Chapter 48 – The definition of a strong person

Holy Light Cemetery, East.

Wilderness, the Capital of Death.

Boom! Boom!

Zhang Yue swung his staff, using Fireball and Lightning Spell to take down a Skeleton Warrior.

He checked his quest progress.

From midnight to now, seven in the morning, he had finally completed the first phase of the quest by killing 300 Skeleton Warriors!

During this time, Zhang Yue’s experience bar increased by more than 50%, and he managed to collect three pet Skeleton Warriors and two pieces of level 25, 2-star Necromancer Set equipment.

Additionally, he boosted the tomb’s defense value by 300 points!

Each monster killed in the Third World adds 1 point to the tomb’s defense value.

With his mana bar nearly empty, Zhang Yue took out a mana potion from his storage space and drank it, restoring his mana bar to more than half.

A quick glance revealed that his storage space was running low on health and mana potions, causing Zhang Yue to frown slightly.

“The potions are depleting too fast. Even though I stocked up before coming out, it’s still not enough…”

The storage space has a limit of 200 bottles for potions.

Going back to resupply now was unrealistic.

Once he returned, he would have to wait until midnight to come out again, wasting an entire day of development time.

Just as Zhang Yue was feeling a bit troubled, a graceful figure entered the Capital of Death.

Her steps were light and full of energy.

Turning to look, he saw that it was Su Jinyan!

“I’ve already sent someone to investigate,” Su Jinyan said as she approached Zhang Yue. “As long as we help the leader of the Killer Mercenary Group find his daughter, they won’t be under Chen Jun’s control anymore!”

“They’ve already posed a threat to me,” Zhang Yue said. “I don’t mind using force to solve this.”

Su Jinyan glanced around, seemingly understanding something. She looked at Zhang Yue with her clear eyes, a bit surprised. “So you came out to level up and increase your strength, then go back to counterattack the Killer Mercenary Group?”

Zhang Yue walked over to the Skeleton Warrior’s corpse and picked up the Copper Coins it dropped. “Yes.”

“But… how can you stay in the Otherworld for so long without going offline to rest and eat?” Su Jinyan asked worriedly.

“Humans’ biological needs are greatly reduced in the Otherworld. Even without eating, drinking, or resting, they can survive for three days.”

“But are you confident you can surpass them in three days?” Su Jinyan was still worried. “They have many level 30, fully gold-equipped strong players…”

“If being fully gold-equipped defines a strong player,” Zhang Yue glanced at Su Jinyan, “then there are too many strong players in this world.”

“In that case…” Su Jinyan thought for a moment and then smiled. “I’ll help you!”

Zhang Yue couldn’t help but agree. Facing level 25 Skeletons alone had indeed slowed down his efficiency.

With Su Jinyan, a Forbidden Mage, assisting with control, Zhang Yue naturally welcomed the help!

“Sure,” Zhang Yue asked Su Jinyan, “By the way, do you have any potions?”

“Yes!” Su Jinyan opened her storage space and took out dozens of red and blue potions, handing them to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue didn’t take them for free; he paid Su Jinyan 120% of the market price for the potions.

The extra 20% was considered a delivery fee.

The two then teamed up and headed deeper into the Capital of Death.

After passing through the level 25 Skeleton Warrior area, they soon arrived at the level 26 Skeleton Archer zone!

Skeletons holding bone bows wandered aimlessly through the city.

Compared to Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Archers had higher attack power: 650 points!

Their defense and health were average, with 380 defense, the same as Skeleton Warriors.

Their health was slightly lower: 4200.

Zhang Yue summoned the Silver Armored Scorpion to draw aggro and transferred 50 defense points to it.

The Skeleton Archers locked onto the approaching Silver Armored Scorpion and began shooting!

Swish! Swish! Swish!

As archers, they launched rapid consecutive shots!

Three arrows hit the Silver Armored Scorpion, each dealing over 250 damage!

Zhang Yue cast Ice Spike and Fireball, dealing 640 and 693 damage to the Skeleton Archer!

