Chapter 71 – Quirky unnamed tavern


“Andrew, what are you and the butler still talking about? The day is still early, let’s get going.”

A woman’s voice came from the carriage behind.

“Oh, alright!” Andrew Chen snapped back to reality, gave a quick order to the driver, then sat down with the butler and pulled down the curtain. The carriage began to move slowly.

“Town Master!”

At that moment, a melodious female voice and hurried footsteps sounded from outside.

Andrew was startled and immediately shouted, “Stop.”

The carriage came to an abrupt halt.

Andrew lifted the curtain and saw a strange young woman standing by the carriage, panting heavily, her face full of anxiety as she looked at him.

“Andrew, who is this girl!!”

A slightly angry voice came from the carriage behind, belonging to Andrew’s wife, who thought this was a woman Andrew had been fooling around with.

“Ah, madam, this is a town resident who might have missed the farewell ceremony a few days ago and came today to see us off. Right, butler?” Andrew’s heart tightened, and he made up an excuse.

The old butler quickly chimed in, “Ah, yes, yes!”

Hearing this, the woman in the back carriage pulled up the curtain and fell silent.

Andrew breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the young woman in front of him with confusion, and asked, “Miss, who are you…?”

The young woman calmed herself, glancing occasionally at the carriage behind, then nervously said, “Town Master, are you leaving Moyu Town?”

Little Amelia had brought some fruits to sell in Moyu Town today and heard that the Town Master was stepping down. Her heart trembled, and she waited at the town gate.

Andrew and the butler exchanged glances, then looked at the sky and smiled, “Yes, miss, do you have something to say?”

Little Amelia bit her lip and said dryly, “Can I see my brother?”


Andrew and the butler looked at each other in confusion. What brother? Could this girl be a bit mentally unstable…

“Uh? Miss, I really don’t know who you’re talking about. If there’s nothing else, we’ll be on our way.”

Andrew forced a smile and was about to lower the curtain, not wanting to waste more time.

Seeing this, Little Amelia hurriedly said, “Town Master, it’s your son!”

Before the bewildered Andrew and the butler could respond, an angry voice came from the carriage behind,

“Andrew Chen! When and where did you have a son with some fox spirit! If you don’t explain today, I’ll die right here!”

Andrew panicked, glaring at Little Amelia, and frantically signaled to the old butler.

The old butler understood and solemnly said, “Master has always been upright. I can swear on my life to prove it.”

“Hmph.” The woman in the back carriage snorted coldly and fell silent again.

Andrew wiped the sweat from his brow, looking at the strange young woman in front of him with growing impatience.

Anyone would be in a foul mood after such a disruption.

He almost had his family torn apart by a single sentence!

“Miss, as you can see, I have no son. Goodbye.”

Andrew lowered the curtain and shouted, “Let’s go!”

Little Amelia’s eyes reddened. Not knowing when they would meet again, she mustered the courage to cup her hands around her mouth and shouted, “There is! Three years ago, when Moyu Town was attacked by beasts, my brother took me to a courtyard in the Town Master’s Mansion. He wore cyan clothes, and I remember his smile clearly. It warmed my heart in that cold winter!”


Andrew’s face changed, and he waved his hand abruptly.

“Whoa~~~” The driver pulled the reins, and the horse reared up and stopped.

Seeing the carriage stop, Little Amelia felt relieved and ran over.

“Andrew, what are you doing now…”

“Shut up!”

The impatient voice from the back carriage was cut off by Andrew’s stern shout!

Then, Andrew got off the carriage, looked at the young woman in front of him, and forced a dry smile,

“Miss, some things shouldn’t be said lightly. That was the gentleman…”

Little Amelia looked confused, wanting to say something, but Andrew continued, “The gentleman left Moyu Town half a month ago…”

Little Amelia’s body trembled, her mouth opened slightly, but her throat seemed blocked, unable to speak.

Eight years ago, that young man bought two baskets of red fruits from her for fifteen copper coins.

Three years ago, he bought two baskets of winter dates for a precious silver coin.

Over the years, she and her grandmother had depended on each other, and she had made something of herself, finally getting a small official position in the capital, just waiting for the appointment letter.

She gradually understood what it meant to “first be sour, then sweet.”

“I, I understand…”

Little Amelia lowered her head and said softly.

Andrew sighed and then smiled, “Hehe, miss, the gentleman is no ordinary person. Let me tell you, he is an Immortal who roams the heavens.”

Little Amelia’s pupils contracted. No wonder his appearance hadn’t changed over the years.

The next moment, she looked up.

“Go!” Andrew had already gotten back on the carriage and resumed the journey.

“Town Master, can you tell me my brother’s name!” Little Amelia shouted with hope.

In eight years, she had only seen him three times and knew very little about him.

“The gentleman’s name is Ambrose Lu.”

The carriage moved farther and farther away, leaving Little Amelia standing there like a wooden statue, murmuring, “So my brother’s name is Ambrose Lu…”

She opened her palm, revealing the silver coin she had been holding tightly…

After the fifteen copper coins eight years ago, she had never dared to tell her grandmother about the silver coin from three years ago, nor had she used it. She had planned to return it to her brother today,

But it was too late.


Tianyun Chamber of Commerce.

“Hey, Mark, why does this restaurant have a signboard but no name?”

Old Turtle glanced curiously and asked.

Mark Gu respectfully looked at Ambrose Lu, then smiled and said,

“Yes, sir, senior, this restaurant is very special. It has no name, which is a unique thing in the entire Spirit Dust Cultivation Realm. The owner once declared that if anyone could name the restaurant, they would be rewarded with a peerless brew.”

Old Turtle looked skeptical, “Didn’t you say there was good wine here? What, do you want the master to personally write the name? Dream on!”

Mark choked and said in a panic, “How could I dare? There is indeed good wine for sale here, but that peerless brew is different. It requires naming the restaurant… As for how peerless it is, I don’t know, since no one has succeeded in naming it.”

At the end, Mark muttered softly.

“Nonsense, naming it is simple. Who can’t do it? I, Old Turtle, can do it too! I’ve decided, it will be called Turtle Grandfather’s Tavern! The owner has to agree, whether they like it or not!” Old Turtle snorted coldly, speaking domineeringly.


Ambrose Lu suddenly coughed lightly.

Old Turtle’s face changed, and he quickly squeezed out a flattering smile, “Uh… no, no, it should be called Master Lu’s Tavern, right, master?”


Ambrose Lu lightly slapped Old Turtle on the head, making him dizzy and spin like a top, seeing stars until he steadied himself by holding onto Mark Gu.

Ambrose Lu looked at the signboard and said quietly, “Continue.”

Mark Gu’s legs trembled, and he swallowed hard, saying, “Senior Turtle is right, naming it is simple… but no one has ever succeeded in engraving the name on the signboard… It’s not that naming is hard, but the signboard is very strange.”

Ambrose Lu stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the signboard, silent.




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