Chapter 35 – He doesn’t seem to care about you


“Oh? This demonic aura?”

In the darkness of the forest, a shadow suddenly fixed its gaze on Moyu Town, its eerie eyes flickering with both delight and confusion…

According to the Demon King, wasn’t the Abyss Demon Spear taken by the cultivators of the Cyan Cloud Sect? Those cultivators had clearly gone to the surrounding empires.

Could it be that there are still cultivators from the Cyan Cloud Sect in Moyu Town?

No, he had to check it out.

Before he came, the Demon King had solemnly instructed him to bring back the Abyss Demon Spear if possible. The Demon King promised a great reward for this task.

The shadow glanced doubtfully at the countless tents. Why hadn’t those who invaded the dreams returned to report? Were they playing around?

With a sigh, he turned into a cloud of black mist and floated into Moyu Town.

Following the demonic aura, the black mist quickly floated above the Town Master’s Mansion.

Looking down at the backyard, his eyes lit up with joy. The demonic aura was all emanating from there. It seemed the Abyss Demon Spear was indeed there!

Without hesitation, he floated down towards the backyard.

He quickly arrived in the yard, transforming into a floating demon without feet. His body was black and white, with a pair of small wings on his back and strange, fur-covered facial features.

The eyes beneath the fur of the Nightmare Demon Clan leader stared intently at the floating Abyss Demon Spear, his body trembling with excitement!

It was indeed here!

But why was the Abyss Demon Spear placed here so casually, with no one guarding it? And why hadn’t it escaped on its own?

Just as the Nightmare Clan leader was feeling puzzled, he saw the Abyss Demon Spear suddenly start to tremble violently!!

The Nightmare Clan leader was stunned, thinking the Abyss Demon Spear was excited to see him. He then smiled and said, “Evil Spirit, the Demon King has sent me to bring you back to the Demon Realm. Don’t be afraid, those cultivators have fallen for the diversion tactic.”

Despite his reassuring words, the Abyss Demon Spear continued to tremble incessantly.

The Nightmare Clan leader felt bewildered but didn’t think much of it. He stepped forward, intending to collect the Abyss Demon Spear.

But at that moment,

a hand gently rested on his shoulder from behind…


The Nightmare Clan leader was so startled that he uttered some incomprehensible words.

Though the words were unclear, they sounded extremely vulgar.

“Don’t move, or you’ll die.”

A gentle voice sounded from behind.

The Nightmare Clan leader’s body began to tremble. He truly didn’t dare to move…

Just the fact that this person could appear behind him without a sound indicated that their strength was far superior to his!

Moreover, he was a Nightmare Demon… His senses were supposed to be even sharper at night!

“Not moving will also result in death.”

When the voice sounded again, the Nightmare Clan leader was dumbfounded, his heart filled with infinite tension.

What the hell do you want from me?!


With that, Ambrose Lu lightly wiped him into nothingness with a palm.

After dusting off his hands, he picked up the wine flask at his waist and sat down in the pavilion, taking a bored sip. This wasn’t as entertaining as the three Black Tongue Demons that initially appeared in Moyu Town. After a moment, he murmured, “So the so-called Demon King is your master.”

The Abyss Demon Spear trembled and swayed in response.

“Oh, it seems he doesn’t care about you. Instead of coming himself, he sent some small fry to rescue you,” Ambrose said inexplicably.

The Abyss Demon Spear froze, its body ceasing to tremble, as if it had fallen silent.

Ambrose chuckled, leaned against the pavilion railing, and closed his eyes.


In the empires neighboring Li Shui, with the assistance of Mark Gu, Megan Shen, and others, the demonic threats were successfully eliminated.

The demons causing trouble in these empires weren’t particularly strong, but they were numerous and widespread, making it difficult for the Cyan Cloud Sect disciples stationed there to handle everything.

They simply couldn’t cover all areas.

At this moment, the members of the Cyan Cloud Sect were gathered in a mountain wilderness, resting.

A group of Foundation Establishment disciples sat cross-legged in the distance, cultivating.

“Uh, Sect Master, why are you here with the Second Elder and Elder Gu?”

The Fourth Elder asked in confusion.

The Fifth and Sixth Elders also nodded repeatedly.

Earlier, when Megan Shen and the others came to eliminate the demons in various countries, they had been puzzled but kept their questions to themselves due to the inappropriate timing. Now that they had some free time, they couldn’t help but ask.

Megan Shen’s expression remained unchanged, showing no intention of answering.

Seeing this, the Second Elder’s eyes darted around, and he sternly scolded the three elders,

“How dare you question the Sect Master! Don’t forget your place!”

“Uh, Second Elder, please calm down. We won’t ask anymore.”

The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Elders, being old foxes, quickly waved their hands in submission.

However, Megan Shen’s expression remained icy, causing the atmosphere to become tense.

Mark Gu broke the silence by changing the topic, “I wonder how things are in Moyu Town.”

The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Elders immediately looked at Mark Gu with puzzled expressions.

Mark Gu sighed with a smile, “You three elders may not know, but the demonic disturbances in the empires surrounding Li Shui were a diversion tactic by the Demon Realm. Unfortunately for them, no matter how they planned, they couldn’t have anticipated that the real tiger wasn’t us…”

The Second Elder glanced subtly at Megan Shen and coughed, “Ahem, Elder Gu is right. The real tiger is, of course, a Divine Transformation True Lord like Senior.”

The three elders were stunned. They naturally knew who the Senior mentioned by the two was. The Fourth Elder quickly looked at the Second Elder and asked, “Second Elder, have you met that Senior?”

The Second Elder nodded.

“A Divine Transformation True Lord?” the Fourth Elder asked again.

The Second Elder nodded again.


The three elders looked at each other, their expressions dazed.

Ignoring the shocked elders, the Second Elder looked at Megan Shen, who was lost in thought, and said solemnly,

“Sect Master, you can see that our Cyan Cloud Sect alone isn’t enough. We don’t know when the Demon Realm will launch a full-scale invasion. Can we really hold out until then?”

At this rate, the people of the various countries would have a hard time surviving.

“Yes, we will hold out. Even if we knew the exact time, it wouldn’t be of any use.”

Megan Shen said calmly.


Moyu Town.

“Your Majesty, last night, 222 people mysteriously died outside the town!”

“Alas, how could they suddenly die like this? In my opinion, it must be the work of demons again.”

“What’s strange is that if it were demons, why did only so few out of the millions of people outside die?”

“The people outside had just calmed down, and now they’re panicking again.”

As the officials were discussing, a middle-aged official hurriedly walked in from outside, his face grim. “Your Majesty, news has come that the Daheng Empire, Konoha Empire, and other neighboring countries experienced large-scale demonic disturbances last night, with many casualties.”

The room fell silent as everyone looked at the Li Shui King.

The Li Shui King slowly stood up from his seat, rubbed his throbbing temples, and looked at Andrew Chen beside him. “Andrew, will you accompany me to seek an audience with the gentleman?”

Andrew Chen hesitated, then stepped forward and bowed, “Yes.”



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