t withstand the next attack from the Grim Reaper, Liu Yao was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan, pacing back and forth in the Safe Zone.

“What to do, what to do! Just a few hours left, if we don’t get out, we’re dead!”

Liu Yao grabbed Li Xiaoyao, crying, “Brother, is there any way to save me?”

Li Xiaoyao pushed up his silver-framed glasses, sighed, and said, “I warned you to sell Zhang Yue to the Killer Mercenary Group, but you didn’t listen.”

“You insisted on trusting Zhang Yue, and now I can’t help you. After all, I can barely protect myself.”

Just as Liu Yao was about to cry, a member of the Supreme Guild hurried over, excitedly telling Liu Yao, “Guild Leader! The Killer Mercenary Group has withdrawn!”

“Really?” Liu Yao was incredulous.

“It’s true, I saw it with my own eyes!” the member confirmed.

Liu Yao was ecstatic, “Hahaha! Those damn bastards finally left!”

But then he wondered, “Why did they suddenly withdraw?”

The Supreme Guild member explained, “I was wandering near the East Gate and heard that Chen Jun called them away because a BOSS appeared in the Capital of Death, and Zhang Yue is there too!”

“Killer Peppa, the leader of the Killer Mercenary Group, has taken everyone to the Capital of Death!”

Hearing this, Liu Yao frowned and pondered, “Zhang Yue is there, and there’s a BOSS… Are they going to steal Zhang Yue’s BOSS?”

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao seemed to guess Liu Yao’s next move and reminded him, “Brother Chen, the Killer Mercenary Group has finally left. Now is our chance to go out and farm monsters to build up the tomb’s defense. Don’t worry about Zhang Yue anymore.”

“But Zhang Yue said he would free us by tonight,” Liu Yao hesitated. “Maybe this BOSS is his final crucial step!”

After a moment of hesitation, Liu Yao decisively ordered, “Gather everyone in the guild and head to the Capital of Death immediately!”

Li Xiaoyao shook his head, muttering, “Ignoring the advice of the experienced leads to immediate regret.”

Meanwhile, in the Capital of Death.

Zhang Yue and Su Jinyan were fighting the BOSS Skeleton King together.

From a few hundred meters away, in a safe zone, Chen Jun watched this scene, grinding his teeth in anger.

His teammates fanned the flames:

“Looks like Miss Su has completely betrayed Mist Rain Pavilion and joined forces with that Beast Tamer!”

“No wonder she’s been online so much lately. She must be with that guy every day!”

Chen Jun clenched his fists in rage, veins bulging on his face.

“Zhang Yue! I’ll kill you with my own hands!”

As he spoke, footsteps approached from behind.

Turning around, he saw the Professionals from the Killer Mercenary Group arriving!

Chen Jun’s face twisted into a sinister smile, “Zhang Yue, your death is imminent!”





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