Chapter 49 – Set Equipment, Necromancer Set

Holy Light Cemetery, East Exit.

Killer Not So Cold and his eight or nine subordinates had been guarding this spot for an entire day.

Due to their formidable strength, many new Professionals had to obey their commands and show their IDs if they wanted to leave the cemetery.

As a result, Killer Not So Cold caught quite a few Supreme Guild Professionals trying to sneak out and killed them one by one!

But by now, Killer Not So Cold had noticed a problem: “Strange, why hasn’t Zhang Yue shown up all day?”

After asking his teammates guarding the other three exits, he found out that none of them had seen Zhang Yue either!

“Could it be that this guy has already slipped out?”

Just as Killer Not So Cold was pondering this, a familiar figure appeared in the crowd ahead!

It was a Beast Tamer in a black robe, hiding his ID, with a hat pulled low over his face, making it hard to see his features. But Killer Not So Cold recognized him instantly!

“What’s this? Stayed in the Safe Zone all day and now want to come out?”

Killer Not So Cold shouted at the black-robed Beast Tamer, “Return the ring to me, crawl under my legs, and I’ll let you out for an hour. How about that?”

As soon as he finished speaking, his subordinates burst into laughter.

But the black-robed Beast Tamer turned around and went back!

“Pathetic coward!” Killer Not So Cold wasn’t in a hurry. He sat down and stared at the retreating figure of the black-robed Beast Tamer, cursing, “Stay in there forever if you dare! Die inside, and you won’t even need a tomb, you worthless piece of trash.”

The black-robed Beast Tamer went to a corner of the cemetery, looked around to make sure no one was watching, and adjusted his hat.

The face under the hat was not Zhang Yue!

At this moment, Liu Yao and Li Xiaoyao walked over from nearby.

“How did it go?” Liu Yao asked anxiously, “Did they recognize you?”

“No!” The Beast Tamer, who had a similar height and build to Zhang Yue, shook his head and said to Liu Yao, “Someone named Killer Not So Cold told me to return the ring and then cursed at me…”

“Looks like he didn’t recognize you!” Liu Yao said to the Beast Tamer, “Alright, you’re done here. I’ll transfer the money to you later, and I’ll contact you if I need you again.”

“Thank you, boss!” The Beast Tamer left happily.

It turned out that this Beast Tamer was just an actor Liu Yao had hired!

Liu Yao was puzzled, “I wonder why my big brother asked me to do this?”

“To create the illusion that he’s still in the Holy Light Cemetery,” Li Xiaoyao, his assistant, mused, “So the Killer Mercenary Group won’t find out he’s already gone.”

Liu Yao was half-understanding.

He used Feixin to inform Zhang Yue of the situation.

Soon, Zhang Yue replied, “Take your people back to the Second World to develop. By tomorrow night, I’ll restore your freedom.”

“Damn!” Liu Yao was overjoyed at Zhang Yue’s message, “I knew it, my big brother hasn’t given up on me!”

Li Xiaoyao, standing nearby, felt a bit downcast, “That’s all well and good, but how is he going to deal with so many high-level Professionals from the Killer Mercenary Group?”

“Damn it, my life is in my big brother’s hands!” Liu Yao said resolutely, “Without him, I’d be dead already!”

“If I survive this, Zhang Yue will be my real brother!”

Outside the Holy Light Cemetery.

When Chen Jun returned from a day of grinding in the wild, his level had skyrocketed from 17 to 20!

Three levels in one day!

This was because he had been accompanied by four 27-level Professionals from the Killer Mercenary Group, who weakened the monsters for him, leaving the final blow to Chen Jun.

In such a scenario, how could he not level up quickly?

Back at the cemetery, Chen Jun called over the Killer Mercenary Group members guarding the area and asked, “Have you seen Zhang Yue?”

“We saw him, but he didn’t come out,” Killer Not So Cold said, “He’s been hiding in the Safe Zone all day.”

Hearing this, Chen Jun sneered coldly, “Isn’t he supposed to be tough? Turns out he’s just a coward who bullies the weak.”

“If he doesn’t come out, let’s see how he adds defense points to his tomb. By tomorrow night, we’ll be ready to collect his corpse!”

“Once that trash Zhang Yue is dead, no one will compete with me for Jinyan!”

Imagining Su Jinyan’s alluring figure and beautiful, fair face, Chen Jun squinted his eyes and said lecherously, “You damn woman, once I get my hands on you, I’ll play you to death!”

