Chapter 40 – Next spring

The sky was filled with snow.


It was still that small tavern.


Ambrose Lu walked in slowly, only to be greeted by an unfamiliar waiter.


"Hey there, sir, this way please~"


Ambrose walked to his usual spot and sat down, smiling as he asked, "It's been a while since I last came. Have you changed waiters?"


The waiter was taken aback, not understanding, but seeing the refined demeanor of the young man before him and recognizing him as a guest, he could only respond awkwardly.


"Bring me a pot of Peach Blossom Wine," Ambrose said, then looked out the window.


The waiter smiled wryly at his words, looking troubled, "Sir, the Peach Blossom Wine sold out in autumn, so…"


At this moment, a young innkeeper entered from the backyard.


As usual, he habitually glanced at the window seat and then froze, his face lighting up with joy as he quickly walked over and bowed to Ambrose, "Sir, it's been a long time since you visited the tavern."


The waiter was stunned by the innkeeper's reaction.


Ambrose looked at the innkeeper, puzzled.


"It's been a while, and you've become the innkeeper."


This young innkeeper was the former waiter, Jeremy Zhang.


Jeremy Zhang was silent for a moment, then forced a smile, "Sir, you may not know, but the old innkeeper has passed away…"


Ambrose said nothing, quietly listening.


"The old innkeeper was seventy-nine years old. Two months ago, just as winter began, he caught a cold and passed away the following night. He had no wife, children, or relatives, and he entrusted the tavern to me before he died. Although he was strict with me, he took me in when I had nowhere else to go, and I've been here for nearly ten years… I… I…"


Jeremy Zhang's emotions were stable at first, but he choked up towards the end.


Ambrose's face remained expressionless.


He was accustomed to the partings of life and death.


He softly said, "My condolences."


Jeremy Zhang wiped his tears and smiled, "Sir, you wanted Peach Blossom Wine, right? I have it ready for you. It's the last batch the old innkeeper brewed himself, stored in the cellar. Please wait a moment."


Ambrose stopped him, "No need. I'll drink the wine you brew next spring."


Jeremy Zhang paused, warmth spreading in his heart, "Alright…"




Demon Realm.


"That Lithe Snake has grown a brain, actually seeing through my provocation."


Zhao Deep Abyss sneered.


Craig Chu chuckled, "Abyss, what should we do? It's been five years since the last time, and the Demon Sovereign hasn't said anything."


Hearing this, Zhao Deep Abyss frowned, squinting his eyes, "I don't know, but I feel the Demon Sovereign has something on his mind lately…"


Something on his mind?


Craig Chu scratched his head, confused.


What could trouble the supreme ruler of the Demon Realm?


"Hahaha, Zhao Deep Abyss, come out."


At this moment, a loud laugh echoed outside the hall.


"Lithe Snake?" Zhao Deep Abyss narrowed his eyes, "Let's go, let's see."




Zhao Deep Abyss and Craig Chu appeared outside the hall.


Zhao Deep Abyss scanned the Five Great Monster Kings, then focused on the young man leading them, smiling,


"Who is barking like a dog? Oh, it's King Teng Snake… So, what brings you to the Demon Realm?"


"You!" Lithe Snake's eyes narrowed, but he quickly relaxed, smirking, "Zhao Deep Abyss, don't you have anything to say?"


"What could I possibly say? It's the Monster Realm that has surprised me this time. Such a small Li Shui, and you couldn't take it in five years. Interesting." Zhao Deep Abyss mocked.


"Haha, don't be so quick to speak. Do you really think I'm an idiot? Last time, you were just trying to provoke us." Lithe Snake sneered.


"Provoke you? King Teng Snake, aren't you overthinking? I was just disappointed that my demons couldn't take Li Shui after two attempts, so I wanted to see your Monster Realm's methods. But you let me down."


Zhao Deep Abyss continued, "But it doesn't matter. I'll handle it."


If he hadn't sensed something off about Li Shui and his Abyss Demon Spear was still intact, he would have attacked long ago.


Starting a war himself before it even began would be beneath him!


Lithe Snake's face changed slightly, shouting, "You're lying! You were trying to provoke me!"


"Think what you want. Craig, let's go discuss our next move. As for them, they're useless."


Zhao Deep Abyss waved at Craig Chu and walked back into the hall.


"Zhao Deep Abyss! Just wait! Within five days, I'll take Li Shui and show you that our Monster Realm's beasts are far superior to your demons!"


Lithe Snake shouted, unable to stand Zhao Deep Abyss's indifferent expression.


He had come to mock him, but the other party was so indifferent.


"Hah, forget it. We'll handle it ourselves."


Zhao Deep Abyss ignored Lithe Snake and walked into the hall with Craig Chu.


"Hmph! I said our Monster Realm will handle it, and we will! Your Demon Realm better not interfere! Let's go!"


Lithe Snake waved his hand and left with the equally grim-faced Five Great Monster Kings.


Meanwhile, inside the hall.


Zhao Deep Abyss sneered, "Hahaha, Craig, did you see that? A fool will always be a fool, even if they occasionally show some cleverness. They still fall for provocation."


Seeing Zhao Deep Abyss's smug look, Craig Chu couldn't help but feel he was also being mocked.



Two days later.


Cyan Cloud Sect.


A message suddenly echoed in Mark Gu's cave,


"Elder Gu, many monsters have suddenly appeared in the Li Shui Empire! We're short on manpower and can't handle it… Brother Chen, look over there!!"


The message talisman burned out.


Mark Gu's eyes grew serious as he dashed out of the cave.


After five years, it had begun again.


First, it was the demons from the Demon Realm, and now it's monsters…


Could the Monster Realm be involved too?!


The situation seemed dire.


Li Shui Empire.


In the south, west, and north, monster chaos erupted simultaneously!


This time, the monsters didn't sneak around like the demons before.


They openly and boldly attacked the town gates in groups!


Their intent to break down the town walls made the town masters pale.


Their hearts were filled with despair, wondering why these monsters targeted Li Shui.


If the monsters broke through, the consequences would be unimaginable, with casualties far worse than five years ago!


In Moyu Town, on the easternmost edge of the empire,


At this moment, dozens of monsters gathered outside the town, their blood-red eyes fixed on Moyu Town, their bloodthirsty roars shaking the heavens!


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