The Skeleton Archer just broke free from the freeze.

It drew its bone bow, ready to shoot.

Su Jinyan seized the moment and cast a Fireball, hitting the Skeleton Archer.

-255! Immobilized!

The damage was quite high!

Zhang Yue was a bit surprised. “Did you change your equipment again?”

Su Jinyan stuck out her tongue and smiled. “When I’m with you, I can’t break through defenses, so I asked my sister to make me two attack items.”

It seemed that Su Jinyan’s weapon and ring were at least 2-star, gold quality!

As for the other parts, they were a mix of purple and orange, but they likely added a lot of Intelligence attributes!

Once again, Zhang Yue realized: having money is really great!

Of course, money could only make lower-quality equipment.

Making level 20, 3-star equipment was very difficult.

Taking advantage of Su Jinyan immobilizing the Skeleton Archer, Zhang Yue attacked again.

Lightning Spell and Flame Missile, causing the Skeleton Archer’s health bar to drop significantly!

Then Su Jinyan seized the gap and used Radiant Bind to immobilize it again!

Su Jinyan skillfully used her abilities to interrupt and control.

Most of the time, she only used basic attacks to chip away at the Skeleton Archer.

With their cooperation, they quickly took down the Skeleton Archer!

They locked onto the next target and attacked.

With Su Jinyan’s assistance, Zhang Yue’s efficiency in killing Skeletons improved significantly!

For Su Jinyan, she was undoubtedly enjoying it.

Although her damage had increased a lot, she still struggled to solo level 25+ Skeleton monsters.

Zhang Yue perfectly compensated for her lack of damage!

Moreover, when Su Jinyan heard about the Capital of Death, she also took on the “Against the Grim Reaper” quest.

In a team, each Skeleton killed added 1 point to both of their quest progress.

Previously, Zhang Yue took seven hours alone to kill 300 Skeleton Warriors.

Now, from seven in the morning to noon, it only took five hours to kill 300 Skeleton Archers!

It was lunchtime.

Su Jinyan returned to the Safe Zone to go offline and eat.

Zhang Yue found an empty spot to rest.

Half an hour later, Su Jinyan returned with two hundred potions.

With their cooperation, they almost killed monsters without taking damage, so Su Jinyan bought only mana potions.

Each got 100 bottles.

In the afternoon, they ventured into the level 27 Skeleton Shield Guard area!

Skeleton Shield Guards had average attack power and slow speed but extremely high defense and health!

Even with a 2-star gold staff and a 2-star gold ring, Su Jinyan could barely damage the Skeleton Shield Guards, only dealing double-digit damage!

Zhang Yue’s output also dropped significantly.

Thus, their efficiency in killing Skeleton Shield Guards slowed down.

But at least they could kill them, so completing the quest was just a matter of time.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The Supreme Guild members, blocked by the Killer Mercenary Group, were forced to return to the Second World to develop for a day.

In the evening, Liu Yao, now level 19, returned to the Holy Light Cemetery in the Third World. Seeing the Killer Mercenary Group still there, he was frustrated.

“These bastards, can’t they be human for once?!”

Li Xiaoyao adjusted his silver-framed glasses and said, “After tonight, when Grim Reaper Caesar arrives at midnight tomorrow, it will be our end.”

“Damn it!” Liu Yao was unwilling. “I didn’t expect there to be things money can’t solve in this world!”

“If it weren’t for this damn ‘Newbie Protection Period,’ I would summon a couple of our Supreme Guild’s level 100+ big shots from the higher world and beat the crap out of these Killer Mercenary Group bastards!”

“With only two days left to live, I need to go offline and hook up with some girls!”

Just as Liu Yao was about to exit the Otherworld in despair, he suddenly received a Feixin message from Zhang Yue: “Come to the Third World and help me with something.”

“Damn!” Receiving Zhang Yue’s message, Liu Yao instantly regained his spirit, more excited than receiving an invitation from a goddess. “My big brother hasn’t given up on me!!!”

“Big brother, what do you need?”




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