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The Capital of Death.

After spending the afternoon, Zhang Yue and Su Jinyan had only killed 200 Skeleton Shield Guards.

At 7 PM.

While Su Jinyan went offline for dinner, Zhang Yue began analyzing his data.

By killing 800 skeletons today, Zhang Yue’s level had reached 21, 55%.

He had collected a total of 9 pieces of 25-level, 2-star Necromancer Set equipment, all for Warriors, Knights, and Archers.

“My goal is to reach level 25 by tomorrow night and complete the full Necromancer Set for Beast Tamers, so I can match the 30-level Professionals from the Killer Mercenary Group.”

Zhang Yue reviewed his data and muttered, “But at this rate, I won’t reach level 25, nor will I complete the full Necromancer Set.”

“Looks like I need to adjust my strategy.”

Zhang Yue switched to the Feixin interface to search for guides on the Third World of the Otherworld.

The guide mentioned: In the Third World, when the Grim Reaper descends, near the Safe Zone corresponding to the Holy Light Cemetery in Zhening Province, there is only one 25-level Secret Realm: Skull Island.

But it’s worth noting that Skull Island, like the Dark Zombie Nest in the Second World, can be upgraded to a Hidden Secret Realm through special means!

“The rewards for a 25-level Hidden Secret Realm, a King Grade Secret Realm Scroll, plus the task rewards, should be enough to meet my expectations.”

With this in mind, Zhang Yue left the Capital of Death.

Following the map, he took ten minutes to reach the entrance of the Skull Island Secret Realm, located southeast of the Holy Light Cemetery!

There, in the vast black sea, lay a solitary island.

On the shore stood an NPC Mage in a black robe.

Behind the NPC Mage was a massive purple vortex gate, seven or eight meters high!

This was the only entrance to the Skull Island Secret Realm, accessible to Professionals below level 25.

Alternatively, one could trigger special conditions with the NPC Mage, Laurie, to upgrade Skull Island from a regular Secret Realm to a Hidden Secret Realm and then enter.

Each upgradable Secret Realm has a different way to obtain the Golden Secret Order.

In the Second World’s Dark Zombie Nest, the first upgradable Secret Realm in the Otherworld, the Golden Secret Order could be obtained relatively easily by receiving a regular order from the Secret Realm Guard and refining it with Psionic Energy.

But obtaining the Golden Secret Order for Skull Island was not so simple!

Similarly, Zhang Yue received a regular token for free from Laurie, the Skull Island Secret Realm Guard.

[Regular Secret Order] (Exclusive to level 25 Skull Island Secret Realm)

[Description: The holder of the Secret Order can gain 10 refining opportunities for each skeleton killed. Each refining consumes 20 points of Psionic Energy, with a certain probability of obtaining the Golden Secret Order.]

[Note: This item is automatically bound, non-tradable, and non-droppable.]

With the Skull Island Secret Order in hand, Zhang Yue returned to the Capital of Death.

Coincidentally, Su Jinyan had also returned.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Su Jinyan asked.

“Hungry,” Zhang Yue replied, “but I can hold out.”

After a pause, Zhang Yue said to Su Jinyan, “I need your help with something later.”

This was the first time Su Jinyan had heard Zhang Yue ask for her help!

Curious, Su Jinyan asked, “What do you need help with?”

Facing Su Jinyan, Zhang Yue didn’t hold back and showed her the Secret Order in his hand, “Once I refine the Golden Secret Order and open the Hidden Secret Realm, I need your help to clear it.”

The 25-level Secret Realm’s guardian was a 27-level Lord monster.

With Zhang Yue’s strength, as long as the Lord monster didn’t go berserk, he could solo Skull Island.

However, to get the first-clear Secret Realm Scroll reward, he needed to bring someone else in!

According to the Otherworld’s rules: The activator of a Hidden Secret Realm cannot receive the Secret Realm Scroll reward!

Su Jinyan propped her chin with one hand, pondering, “Skull Island Secret Realm?”

“Yes,” Zhang Yue looked at Su Jinyan and said, “Next time you need anything, I’ll help you.”

“Alright, no problem!” Su Jinyan tilted her head and gave a mischievous smile, “Consider it a favor you owe me!”

“But can you really refine the Golden Secret Order?” Su Jinyan clearly knew how difficult it was to obtain the Golden Secret Order.

Zhang Yue confirmed, “I can.”

Without further thought, Su Jinyan followed Zhang Yue and continued killing skeletons.




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