Chapter 56 – Summon the thunder


“If I start a war, will you intervene?”

Sophia Ji asked dryly.

She had no idea what to expect. After all, this man in cyan cloth was a mysterious powerhouse who had emerged from the Immortal Tomb, an enigma beyond comprehension.

At this moment, she couldn’t even guarantee her own life.

Ambrose Lu glanced at her meaningfully, then suddenly picked up his gourd and walked out of the tavern.

“You’ll pay for the damages in the tavern, and as a small punishment, you’ll lose an arm.”


Sophia Ji opened her mouth to say something, but her right arm bizarrely detached and fell to the ground…

Blood gushed out like a spring!

Fortunately, the oppressive force on her body disappeared, and she quickly circulated her demonic energy to stop the bleeding.

She silently picked up her arm, her gaze trembling, speechless for a long time.

Her thoughts of waging war on the Spirit Dust Realm began to waver.

She couldn’t fathom Ambrose Lu’s intentions at all.

Ambrose Lu was like an extremely terrifying variable, making it hard for her to find peace of mind.

But at this moment, her mind was filled with countless other thoughts.

For instance, since a mysterious powerhouse had emerged from the Immortal Tomb, what about the other tombs?

Could there be similar powerhouses in each tomb? Or were the other tombs hiding the secrets of immortality as rumored?

Why hadn’t he perished but was in the tomb? How did he get out of such a solid tomb? Even if he broke out due to his immense power, why did the entire tomb disappear without a trace, not even leaving any debris…

Countless suspicions seemed to explode in her mind.

A moment later,


Sophia Ji let out a long breath and tossed a gold coin on the table.

At this moment, Jeremy Zhang sneakily poked his head out from inside. Seeing that Ambrose Lu was gone, he cautiously walked out and looked at the despondent Sophia Ji.

“Miss, there’s still some Peach Blossom Wine left in the cellar. Do you want more?”

Sophia Ji turned her head to look at him and asked, “Does he… live in this town?”

Jeremy Zhang was taken aback, then quickly understood, “Are you talking about the gentleman?”

Sophia Ji lifted her gaze and nodded.

“You may not know, miss, but the gentleman comes and goes without a trace. He only occasionally comes to buy Peach Blossom Wine each year. As for whether he lives in Moyu Town, that’s uncertain… Uh! Your, your arm…”

Jeremy Zhang awkwardly spoke, then was horrified to see the arm Sophia Ji was holding…

Due to the angle, he only now noticed that the woman in front of him had a severed arm… Hiss!

Sophia Ji pursed her lips, her figure gradually becoming ethereal, and disappeared from the spot.

Jeremy Zhang stared blankly at the place where the woman had stood, thinking to himself that she was indeed an Immortal. However, his impression of the usually gentle Ambrose Lu had changed somewhat.

“Although the gentleman usually seems gentle, he’s not someone to be trifled with when it comes to certain matters.”

The next day.


Dark clouds loomed over Moyu Town, thunder rumbled, and it looked like it was about to rain.

Seeing this, pedestrians on the street hurried home, not wanting to stay outside and get drenched when the rain suddenly poured down.

In the backyard of the Town Master’s Mansion.

Mark Gu hurriedly stepped in, looking anxiously at the figure in the pavilion.

“Sir, my tribulation…”

Ambrose Lu stood up, walked over, and looked at him, “When you cross the tribulation later, the thunder will be loud. Have you made all the arrangements?”

Mark Gu said solemnly, “Rest assured, sir. There are no civilians on the mountain outside the town, and I’ve informed Town Master Chen. No matter what happens, no one is allowed to leave the town.”

“Heh, having your master as your guardian, you truly are blessed with fortune accumulated over countless lifetimes.”

At this moment, the Old Turtle on the stone table in the pavilion suddenly transformed into human form and approached with a teasing smile.

“Ah, this…”

Mark Gu was dumbfounded.

He had seen that turtle transform into a human with his own eyes, and more importantly,

This was the hunched old man who had appeared on the town wall three years ago!

Initially, he had wondered why the gentleman’s powerful servant was never seen.

It turned out that the turtle they often saw was him!

“Senior, you’re right.” Mark Gu came to his senses and bowed awkwardly.

At the same time, he looked up at the sky, feeling an increasing sense of dread.

The tribulation was coming soon!

“Do you always talk so much?” Ambrose Lu glanced at the Old Turtle.

The Old Turtle shivered and smiled sheepishly.

“Let’s go.”

Ambrose Lu waved his sleeve.

Before Mark Gu could react, the scene changed.

They were no longer in the backyard of the Town Master’s Mansion but in the mountain where he had set up the formation…

“Hey, Mark, this formation you set up is so lousy. Can it withstand the tribulation?” The Old Turtle glanced around and laughed.

Mark Gu smiled awkwardly. He didn’t dare to neglect Ambrose Lu’s servant, who was also extremely powerful…

Ambrose Lu sighed and gently kicked out.

The Old Turtle’s face turned pale.

The kick came so suddenly that before he could react, he was hit!

His body flew backward rapidly, crashing into the mountain, piercing through, and emerging from the other side.


The mountain shook violently, as if it would split apart at any moment.

The Old Turtle was startled, and with a wave of his hand, the mountain calmed down.

He appeared beside Ambrose Lu, rubbing his aching chest, and said awkwardly, “Master, can’t you give Old Turtle some face in front of the little cultivator… I was wrong!!”

Before he could finish, he saw Ambrose Lu raise his hand again and quickly backed away several steps!

Mark Gu came to his senses, swallowed hard, and cautiously glanced at Ambrose Lu, feeling his throat dry.

Too terrifying.

Wait, something’s wrong! The sense of dread in his heart was gone. Where was the tribulation?

Mark Gu suddenly realized something and looked up. The dark clouds had somehow dispersed, and the thunder had stopped…

The sky was clear, what the hell!

“Sir, I’m sorry, it seems my tribulation won’t come for now…”

Mark Gu said apologetically with a respectful tone.

He felt very guilty for making Ambrose Lu come for nothing.

He was also extremely frustrated. This tribulation was as unpredictable as a woman’s period!

The Old Turtle glanced at Ambrose Lu, who was looking up at the sky, and felt a bit of schadenfreude.

Having just been taught a lesson by Ambrose Lu, he suddenly felt some sympathy for the little Heavenly Dao of the Spirit Dust Realm.


On the town wall of Moyu Town,

Andrew Chen and the butler looked at the sky, equally puzzled. Didn’t the ancient immortal say he was going to cross a thunder tribulation?

Why did the sky clear up without any thunder falling?

“Town Master, the terrifying noise and tremors from the mountain just now were so intense that we could feel them clearly in Moyu Town. Fortunately, it only lasted a moment.” The old butler said with lingering fear. His old bones almost fell apart from the shock, it was like the end of the world.

“Well, no need to worry. With the gentleman in town, everything is under control.” Andrew Chen laughed heartily.

At this moment,

A calm voice came from the mountain.

“Summon the thunder.”

Isn’t that the gentleman’s voice? The gentleman is also in the mountain!

Then Andrew Chen and the butler were shocked to see dark clouds quickly gathering in the sky, and the thunder resumed…

But the thunder seemed hesitant…

“Didn’t you hear me? Disobedient children… will be punished.”

Andrew Chen and the butler listened to Ambrose Lu’s voice in a daze, and the next moment, their hearts skipped a beat!

A blinding bolt of lightning suddenly struck down from the sky towards the mountain!

The two instinctively covered their ears,


The sound of this lightning was unprecedented, causing the entire Moyu Town to panic!



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