Chapter 51 – Skeleton General Hera

Facing the dozen or so charging Skeleton Warriors, Zhang Yue and Su Jinyan didn’t engage them directly. Instead, they deliberately lured them to a more open area behind.

If they had to deal with the Skeleton Warriors together with the Skeleton General, it would be incredibly difficult. The only way was to separate the Skeleton Warriors from the General and take them down one by one!

The Skeleton General didn’t pursue them, seemingly confident that its minions could easily handle two mere humans.

After leading the Skeleton Warriors out of the General’s sight, Zhang Yue stopped in his tracks.

He turned and attacked.


Lightning Spell!

Flame Missile!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three spells hit one Skeleton Warrior, dealing a cumulative burst damage of over 3000, taking out two-thirds of its health bar!

With Su Jinyan’s Fireball from the other side, Zhang Yue followed up with an Ice Spike, killing the first Skeleton Warrior that charged at them!

Immediately after, Zhang Yue led the remaining Skeleton Warriors on a chase.

Fortunately, his agility was high enough. With a speed that matched the Skeleton Warriors, he led them around, waiting for his skills’ cooldown.

Working with Su Jinyan, another set of skills took down another Skeleton Warrior!

This method was exhausting and inefficient, but it was the safest approach.

Otherwise, if all the Skeleton Warriors swarmed them at once, even ten lives wouldn’t be enough for Zhang Yue.

It took nearly ten minutes for the two of them to finally deal with the group of Skeleton Warriors.

At this point, there was still half an hour left before the Secret Realm closed.

The two immediately returned to the core area of Skull Island.

Seeing the two humans return unscathed, Skeleton General Hera was visibly shocked!

Realizing that all its minions had been killed, Skeleton General Hera let out an enraged roar, mounted its skeletal warhorse, and charged at Zhang Yue and Su Jinyan with its lance!

[Skeleton General Hera] (Physical Type · Lord Monster)

[Level: 27]

[Physical Attack: 800]

[Physical Defense: 450]

[Magic Defense: 450]

[Health Points:]

[Skills: Charge, Sweep, Piercing Attack]

[Description: The leader of the Skeleton Warriors and the guardian of Skull Island, commanding a Skeleton Legion and dominating Skull Island. Any intruders will be killed by the Skeleton General…]

“What strong attributes!” Su Jinyan exclaimed in surprise as she saw the data Zhang Yue shared in the team channel.

Zhang Yue looked at his own 566 points of Magic Attack Power and weighed the situation, “No problem, we can take it.”

“Watch your positioning, don’t draw aggro.”

“Got it!”

With that, they began their assault!

Radiant Bind!

Predictive Attack!


Su Jinyan cast a spell three body lengths ahead of the Skeleton General, hitting it precisely while it was moving at high speed!

A damage value of only 112 points floated above the Skeleton General’s head.

At the same time, it was immobilized!

Seizing the opportunity, Zhang Yue unleashed a combo.

Fireball + Lightning Spell + Flame Missile!

-525! -63 Burn!

-548! Paralysis!

-194! -530 Crit! -530 Crit!

Zhang Yue’s damage was as fierce as ever.

With 69 points in Agility, Zhang Yue’s incredibly fast hand speed left the nearby Level 21 Mage Su Jinyan in awe.

As the Skeleton General broke free from the Paralysis effect of the Lightning Spell, Zhang Yue followed up with an Ice Spike, freezing it and dealing a massive 1033 Crit damage!

He then used a series of 416-point normal attacks to whittle down the Skeleton General.

Monsters in the Otherworld didn’t have Mana bars.

This meant that the “Demon Slayer” effect of the [Inferno · Demon Slayer Messenger] equipment (reducing enemy Mana by 200 per attack, deducting an equivalent amount of Health if Mana is insufficient) added 200 extra damage to each of Zhang Yue’s attacks.

Combined with the “Magic’s Wrath” effect (normal attacks consume 8 Mana, adding 100 Magic damage), Zhang Yue’s normal attack damage was extraordinarily high!

Su Jinyan maintained her skill usage.

Seeing the Skeleton General break free and Charge towards Zhang Yue, she cast a predictive Fireball!


A direct hit! Immobilized!

Zhang Yue continued his normal attacks.

After waiting for his skills’ cooldown, he unleashed another combo burst!

Su Jinyan continued to control and immobilize!

Zhang Yue unleashed a fierce assault!

With their coordinated efforts, the Skeleton General had almost no chance to retaliate.

Only twice did Su Jinyan miss her control spells, allowing the Skeleton General to strike Zhang Yue, dealing over a thousand damage each time!

Fortunately, it wasn’t fatal for Zhang Yue.

A few minutes later, Zhang Yue left the Skeleton General with a sliver of health and handed it over to Su Jinyan.

Su Jinyan finished it off with a Fireball, clearing the last bit of the Skeleton General’s health bar and killing it!

Two pleasant system notifications rang in Zhang Yue’s ears:

“Ding~ Congratulations on participating in the kill of [Skeleton General Hera], clearing the Skull Island Secret Realm. Based on your overall performance, you receive the highest tier basic clearance reward: Experience Points +, Equipment [Necromancer Leggings] +1, Silver Coin +20, Psionic Energy +50 million!”

“Ding~ Congratulations on participating in the kill of [Skeleton General Hera], Experience Points + (80%), Psionic Energy +8.1 million, Tomb Defense Value +30!”


A beam of golden light shone down on Zhang Yue.

“Ding~ Congratulations on leveling up, Health Points +30, Mana +12, Free Attribute Points +6! Current Level: 22, next level requires points of Experience!”

Zhang Yue approached the corpse of Skeleton General Hera and picked up the loot it dropped: two pieces of 25-star 2-star quality Necromancer Set equipment, 20 Silver Coins, and a dozen Level 3 materials.

At the same time, a system announcement descended from the sky—

[Area Announcement] (Holy Light Cemetery): “Ding~ Congratulations to the Professional [Su Ya] for being the first to clear the Level 25 Hidden Secret Realm [Skull Island], receiving the reward [Lv25 Secret Realm Scroll] +1!”

Outside the entrance to Skull Island, Chen Jun, who had been waiting there, was stunned when he heard the announcement: “How could it be Jinyan?”

The next moment, he saw Su Jinyan, dressed in a purple mage robe and with a stunning appearance that drew the attention of all the Professionals from Mist Rain Pavilion and the Killer Mercenary Group, walk out of the entrance to Skull Island alone!

Seeing this, Chen Jun approached Su Jinyan and asked incredulously, “Jinyan, did you activate the Hidden Secret Realm of Skull Island?”

“Yes, why?” Su Jinyan glanced at Chen Jun indifferently.

“Then why did you close the entrance?” Chen Jun asked.

“I opened the Secret Realm, so I want to take the rewards alone. Is that a problem?” Su Jinyan replied irritably.

Chen Jun chuckled, “Of course, it’s fine! As long as you’re happy, Jinyan!”

“But how did you clear the Level 25 Secret Realm alone?”

Su Jinyan replied, “Are you doubting my abilities?”

“No, no!” Chen Jun laughed, “Jinyan, you’re the only Epic Grade Professional in the Su Family. With your strength, soloing a Level 25 Secret Realm is naturally no problem!”

At this moment, Su Jinyan asked, “What are you doing here?”

“We were planning to clear the Hidden Secret Realm!” Chen Jun said, “But since you’ve already taken the first clear, we’ll just leave it at that!”

Chen Jun waved to the Professionals from Mist Rain Pavilion and the Killer Mercenary Group around him, “Retreat!”

Only after Chen Jun and his group had left did Zhang Yue emerge from the entrance of the Secret Realm.




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